Lights, Camera, Action! Drama Club has begun and are ready to put on a fantastic showing of Fame. After many successful productions like Grease, Shrek, Hairspray, and Wizard of Oz, the Foran Drama Club has added Fame to its list of shows of which they hope to perform and bring enjoyment to the school community.
The drama club supervisors, and cast are extremely excited to put on Fame for this year’s play. The Foran Drama club has a very vast range of talent from amazing singers, incredible dancers, to future actresses and actors. Many preparation have to be done before the final product is shown off in February. Even before auditions begin, Mrs. Shearer and Mrs. Voss have much to discuss and decide upon before the drama season.The two supervisors of the drama club plan for the next play as soon as the former year’s play is over. Mrs. Shearer said before including the students a lot of discussion must go into the play. Mrs. Shearer says “We will come to an agreement sometime in the summer, include Mr. Berkowitz in the conversation, and then we take care of setting up a contract with the company that gives us the rights to produce the show and will supply us with the materials we will need.”
Nicolette Simone, who is currently a senior here at Foran, is very excited to start the new drama season. Simone says she is looking forward because” it is my senior year and it is my final year before going to college for musical theater.” She said thanks to Foran Drama Club she knows now “ it helped me realize what I want to do in college and how I want to pursue a career in musical theater and acting.” Not only is it a fun after school activity for many, it can help someone realize their future career. If you are looking for an addition to your after school activity list, join The Foran Drama Club for this year’s rendition of Fame. Sign up for auditions down by the band room, and get ready for an unforgettable experience. To everyone involved in this years production, “Break A Leg.”