Olivia Ouellette
Staff Writer

Spring is here and you know what that means Foran, Tennis season has begun. With the boys team being coached by Mr. Noyes,and the girl’s team being coached by a new coach Mrs. Kaminski the players are getting set for a new, and hopefully wildly successful season. According to Mrs. Kaminski the teams last year beat their previous record from the year before. “ Thats was a huge improvement for the team,now we are looking to beat that record from last year.” The two coaches this year are fully prepared to lead their players to what they want to be a fun, and overwhelming successful season. Mr. Noyes has been coaching tennis at Foran for 20 years starting with the Foran girl’s tennis team. Having coached Mrs. Kaminski himself Mr. Noyes is confident in her ability to lead her girl tennis team now to victory. Being a coach one has certain goals in which they wish to attain each time a tennis season begins. Mr. Noyes said “My goal at the beginning of each tennis season is to teach the athletes a game they can play the rest of their life.” While for Mrs. Kaminski the goal for her at the beginning of each tennis season is “ I want the girls to build confidence in their ability to play, and have a good understanding of sportsmanship.”The players this year are ready to win big in their matches alongside their fellow teammates. Evan Miller has been playing tennis for 6 years. Miller says “I love hitting ball, that’s by far one of my favorite parts of the game. I love the sport but it’s looked at as club and not as important as other Foran sports.”Mr. Noyes agrees with this statement made by Miller “No, tennis doesn’t get much attention because we have a much smaller team, no set time limit for the matches which can make them not as consistent.” The sport is a very exciting sport to watch. It deserves to have the same amount of support from the Foran community just like football, and or baseball. Both teams of boys and girls work extensively hard to improve on their skill. Any amount of hard work should be appreciated and in turn receive support during their matches. Brianna Gardner a highly talented nationally ranked tennis player is a junior here at Foran. Gardner states “When you learn what’s going on, it can be really fun to watch. I’m sure the girls and guys teams would be really motivated if they say you guys there.” People don’t think tennis to be a very fun sport to indulge in but put the competitive nature of it mixed with the sunshine of the spring season it is nothing short of an exciting way to pass time. So, come out and support the girls and boys teams and enjoy the sunshine while learning about a sport you might find a new appreciation for.
Serena Williams | May 13, 2017 at 10:53 PM
I hear that the girls tennis team made states. Could you write a follow up article on that? Thank you.
manestreetmirror | Feb 28, 2018 at 1:08 PM
we try to write as many things as we can- unfortunately we did not have the staff or time left in the year to cover this.