A Look into 2020’s Kicker Captains

Senior Captains Isabel Morales(left) and Anna Byers(right) poses for a picture after a practice. Photo courtesy: Ella Morales, September 19, 2020.

Kailey Howell, Staff Writer

     Girls and boys soccer captains this year have kicked off the season to a great start. The captains are needed to spread positivity and be the best leaders they can be for the 2020 season. 

     This year boys and girls soccer captains, senior Isabel Morales, Anna Byers, Luca Marinelli, Ben Carlson, and Thomas Kummer, have all been chosen to lead the team to victories and be role models to the team.

     Byers says, “Being captain is a bigger responsibility than you’d think. It’s not just about wearing a band on your arm and participating in the pregame coin toss with the refs. I am responsible for picking up the team when we are down, and motivating everyone to work their hardest.” Byers acknowledges what it means to be named captain and pushes to do those things every day. 

     Marinelli agrees, “As a captain I took charge as well as the other captains in leading us to a championship. Leading by example goes a long way for a team that is always looking to get better and learn.”

     Being a captain can have a different meaning to everyone, which makes every captain just as important as the next and enables each captain to bring something different to the table. 

     Carlson explains, “I’m happy my coach has trust in my ability to be a leader on the team and I am thankful for his approval.”

     The 2020 soccer captains have been playing soccer for years since they were young and was the sport they grew up playing. As this year being their last of taking part in the Foran Soccer Team, captains are thinking about what is next for them and are considering many options: what school to go to, what to major in, and whether to continue to play in college. 

     All these senior captains plan to continue with their sport after high school. Morales says, “Right now I am looking to play NCAA Division III soccer in college, but if that doesn’t work out I will definitely look to play on the club team of whatever college I go to!”   


Senior Boys Captains Luca Marinelli(Left), Ben Carlson(middle), and Thomas Kummer(right) take a picture after a winning game. Photo Courtesy: Fabio Marinelli October 31, 2020

   The boys and girls soccer captains have all been on the team for four years. With those four years comes many memories with the team. Many victories and losses, with each win and loss the teams became closer and closer.

     Kummer says, “My favorite memory from the Foran soccer team was when we made states for the first time in my junior year” 

     All captains have different plans for after high school but all will remember their experience with their Foran soccer team. Being captain means taking on a big role other than just the title and the captains acknowledge that and continue to push to be the best they can for the team.  

     Boys soccer coach Rick DiStefano says, “2020 boys soccer captains are Ben Carlson, Luca Marinelli, and Thomas Kummer.  Each player brings their own unique brand of leadership to our programs and they compliment each other perfectly.” 

     DiStefano adds, “They are all very different players and people but what they have in common is immeasurable.  They are great students, all do extremely well in the classroom, are of the highest character and they all take pride in everything they do.”

     Boys soccer captains have all been chosen for a different reason. The coach acknowledges that each captain brings a different skill to the team. 

     Girls soccer coach Casey Blake says, “Izzy has been with varsity for all four years and Anna for three years mostly due to injuries her freshman year.  They are players who exhibit strong character and a “team first” mentality.” Both soccer teams play this week with the boys at home today at 3:45 pm playing against Amity and the girls going into SCC finals tomorrow against Shelton at 6 pm.