Foran Ski Club started in 2001 and has been a success ever since. Each year new trips are created to different mountains around the northeast. Beginner or pro, Ski Club provides a great opportunity to create relationships while having a good time.
The longest-standing teacher involved with the ski club was Mr. Todd Williams. Williams shared his unique and heartwarming story on what pushed him to create the club.
Williams states “I taught freshman and a young man by the name of James Malaney wanted me to start a ski club, but I didn’t know how to ski but agreed a little with student pressure. I learned how to ski and now it is like my favorite thing to do in the world.”
Malaney went off to UConn and was diagnosed with cancer. He unfortunately passed away from cancer shortly after their last interaction. Williams decided to continue the ski club in honor of Malaney and has now been doing it for about 24 years.
One of Williams’s favorite memories was when students traveled to Quebec City, Canada, and skied past the St. Lawrence River
A newer addition to the ski club team is teacher Chelsea Green. She has been a part of the program for three years now and shares her reason for wanting to join.
Green states “I started because I love skiing and I have continued to do it because I enjoy spending time with all of my students on the mountain and it has been cool learning a lot about my students outside of the classroom.”
In previous years students have skied several mountains. Senior Gabriella Magnuson explains that her favorite was Burke Mountain in Vermont.
Magnuson states “One of my favorite memories was thinking we had lost my friend on the mountain but then realizing she was ahead of us the whole time.”
Magnuson feels that the connections with her friends and doing something fun in new surroundings are the highlights of the ski club.
This year the students will be going on a weekend overnight trip to Montpelier Vermont skiing Jay Peak as well as Smugglers Notch. The students will also explore the downtown area, go to an indoor water park, and enjoy delicious food.
Green is most excited about the overnight trip and the indoor waterpark trip.
Williams urges students to come join the ski club by stating
“Life is all about relationships and this is a prime opportunity for people to create relationships and form lifelong memories as well as getting outside and enjoying nature.”