Cleaning Up With the Sound Lions

Zoe Fallon

Battling Environmental Troubles In Science Olympiad: From left to right: team members Ethan Domingue, Evan Kerzner, Jack Pietrosanti, Joe Gaetano smile for a picture after they collected trash, September 11, 2022.

          Sound Lions is an environmental club that aims to reduce the pollution problem that is a prominent conflict in Milford. Sound Lions members have committed themselves to helping solve issues inside and outside of Foran, which is done in many ways such as placing trash cans for water bottles and setting up meetings around three times a month. 

          Since October 2021, there have been three beach clean ups where members were hard at work cleaning up the beaches of Milford.

          So far, they’ve cleaned Gulf Beach and Woodmont Beach. These cleanups take anywhere from one and a half to two hours. Members spread out amongst the beach, collecting trash and putting it in their own respective trash bags. These cleanups count toward their community service hours required for graduation with distinction.

          The club’s advisor, Mrs. Laura Donovan, says, “The primary goals of the club are to raise awareness about protecting our coastal ecosystems and wildlife and to serve our community by cleaning up our local beaches.”

          While improving the coastal ecosystems is one of the main goals of the club, other goals are set by the club’s co-presidents, Jamie D’Avignon and Zoe Fallon.

          Fallon states, “The goal of Sound Lions is to encourage our school to take care of the environment and we hope to accomplish that by showing them how they can do that with our beach cleanups.”

          All 123 current members of the club have pledged to solve many of the goals set by the student advisors and Donovan. So far the goals of the club have been an overwhelming success, cleaning up Milford’s beaches and promoting recycling in the school.

          Donovan added, “Typically the club meets once or twice per month after school with three to four beach clean-ups per year. The club takes a bit of a break in the winter while the cold weather is here, so the fall and spring are the most active times of year for the Sound Lions.”

          Senior Liam Young, current member of the Sound Lions, believes that the club helps him contribute to a cleaner community, especially with his companions.

          Young explains, “Just doing a simple thing of picking up some garbage can really help the environment.”

          The club welcomes all new members, and wants to continue to promote ways to make the Earth a cleaner and more sustainable place. The Sound Lions believe that just by teaching students and implementing new environmental changes into daily life can make a big difference.