Jason Giambra
Staff Writer
The winter is coming fast and so is the boys basketball season. Last year, the team managed to get to the second round of the state tournament as they beat Rockville to advance with a score of 56-54. The second round did not go as well for the boys, as they lost to Sport and Medical Science Academy with a score of 50-53. Varsity coach, Ian Kirkpatrick and junior varsity coach David Conrad, will return for the upcoming season with help from new coach, Jeff Raucci, as he will be starting his first year as the freshman boys basketball coach.

Tryouts for grades 9-12 will start on Thursday, November 29. In order to tryout, an athlete must have all paperwork filled out and handed in to either coach Kirkpatrick or our athletic director, Mr. Anthony Vitelli, prior to tryouts. The coaches encourage anyone interested in playing basketball this year, to hand in their paperwork and come ready to play at tryouts. Returning senior, Richard Prosser, states, “I do believe that we have a very talented and young squad, which will endure ups and downs along the way, but I do think that we will be very successful in the 2018-2019 season.” He also said that, “this upcoming season will be fun and competitive” and encourages all boys interested in basketball to tryout for the team, as he can’t wait to see what this year brings.