Shannon Flynn
Staff Writer
Believe it or not this week is the final spirit week that will be leading up to a pep rally. The fall and winter pep rally went off without a hitch and everyone is looking forward to the same for this Friday. Colors have been mixed up this spirit week with a new color, yellow, being worn by the sophomores. Freshman will be wearing blue, juniors are in white, seniors in red, and the teachers are doing a black out.
Sophomore Ava Corsi is looking forward to Friday and says, “it gets more fun the closer we are to the color wars.” The themes so far have been team day and professional day which have been a success. Team day was shown in the entire school through apparel of everyone’s favorite professional sports teams along with Foran apparel and uniforms. Today, professional day had Foran students dressed their best in workplace attire. The remaining themes are pajama day tomorrow then an eighties’ throwback and Friday wrapped up the week with the final color day of the year. During the past color wars and the day of the pep rally it has seemed like the whole school is participating and sophomore Mikayla Duhaime says that is her favorite day out of them all. Duhaime said, “Color wars are my favorite day because it is a way for everyone to compete against each other but in a friendly way. Hopefully this pep rally and the end of the week will be an all-time high of participation for our senior’s last time to compete for the spirit stick.