Michelle Brunson
Staff Writer
Foran high school exemplifies their copious amounts of spirit 3 times a year during spirit week. What is spirit week you It’s a week when schools try to increase the amount of school spirit and often takes place around homecoming or other school events. Here at Foran, we have a different theme for each day and you dress up accordingly. On the last day of spirit week, we have a “color wars” pep rally and split students into groups and assign each group a color (every grade gets a different color) and you dress in that color and partake in competitions against other grades.
Some people enjoy spirit week and the idea behind it. Others feel different. According to Nancy Laws, writer of the 5 Reasons to Hate School Spirit Week, “Does participation in school spirit week mean that you have more school spirit than those who chose to participate? Although I never participated, I was proudly active in my school, taking part in everything from band, marching band, color guard, track (until I tore my ACL), dance and everything else I could fit into my busy schedule. I loved all of the four schools I had the honor of being a part of between middle school and high school.”
This spirit week, many students did not participate. “I just feel like we need to have a better selection of days to participate in.” Says senior Julia Brunson. “If we want more people to participate in spirit week, we should change it up a bit.”