Jaiden Johnson
Club Fair: Officers Jaiden Johnson and Olivia Jones with members Maia Matula and Isabella Sanchez at the club fair.
Senior Jaiden Johnson started her first year at Foran this year. Previously a student at Laurelton High School, she was looking to have an impact in her new school.
“The sad truth is that we live in an unfair world to this day — but we can still take action to help this underrepresentation. I have tried to help other women feel empowered in my own community and raise awareness of current issues by founding a Female Empowerment club,” Johnson says.
Club advisor Mrs. Sarah DiGiacomo chose to advise the club so she could help facilitate a community where students were supporting each other.
DiGiacomo says, “I believe that when women support each other, it makes the whole world stronger. Female empowerment club is a great vehicle for the young women in our school to recognize the struggles many women in our community have overcome to accomplish amazing things.”
Meeting every other Thursday in room 203, the Female Empowerment Club welcomes any student who wants to become a member, no matter their gender.
Club Officer Nora Hayes says, “During meetings we do an assortment of things. Last meeting we made encouragement cards for people suffering with breast cancer.”
One of the main focuses of the clubs is community service geared to help women. So far other than making the encouragement cards, the Female Empowerment Club made friendship bracelets to empower and uplift each other.
Along with community service there are many other activities that the Female Empowerment Club is looking forward to participating in this year, one of them being having guest speakers with unique experiences coming in and talking to the members of the club.
“For the next meeting, we are hosting a guest speaker, Female State Representative Kathy Kennedy to talk on behalf of the importance of women’s leadership and personal experiences,” Johnson says.
When the club is not doing community service or meeting a powerful guest speaker, they make sure that within the club each member feels valued and knows how to uplift other women.
DiGiacomo says, “During our meetings, we discuss how to make sure that every woman feels like a valued member of society – whether she is a veteran, a breast cancer survivor, or a teenage girl.”
Female Empowerment Club hopes to leave students at Foran feeling empowered and show them that they have the ability to make a difference.