Jules Tuozzola
Staff Writer
The class of 2016 is rapidly arriving at the finish line. It’s been a great run, but this race has finally come to an end and it is now time for seniors to venture off into post-graduation life.
After an entire year of relatives, peers, and guidance counselors abusing the famous line, “where are you going to college?” students have finally revealed the monumental decision. Now that everyone can finally put this question to rest, it’s time to pester our seniors with a new future based question, and ask, “Where do you see yourself 10 years from now?”
Ten years prior to graduation, the class of 2016 seniors were innocent second graders with the only concern at the time being recess. Flash forward 10 years, and the concern is no longer when recess is, but rather in what direction life is headed.
The year is 2026. Some may have established families, be working as a CEO of a major company, or pursuing their dream career. Who knows- someone sitting in your chemistry class may end up becoming the next Steve Jobs.
Julia Gaul said, “In 10 years I’d like to be a nurse anesthetist or possibly an anesthesiologist. I hope to be living somewhere along the coast and get involved with Doctors Without Borders or any other mission trip concerning administering medical care to the underprivileged.”
Joey Dellamonica said, “In ten years I see myself graduated from college and working in a hospital as a nurse. I will be moving out of my parents’ house and hopefully hanging out with the friends that I have now.”
Sam Mitchell, “In ten years I see myself working as a marketing coordinator/director for a company in a big city like New York, while getting ready to start a family.”
Lindsay Carlson, “I am currently going to college for 5 years to get my bachelors in biochemistry and my Masters in business association. After, I want to go to medical school and study to become a pediatric oncologist.”
Jake Lambert, “Ten years from now I see myself being a local firefighter in Milford, and married.”
Mark Duffy said, “In ten years I plan to either be working as a political aide or a political correspondent for a news or magazine publication. I hope to be living in either New York or Chicago in a small studio apartment with many cats.”
Baleigh Toon, “In ten years I see myself working as a doctor in the military.”
Emily Harrison, “In ten years I want to be working as a music professor at Western or Berkeley school of music. I hope to be living in either Boston or Brooklyn. I hope to be married by then.”
Victor Rosado, “In ten years I imagine myself working for Homeland Security, and living in Washington D.C. I see myself married with at least one child.”
Katie Buckheit, “Ten years from now I imagine myself wealthy and working full time in a fulfilling career while maintaining my musical aspirations by playing the bassoon in a symphony orchestra.”
Reilee Barron, “In 10 years I see myself stationed in a career that involves working with young children in a gratifying environment, before coming home to my own husband and three children in our dream house.”
Magdalena Greene, “In 10 years from now I see myself having a successful job that I can comfortably live off of. I want to have a job that has something to do with research in sociology or criminal justice.”
CJ Conner, “In ten years I see myself as the owner of an engineering corporation after obtaining my degree in mechanical engineering. I see myself married and a father of two or three.”
Juliet Levesque, “In ten years I will have just gotten my PhD and paying off all of my student loans for speech language pathology.”