Jess Sanders
Staff Writer
Every year, Foran and Law put on a Powderpuff game for any junior and senior girls that want to play. The coaches this year are Mr. Jeff Raucci and Mrs. Tammi Spose. There was a lot of people that attended the game last year and even though we lost, there is a high chance of taking back the trophy this year.
Senior, Kailey Loewenberg, who played last year mentioned, “The game is a lot of fun especially since it’s against Law. We practice hard and work really well together, everyone has fun figuring out what position to play and just getting to play/practice football; a sport not many girls play. You can have no athletic ability as long as you go out there and try your best and that’s all that matters.”
Junior, Marguerite Collette mentions, “I am looking forward to the game and since this is my first year I’m excited to play and hopefully win. The practices are a lot of work and conditioning but it is fun to play a sport I usually don’t play. I have gone to the games in the past and the game are always competitive and I can’t wait to be on the field this year.”

Athletic director, Mr. Anthony Vitelli says, “Through the years this has been an exciting game to watch. Both teams practice very hard in preparation of the big game and as a spectator it is a lot of fun to watch”.
The game will be held at Law on November 20. Many students and faculty will be attending, as it is the kick off to the Thanksgiving varsity football game.