As the winter sports season starts at Foran, the girls’ basketball team has begun conditioning for a strong season. They are working hard to make it far into the SCC (Southern Connecticut Conference) and State tournaments.
To achieve this goal, the girls are conditioning three times a week to build their endurance, teamwork, and communication.
Senior Gracie Brooks states, “[To have a strong season] the team is doing preseason conditioning where we are working on basketball techniques without the ball and starting to learn plays.”
They are working on refining their skills and learning vital plays in advance at conditioning. This ensures things run smoothly during games.
Although conditioning is used to work on physical skills it also improves team bonding. Sophomore Audrina Annucci states, “My goals would be to bond more with my teammates.”
Working together on and off the court is beneficial. Creating a bond with the other players on the team can increase communication, and working together will enhance the team’s overall performance.
Some players joining the team this year have only started playing, while others have been playing for years. Players such as Brooks have been playing for nine years, and have put hours of hard work into playing the best they can. Others just started playing and will bring new talent to the team. This is why leadership from upperclassmen is an important factor.
With a mix of experienced players and fresh talent, the team is motivated to exceed last year’s 15-8 record and make a lasting impact in the SCC and State Tournaments. The hard work during conditioning is just the beginning of a season they hope will culminate in success both on and off the court.