As the winter season starts, so do new sports—basketball, gymnastics, wrestling, and many others. With new seasons, new captains are selected to lead their teams to success.
Boys’ basketball coach Ian Kirkpatrick states, “We look for model student-athletes both in the classroom and on the basketball court. They must be reliable and have good communication skills between players and coaches.”
Although it may seem like captains are selected based on skill, this is not entirely true. Multiple factors, including personality, academics, and assets contribute to the overall selection of captains.
Former senior volleyball captain Gracie Brooks transitions to the role of the girl’s basketball team captain. Brooks expresses her excitement about her new team position and future goals.
“My biggest goal for the team is to make sure everyone is on the same page and just try to be the best I can ever be,” Brooks states.
As a captain, Brooks hopes to create a trusting environment to lead her team to state.
Freshman Emily Speringo shares her experience as a new addition to the wrestling team.
“Being a freshman or even new to a sport is scary; having a captain to lead and rely on is a lot less pressure.” Speringo expresses her gratitude towards her captains and all they supply.
Speringo says captains are huge role models in sports, providing support when needed. She looks for leadership, passion, and communication from team captains. Communication is essential for captains during a game, practice, or team disagreement.
Senior gymnastics captain Hailey Cahill, who has been in gymnastics since she was two years old, states, “Being a captain is important to me because I’ve always valued being able to look up to someone when I was younger; like those older girls at practice. I always wanted to be someone that younger people may look up to one day.”
Cahill expresses that to be a captain you have to embody the trait of respect as it is one of the most important traits of a captain. Cahill says teammates should be viewed as family, not as competition.

Captains play a crucial role in the functioning of all teams. Players rely on their captains for advice to lead the team to be the best possible. Captains are a source of support and unity, driving the team to want to create a positive environment. Leadership is shown through respect, passion, and persistence. Whether it be a coach, captain, or player, all search for dedication and motivation from their team.