As college decisions begin rolling in, seniors face the difficult task of leaving home. Being aware of the important essentials can make the transition to living in a new place a little bit smoother.
Foran alumni currently attending college give their insight on the best things to search for when dorm room shopping.
Adjusting to a new bed can prove awkward for many. College freshman Lindsay Wiederhold recommends a bed rest pillow.
“There is not much space to sit besides your bed and the desk chair, so having something comfy to lean up on instead of the wall while sitting on your bed is great,” she explains.
Sharing a bathroom with new people can quickly become a learning curve. College sophomore Steven Mingrone stresses the importance of a shower caddy and shower shoes, especially for communal bathrooms.
“An item I didn’t realize I would desperately need would be drawer/closet organizers, as you do not have as much storage space as you think you will and they will help you stay organized,” explains Mingrone.

Wiederhold also highlights drawers under the bed or wall-hanging organizers as great, space-saving options.
She also advises bringing a broom to stay clean and tidy, expressing, “I didn’t think I would need a swiffer but it is crazy how easily the floor can get dirty, especially on rainy days.”
Confirming the kitchen or dining situation can be crucial to a successful college experience. Mingrone explains how the kitchen equipment he brought proved to be unnecessary.
“I didn’t have a kitchen in my dorm. I would also be too tired to cook and go to the dining halls instead where I can get meals with swipes,” he says.
Staying hydrated is key to living a healthy college life, and an ice maker may make it easier.
Wiederhold states, “I brought a small ice maker since I drink a lot of water right from the time I wake up in the morning, so getting ice from the dining hall is not always ideal.”
Arguably the most exciting part of dorm shopping is finding accessories to stylize the room and make it “yours.” Although decor design differs from person to person, some items are universally appealing.
Wiederhold states that command hooks are a good way to hang things on walls.
Mingrone explains that an alternative to the built-in fluorescent lights, LED or string lights can also be a method to create a homier look.

College freshman Oscar Lin advocates for incoming freshmen to find out if their roommate snores.
“Unfortunately mine does, but luckily I brought my noise cancellation headphones. Depending on what major you are, you really want to value your quality hours of sleep,” he states.
Both Wiederhold and Lin advise buying an air purifier, as it can reduce any “first-semester sickness.” Lin states that medication or a first-aid kit, along with a toolkit may also be helpful.
Wiederhold also cautions that overpacking on clothes may prove to be more problematic than expected, causing a lack of essentials and an abundance of unworn clothes.
“Just bring clothes you know you wear on a normal basis rather than trying to splurge and change style with such little wardrobe space,” she advises.
Wiederhold also recommends arranging the dorm furniture to maximize open space, creating the illusion of a larger area.
It is vital to remember that every college’s dorm looks different. Items that may be non-negotiable in one may be unnecessary in another. The biggest “dorm room essential” is to adapt to the desired lifestyle and specific space the college offers, creating a space that truly feels like home.