Katie Buckheit
Staff Writer

The day of a school social worker can be an unpredictable one. Each day brings a new situation and more people to help. Ms. Soldi and Ms. Windsor are the school’s social workers who help students every day.
Ms. Soldi says that a typical school day is giving open service to students. They can be referred by parents, teachers, peers, or they can refer themselves.
Someone who might come for help might be struggling academically, with relationships, problem solving, or with everyday life at school or at home. Coping with a divorce, helping with life skills, anger management, crisis intervention, impulse control, and emotional management are all common situations. Students may come for help once, or consistently.
Throughout a teenager’s high school experience, many are bound to feel alone and confused at some point. Ms. Windsor and Ms. Soldi are available to help. They encourage students to come during a study hall or their lunch period, unless it is an emergency.
More recently, social media has been a prevalent topic. Both social workers note that they have had more students talk to them about needing help with internet-related issues than ever before.
“Many times kids post things without thinking about the effect or consequence,” says Soldi.
“Sometimes it’s easier to come to us for help than a parent. It isn’t a cookie cutter job. Everything we do is very student driven, and based off of their needs,” says Windsor.
Windsor says she knew she wanted to be a social worker in high school, but didn’t know she wanted to work with kids until mid-college.
“(Social work is) so broad, and you can help people in so many different ways. I loved it (working in a school) after my first internship.”
Soldi, on the other hand, knew what she wanted to do at a young age.
“I always knew since I was six years old,” she said. “What made me feel good was helping others. I always knew that. I didn’t know what it was called until high school. I didn’t think I wanted to work with kids though. I had a different appreciation after having kids.”
Windsor and Soldi both graduated from Southern Connecticut State University and Fordham University for their master’s degree.
They have an open door policy, and are available at extension 5117 (Soldi), 5118 (Windsor). Everything is confidential, and all are welcome.