Milford is a small coastline city with many historic attractions around town. But what sticks out the most and doesn’t get credited enough are the memorials in Downtown Milford.
People see these historical monuments as they are shopping or getting food and do not know what they are or why they are important. The statutes are scattered all around the Milford Green Downtown.
All of these memorials have many different meanings, from recognizing soldiers in Vietnam to the Milford fire department memorial. Monuments like these should be recognized more by those who visit the green to learn more about the town in which they live.

A memorial bell honors H.S Knapp who served in the Spanish-American war and World War I. Photo taken March 16, 2024.
(Matt Sissick)

The Milford Fire Department Memorial is dedicated to all deceased volunteer firemen of the Milford Fire Department by the volunteers. Engines Arctic co No.1,Fort Trumbull Beach Fire Co No.2, Myrtle Beach Engine Co No.3, Devon Hose Co. No.4, Woodmont Engine Co. N0.5, Point Beach Engine Co. No.6. Photo taken March 16, 2024.
(Matt Sissick)

The bell is located across the street from the Key Bank downtown. Dedicated in 1916 to those who lost their loves in a fire. Photo taken March 16, 2024.
(Braden Butler)

The Korea Monument is on the same monument as the Vietnam two soldiers and is located on the opposite side of the Vietnam plaque. It was the first monument on the green and was put there after a Veterans Day parade in 1986. Photo taken March 16, 2024.
(Matt Sissick)

A Vietnam statue stands tall on the Milford Green. This piece was created by artist-sculptor John J. Blair to show a visible sign of bravery and dedication, dedicated November 9, 1986.
(Matt Sissick)

A small American flag was placed by this monument to recognize those who have fallen in WWII (1941-1945) that are honored in the monument. Photo taken March 16, 2024.
(Braden Butler)

The soldiers portrayed in the monument resemble the Army, Navy, Marines, Air Force, and Women’s corps dedicated to those who served in WWII. Photo taken March 16, 2o24
(Matt Sissick)

A 13 gun salute was used after the monument was placed on the green to show a sign of respect to the fallen soldiers. Located across the street from Tony’s Bike Shop, photo taken March 16, 2024.
(Braden Butler)