Khadija Ashfaq
Foran has a wide variety of clubs to offer. There are clubs that are centered on science to law and debate along with clubs that are made to help the people around the world. As of this year, alongside these clubs, there is a new addition to the list; the Mathletes. The founders of the Mathetes are Leah Teller, a junior volleyball and lacrosse player, Addison Poffenberger, a junior soccer player, and Makano Takeuchi, a junior cross country and tennis player. The advisor of the club is Mr. Kelly, a math teacher here at Foran who is a club advisor for the first time this year. Mr. Kelly stated, “I was very surprised by the enthusiasm the students had when wanting to get the club started and that excited me.”
These three junior class members came together to accomplish the simple goal provided by the club: to enrich the learning of the students when it came to math and help them in improving their skills outside of the regular classroom. This club is divided into two parts, a tutoring section and a competitive portion. Poffenberger, one of the captains stated, “The first half of the club is focused on providing students with extra help and tutoring opportunities student to student.” He continues by stating, “The second half of the club will entail the members practicing to prepare for the MMATHS (Math Majors of America Tournament for High Schools) tournament at Yale in the spring.” Mr. Kelly added to the statement about the competition. He stated, “They have the competition [MMATHS] in various places all around the country. In order to prepare, we have difficult sample questions from the exam for the tournament.”
The Mathletes are excited for their first year as a club and the competition that awaits them in the spring. For those interested in joining, contact the club Advisor, Mr. Kelly, or one of the three captains. The club meets on Friday from 2:00 pm to 3:00 pm after school.