Pearl Harbor is a day that will go down in infamy. On December 7, 1941, 2,400 soldiers and civilians lost their lives, 1,000 were left severely injured, and the United States lost 20 Navy Vessels and over 300 airplanes.
On this day, those who have lost their lives are remembered and honor the families that were affected. December 7, 1941 started just like any other day in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. Suddenly, 354 Japanese airships attacked without warning.
This attack claimed many lives and left the nation in shock and mourning. The attack served as the catalyst that thrusted the United States into World War II, changing history forever.
Foran history teacher Mrs. Jessica Blake, states, “It is important to remember those lives that were lost on Pearl Harbor and the sheer bravery and heroism that was exhibited that day to fight back.”
Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day is a great occasion to pay tribute to the brave men and women who lost their lives in this devastating attack. It’s an opportunity to acknowledge the sacrifices made by citizens and servicemen and express gratitude.
Mr. Paul Grillo, Foran Air Force veteran, believes it is important to be grateful towards veterans because, “they sacrificed for our freedom and they could have been doing other things but decided to risk and sacrifice their lives.”
Pearl Harbor teaches us valuable lessons about the importance of being prepared, staying aware and binding together as a nation in times of tragedies. As everyone will remember this dark part in our history, taught the military to try their best to work for world peace between nations.
Mrs. Blake also added, “Pearl Harbor was unbelievably devastating,but it shows how people can become united and fight for their fellow brothers.”
A good way to remember Pearl Harbor is to visit the memorials and museums that honor the people who have passed away. People still can honor the veterans who are still alive from this attack. There is very little left and those who served should show that America still remembers and cares for their sacrifices.
Mr. Albert Sissick, Milford Navy veteran, believes, “Pearl Harbor is important to remember because of the unprovoked attack. Our military was unprepared for an attack because they didn’t believe that this could happen to them, being in safe waters. They ignored the possible warning of an attack from Japan instead of being on alert.”
Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day serves as a reminder of the sacrifices made in the pursuit of freedom. As the United States reflects on this day, it should commit to learning from history, bonding as a nation, and working towards world peace.