Lady Lions Come Back
Foran basketball captain, Bridget Collins, goes up for a shot on January 7, 2019. Photo courtesy of Kathy Nemec- Lucas .
November 6, 2019
Luca Marinelli
Robbie Wainman
Staff Writers
State qualifiers last year, the girls basketball team is back and more than ready to take on this challenging season. Having 4 seniors graduate, lead to returning players having new roles.
Senior captain Bridget Collins says, “This season we want to make SCC’s and states again. However, we would like to go further into the state tournament.” Not only Collins, but the team as a whole, wants to have a better season compared to last year. Collins adds that the most important thing is, “Staying healthy and focused all season, as winter sports has the longest season.” The team plans to improve their bench so many other girls can play. They also want to improve by having the bench players to rely on when needed. Collins says, “Everyone needs to work on their game individually, then come together as a team.¨ She is not only focusing on her last year, but wants “to improve the program for next year and years to come to insure that that the program stays strong.”
Junior captain Lauren Heenan is one of Forans first junior captains and she plans on doing big things with that role. Heenan says, “This role is truly an honor to me and I plan on creating a positive winning environment to bring this team to states.”
Heenan has played varsity her first two years in high-school scoring a high amount of points and plans on scoring a lot more. Heenan says, “ Well for me, coach has been coaching me since I was young… He has impacted my mental game more than anything… Helped me grow into the player I have become.” She, as many others on the team have been impacted in a good way from their coach and have been working year round to prepare for the first game this season.
Coach Rasmussen, has been a key factor in these girls success by holding workouts and practices year round. When Rasmussen picked captains he had to pick his most dedicated, talented and most well-rounded players. Rasmussen says, “ I always look for my captains to be strong communicators and lead in a positive way. We are extremely young this season with 2 seniors and 1 junior.” Coach is ready for action and wants his few upperclassmen to lead by example and take the team to states.
Heenan and Collins have been given major roles for the upcoming season as a captain, their role is to be a leader for their team on and off the field. Collins says she wants to “be someone that any girl can come and talk to.” The captains have this year have to motivate everyone and keep the team together throughout the season.
As the lady lions get geared up and ready to achieve their goals, they set out for the season in hopes of a successful team.