Madeline Mitchell
Staff Writer
Foran Girls Soccer breaks history on November 7, 2017 by winning the first round of states. The team drove an hour and a half to play against Tolland. After a tight game, a never ending overtime, and ten penalty kicks, the girls took home a win and progressed on to the next round of states, therefore changing the track record of Forans Girls Soccer forever.
The beginning of something great. For years the program had struggled to even make states. Finally, in the 2014 season, the varsity team won 40% of their games, therefore making it to the first round of the Connecticut Interscholastic Athletic Conference (CIAC) state tournament. For the next two years the team made it to the first round of states and then lost. Senior Emily Kwalek said, “I was on the team when we first made states freshmen year. I’m just excited that I was here to be a part of the programs improvements.”
The game at Tolland was one that all of the girls hoped to win. Sophomore Anna Lee Melton believes that, mixed with hard work is what got them to the next round. Melton said, “After all of the practice, and all of the pep talks, all we could do was play. We went into the game full of hope and want. I think that’s why we won.”
Unfortunately, the team lost to East Lyme during the second round. It may have been an upsetting loss but overall the girls had a good season. Their final record was 7-7-5.