Mrs. Blake (formerly Ms. Hoffer) was in the second grade when the 9/11 attacks happened. That day, she left for school as if it was a normal day. Both of her parents worked in New York, her mother was near the Twin Towers. At 8:46 that morning, her principal came in over the loudspeaker to instruct the teachers to turn on their televisions. The children watched in utter shock as the towers burned from their circle rugs.
Many other kids in Mrs. Blake’s class also had parents who worked in New York. She recalls, “We all took turns on the phone, just trying to get in contact with our loved ones.” Blake fortunately got a hold of her parents, some were not as lucky. She remembers the confusion, shock and fear that she experienced that day.
Mrs. Blake’s family made it out safely, but its not something that can leave her mind. “That day will stay with me forever” says Blake. After 9/11, the world changed drastically. Everyone across the globe felt heavy devastation. Terrorism was not a word that was thought about. Blake states, “After it was the first thing on anyone’s mind.”
9/11 was the biggest tragedy in US history. New York rebuilt with strength and love from the world. Mrs. Blake says, “There was an immense amount of patriotism that took over the country.” She believes that the 9/11 attacks can teach people the important lesson of not taking anyone or thing for granted.
That blue sky, early morning, Mrs. Blake didn’t kiss her parents goodbye. She states, “I swore that after that day I would never walk out of the house angry or without saying goodbye.” This can teach everyone an important lesson, hug the ones you love. You may never know what the day will bring.