Krya Angileri staff writer
Ms. Basher has always been a prominent and integral role in the guidance department. With hard work and dedication, Ms. Basher has helped students with schedules, classes, and the college application process. Ms. Basher says that, “helping students achieve their dreams” is the favorite part about her job. Aspects of Ms. Basher that are interesting to know is that she attended State University of New York at Oneonta. Ms. Basher also traveles an hour to work from New York every day, showing her dedication to Foran High School.
Mrs. Skutches notes that Mrs. Basher “was a lifeguard” in her free time outside of working in the Guidance Department. Mrs. Skutches also says that Ms. Basher is going to become “Mrs. Jacobsen” in October, and she looks forward to getting married.
Ms. Basher also enjoys extracurricular activities here at Foran. As co-leader of Natural Helpers and co-leader of Unified Sports, she demonstrates leadership and the importance of community. Ms. Basher believes her involvement in these extracurricular activities makes her a well-rounded guidance counselor, “It helps me connect with students outside my caseload and academic circumstances.”