What Class Officers are Doing to Benefit the Student Body

Class Officers: Officers from the classes of 2025-2022: Connor Rizzo, Arvid Torngrip, Olivia Salai, Jacob Collette, Kaleigh Morton, Julia Decicchi, Katharine Harrison, Jay Yang, Megan McTigue, and Arezoo Ghazagh.
January 5, 2022
In the spring and early fall, student council elections are held. The class elections allow students to be able to choose a representative from their class. These representatives, or officers, help with many events and organize fundraisers which benefit the school. Many students aren’t aware of the duties of their class officers. However, the role that these officers play as representatives of each class is very important to the student body.
The representation of each class is useful to build the spirit of the whole school. Class of 2022 president Katharine Harrison takes part in many of the roles and responsibilities that come with being a student representative.
“I help to organize events such as prom, and I inform the senior class of different fundraisers to help raise money for these events and for charities (this is generally done through the class Instagram page).I also create a bridge between the student body and administration, so people bring their concerns to me and I try to find solutions with the help of other student government members!” States Harrison.
As students representing a whole new class, the freshman officers carry a different set of jobs. Class of 2025 secretary Connor Rizzo shares the various ways in which the student government officers help with events regarding the student body.
Rizzo says, “I can’t speak for anyone else, but what the freshman council does is mostly fundraising. Our jobs are to raise money for the class of 2025 so we can do things later in high school. Our main goal is to make the high school experience as fun for us (freshman) as possible!”
Many of the events students are able to participate in are organized and fundraised for by the student government. These events are very important for the spirit, and morale of the student body, connecting many to their school and their peers.
A significant aspect of being a student government officer is to be a representative of your class and school. Class of 2024 Vice president Olivia Salai speaks on the importance of having student representatives.
Salai says, “A crucial part of our job is to follow up on ideas and concerns we hear about from our fellow peers and ensure all students feel heard. I think student government is a great resource for students who want to be involved in the council’s decision making process. I would encourage students to reach out to their class officers if any questions arise!”
The student council speaks on behalf of the students when making decisions that impact the school. Not only is this a way for students to be able to have a say on the organization of events and fundraisers, but this also allows class representatives to be involved with the decision making process of what happens at school.
Many of these officers are eager to take part in these decisions and organizations. Class of 2023 president Julia Deicicchi explains some of the factors considered in these decisions.
“This year we are planning on having a semi-formal, but unlike previous years we have to take into account Covid-19 regulations, which has made it more difficult, There is a lot of planning involved, but it is a super fun role to have, and I love being able to have this opportunity. Another obligation I have is spreading the word about fundraisers and events happening in our school,” explains Deicicchi.
The student officers are eager to take part in these upcoming celebrations as well as organize and plan events that the new year will bring.