Cuffing From A Distance? Use Astrology!
“This is an astrological chart of one person, showing their zodiac signs for all of the relevant planets and positions in the starry skies. The rising sign, often deemed as the most influential sign on a person, is shown here in the Placidus table as “1 ASC.” Photo courtesy of Kelly Kim and Anna Jani. Photo taken October 19, 2019.”
April 17, 2020
Anna Jani
There is no doubt that the current COVID-19 pandemic has had quite an impact on the social lives of people across the globe. Self-quarantine at home for many of us and social distancing has left us at the mercy of our modern technology to stay connected with extended family and friends. This new shift into a temporary, but seemingly long-term isolation has also put dating and meeting new potential partners at a minimum. However, with the limitless technology available to us in this day and age, actually connecting us with the entire rest of the world quickly and easily in real-time, everyone looking to cuff is still in luck. For all of those singles right now looking for some love, here is today’s “Single’s Love¨ for April 17, 2020, for each sun sign, as described by the Daily Singles Lovescope on,
Aries (March 21- April 19): “Now this is more like it! Pack your virtual social schedule for all day and all night. You’ll love meeting new people online and developing deeper bonds with a certain someone.”
Taurus (April 20- May 20): “Of course you want the initial attraction, but right now you’re particularly interested in getting into who they are and what they believe. The right romantic candidates respond in kind.
Gemini (May 21- June 20): “You’ll learn a lot by listening now, and you may hardly need to say a word. Maybe it’s because when you do talk, you’re asking the right questions and making them feel like the only person in the world.”
Cancer (June 21- July 22): “Looks like some sort of conflict or challenge surrounds an interaction now. Rather than turning away, put your best foot forward. Make a real effort to make yourself understood.”
Leo (July 23- August 22): “Why mince words when you can bring any and all interactions to a full boil very quickly? Ask a spicy question, give a sweet compliment, and generally mix things up. Now you’re cooking!”
Virgo (August 23- September 22): “Is that a little romantic tension between you and a certain someone? Well, are you just going to let it sit there or are you going to explore the possibilities? The stars say take the next step!”
Libra (September 23- October 22): “Chatting with a new person online can lead to all sorts of unexpected places now. You’re thinking big and expressing yourself beautifully, and they’re loving you.”
Scorpio (October 23- November 21): “You’re particularly skilled at uncovering what’s beneath the surface, and it’s a skill that could come in handy right now. Ask around. Look closely. Pay attention to the ambient vibe.”
Sagittarius (November 22- December 21): “You’re sitting pretty if the stars have their say. You’re the object of much admiration and the center of certain attention. Keep your eyes open for an unexpected sign, opportunity, or occurrence.”
Capricorn (December 22- January 19): “If at first, you don’t succeed, well, move on and say hi to the next cutie! Cupid loves somebody who makes an effort. Show you’re trying and some arrows will be flying!”
Aquarius (January 20- February 18): “Look around that virtual cocktail party and see who needs introducing! Whether you’re the official host or not, you’re putting people together in possibly miraculous ways now, and the universe will return the favor.”
Pisces (February 19- March 20): “The stars are sending some pretty sweet stuff your way. What’ll you do to enjoy it today? Hint: Spacing out is not the way to go. Stay fully present and receive some cosmic gifts!”
If the singles’ reading for your sun sign above does not resonate with you, try to calculate your rising sign using an online birth chart calculator and looking at your Placidus table’s “1 ASC” sign. Once you figure out your rising sign, you can observe the reading for that zodiac sign above and discover if those results resonate with you. If you still do not feel like there is a message for you here, be rest assured that the reading meant for you will arrive at you when you need it most. Virtually get out there and follow your heart. Above all, stay safe, healthy, and have hope. The world will be a better place soon.