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a forum for student opinion

the mane street mirror

a forum for student opinion

the mane street mirror



senior picnic pic MW

  Eat, Dunk and Be Merry

Madison Whitaker

Every year, seniors have the Senior Picnic. It is an amazing opportunity for all of the students to see everybody one last time together before graduation. There is also great food, music and this year, Mr. Williams organized the dunk tank, which raised money for both the freshmen and senior class. Along with food, students were entertained in the morning with Sarah Moon’s senior video which she produced and organized for the last three months  in addition to  yearbooks, which were handed out by Ms. Condon and the yearbook staff.

Mr. Williams who helped with the dunk tank says, “It is such a fun time every year for the kids and I love seeing smiles on their faces when they are with their friends.” He also mentioned, “The staff couldn’t be any more helpful to put this event together.” The teachers who got dunked were: Mrs. Farrell, Mrs. Pangu, Mrs. Ramsey Mr. Kelly, Mr. Zywocinski, Mrs. Love, Mr. Williams, Ms. Cassell. Mr. Dillon, and Mrs. Gilman. Students donated money to dunk each teacher.

Senior Olivia Hayes says, “I had such a fun time being with my friends because after we graduate, we are all going our separate ways, so it was just a nice time to be with everyone and enjoy some music.” Another senior Aaron Hostetler says, “It was enjoyable and it was nice to be outside in the nice weather and be with friends.” Mrs. Defonzo says, “We have done this every year and it always gets better and better, we added the dunk tank. We thought that the kids would have lots of fun with that because you get to dunk some of your teachers, so it definitely was worth it.” She also mentioned, “The food was one of the hardest parts because it pretty much depends on the amount of food people will consume, so we were able to get a variety of different things for all of the kids to enjoy.” When I asked Mrs. Pangu how she felt when being dunked, she responded, “Good times! So many students willing to pay money to dunk me. I felt the love!” 

The Class of 2016 had a fun time at the senior picnic and made lots of great memories! Thank you to all of the staff who helped put this event together to make our last event before next week’s graduation a memorable one.

senior picnic 2 MW

Khadija Ashfaq


This year Student Government will be hosting a Mr. Foran Pageant. As of now the date for the pageant has been set for Friday April 15 after school. Although it’s been a couple of years since the last attempt, this year the members of the Student Government club  are both excited and determined to host this pageant. There are nine brave contestants to sign up for the pageant, which will be Hollywood themed for the night. The nine contestants who will be participating in the pageant are Ethan Kanlong, RJ Balado, Nick Dana, Rob Ramono, Patrick Grinder, Victor Rosado, Jubilee Witte, Joel Kozak, and Devon Verma, The contestants will also be participating in three categories; formal wear, which will consist of a question and answer portion, talent, and swimwear. Student Government is working hard to make this event one that is enjoyable for both the contestants as well as the people who will come to watch. Mackenzie Coughlin, a member of Student Government, said “The Mr. Foran Pageant is a fun and creative way to drive school spirit. “

There have also been rumors that there will be a group dance that the contestants will perform similar to the one in the movie Miss. Congeniality without the Statue of Liberty costumes and the undercover FBI agent. As far as the prize goes, the winner, who will be named Mr. Foran, will receive a sash as well as a gold cape. Besides the sash and cape, there will also be a $100 cash prize for the first place winner. Let’s see who will be this year’s Mr. Foran. Student Government is currently selling tickets during all three lunch waves for $8.

Juliana Tuozzola

Staff Writer

Shakespearience in the City

unnamedForan students took on New York City, and spent the day as city slickers. Juniors from Mr. Rauccis, Mrs. Dooley’s, and Mr. Turtola’s class participated in this spectacular trip to Manhattan. The day was spent touristing around Times Square and Central Park, eating a divine lunch in the heart of Manhattan, and seeing Broadway’s hit musical “Something Rotten.”

The musical, Something Rotten corresponds with the juniors studies in English. Students have endeavored profound works of old english from Shakespeare such as Hamlet and Macbeth. Something Rotten is a musical comedy which inhabits and satirizes Shakespeare himself, as well as his most famous works. With some of the most famous Shakespearean lines embedded in the broadway show, students were able to understand and enjoy a humorous side to Shakespeare.

English teacher, Ms. Defonzo communicates her interpretation and enjoyment of the show. “Something Rotten was lively, wildly entertaining, clever, witty, and overall well done.” Ms. Defonzo also speaks about having to acquire prior knowledge upon Shakespeare satire to understand the musical. Luckily, all English students who attended obtain a knowingness of Shakespeare’s works, old English, and satirism. Mrs. Defonzo also adds, “The cast was not large, but they were so talented and did multiple things. The acoustics were great as well.”

Aside from reading and analyzing Shakespeare in class, students were provided with an outside of class learning experience. Seeing a Broadway show was certainly fun and entertaining, but it also served as a distinct and unique way of interpreting Shakespeare. Junior Kyra Angileri says, “It was a cool experience to see what we learn in a classroom illustrated on a stage in a funny and more relatable way.” Angileri also adds, “It exposed us to an entirely different way of learning compared to simply sitting and reading. I have such a better understanding of Shakespeare as an important figure, and how his works came about as well.”

Students were also able to experience the chaotic and beautiful nature of the city as they walked around Times Square and Central Park sulking in the New York culture. Junior Kim Simko talks about seeing Central Park. “Central park was so relaxing. We sat on one of the big rocks in the middle of the park and had the best view of the Manhattan skyscrapers. The view was breathtaking and so nice.” Simko elaborates upon her enjoyment of Central Park stating, “There were people running, playing soccer, and even singing in Central Park. It’s a nice place in the city to relax and be surrounded by both nature and urbanism.”

The trip to the city was both a success, and memorable experience. Students have broadened their Shakespearean knowledge and appreciation. This musical comedy enlightened English students and teachers with a humorous aspect to old English. The city and the show was such a lively and amazing experience of which all students enjoyed.

Madison Whitaker

Staff Writer

What’s In Your iPhone? Popular Apps Around Foran

The most popular iPhone apps at Foran are Instagram, Snapchat and Facebook. Some people have different apps that few people have even heard of before. Senior Olivia Hayes says, “I have so many apps, but my favorites that I always use on a daily basis are Skype, and What’s App.” is a music app where you can make videos of yourself lip scynching to your favorite songs for twenty seconds. The “What’s App” is another way to message people without using too much data. The app provides certain phone numbers that help you connect to other people in your contacts. You can also send recordings to your friends.

One new app that recently came out in 2016, is called “Cash”. This app could be useful for you if you are the type of person who always forgets to bring enough money when you are going out to eat or to the movies. “Cash” can simply pay for you when you type in the price of whatever you want to buy and it goes straight to your bank for payment. It’s like an electric debit card right on your phone!

Mrs. Dooley has an  iPhone  and she has “Pandora, which is my favorite. I also have some games for my kids that can keep them entertained for hours. Another one of my favorite apps is Pinterest. I love looking at some cool little crafts that I can do with my kids or with my whole family.”

Another useful app for ELL students is “Google Translate”. This app allows them to type in English translations into their native language so they can understand it better. The reverse can happen very well too for some students who go to other countries to visit. They can easily type in what they want to say in certain languages and understand what they have to say and how to say it. For example, for the students who are going to Europe for April break, they  might want to use this helpful app for the trip.

Mrs. Pellegrino has some apps as well, “I have a lot of TV apps such as ABC, the History Channel and Youtube. I also have some trivia games and song apps. I’ve always wanted a weather app, but I don’t know which one to get yet. I have Facebook, Twitter and some E-book apps.”

There are many other apps out there new this year that have been created based on people’s’ interests and needs. It is up to people to do their own exploring depending on what they want on their phone because apps will continue to evolve.

Jules Tuozzola

Staff Writer

Hype For Hoops

Rec Basketball JTThere is an intense and at times alarming rivalry between Foran recreation basketball teams. Fans are constantly kept on their toes as everyone awaits the announcement of which team will become the 2016 rec basketball champions. The Thunderchickens, Moneyteam, and Wizards all claim they have the talent, drive, and spirit to conquer and obtain the crown.

Who will rise to the occasion?

Junior Jake Strom speaks on behalf of the Moneyteam. “Our record is 1-2 and we are currently on a winning streak. We just beat the best team in the league, the 6ers.” Strom expresses the idea that the Moneyteam has adopted a strong sense of confidence as a result of this win. He believes this recently gained morale will motivate and provide the Moneyteam with great reassurance, as they face difficult teams in the near future. Strom also expresses the importance of practice, “We practice every Tuesday, East Shore, at 6:30 p.m.” When asked where their team name originated from, Strom precisely answered, “We get money. That is all.”

The Wizards are proud of their accomplishments, and are certainly not shy about displaying it. Junior Quinn Oliver argues that his team, the Wizards, are without a doubt the best team in the league. Oliver assuredly comments, “Have you seen our record? We’re undefeated.” When asked how the team manages to be so successful, Oliver responds, “It’s because we’re fire. Our success is from splashing trays and getting buckets.” Wizard fan, junior, Kyra Angileri explains why she is confident that the Wizards have what it takes to win. “It’s liberating to watch them play. They are going to win because they won last year and they really are a talented team.” Fan, Kevin Kwalek states, “The Wizards have a core line up that makes them unstoppable.” Be sure to attend a Wizards game and check out what all this hype is about!

Fan of the Thunderchickens, Senior, Luke Gibbs provides insight on the season and pre-game rituals. Gibbs says, “They didn’t come out very strong, but they continue to work hard.” Gibbs announced that a common pre-game ritual for the Thunderchickens is to watch the movie Semi-pro, as it motivates the players and ignites them with the desire to win. One of the Thunderchickens main players, Bryan Firmender, discusses some natural gifts the team possesses. “We’re naturally talented. We all have God-given athleticism.” The Thunderchickens record is currently 1-1 and they are looking to increase their total wins immensely.

With all teams having at least 1 win under their belt, this championship will be one that is fought hard. All Foran rec basketball teams portray the integrity, and devotion of that of a champion.

The fate of the future lies within each teams hands. Who will prove to have what it takes to be the 2016, Rec League Champion?


Madison Whitaker

Staff Writer

Spring Into Action

Spring Activites MWSpring is right around the corner and there are many different activities to do as the warm weather approaches. Some activities that local students could do include walking on the boardwalk at Silver Sands, which is a great place to get exercise and bring a dog (as long as the dog has a leash) and there is amazing scenery at Silver Sands.

Spring is also a great time for ice cream. Junior Lily Stiffler, who works at Carvel, says, “Carvel is always opened. Our new spring flavor is Nutella soft served. Every Wednesday, we have our buy one get one free special. We also have free cone day coming up really soon.” Along with the new spring flavor, Carvel has other flavors such as: Banana, Black raspberry, Cake Mix, Cappuccino, Chocolate and Coffee.

In addition to Carvel, popular Milford ice cream shops include Sundae House, which always opens in April, Scoopy Doos, Ritas, Cone Zone, Walnut Beach Creamery and more.

Another spring activity is going to Sleeping Giant State Park in Hamden. Many people go there throughout the spring, summer and fall. It is a great place to go for a long hike, a picnic or to explore one of their many nature trails. Nearby is Yale University, which offers free tours any day of the week where people can learn about the school and enjoy the scenery.

Mystic Aquarium always has fun and interesting things that people of all ages can do. For example, students can visit the exhibits and learn about all of the different types of animals like the penguins, whales, and  exotic fish.

Eva Knudsen

Staff Writer

All Girls Cast of Ghostbuster

ghostbusters-character-posters-600x350This July the revamped Ghostbusters movie is said to be released. There haven’t been any definite ideas on what the whole plot will be. Some sources say that the plot will sail close to the original with Wiig and McCarthy playing a pair of authors who write a flop book about ghosts being real. After the books popularity dies down, Wiig becomes a teacher but the book resurfaces. When ghosts actually materialize and threaten the people of New York then Wiig, McCarthy, McKinnon, and Jones team up to vanquish them.  Some other guest stars in the movie include, Chris Hemsworth, Bill Murray, Dan Aykroyd, Sigourney Weaver, and Cecily Strong.

Claudia Ross, a freshman, says, “I’m excited about the movie coming out because of the new female leads which is really empowering.”

In an Entertainment Weekly interview Kristen Wiig says, “Paul [Feig] was involved so that was the first thing that intrigued me. Then I read the script, and and he and Katie Dippold just wrote a really smart, funny story. I just thought all the characters were great. The nods to the first two [movies] are so subtle and respectful and funny. I really fell in love with the script.” She seems very excited to release the movie this upcoming July.

Julia Silvestri

Staff Writer

The Life of Pablo

As of right now, no one is really sure whether or not Kanye West’s new album The Life Of Pablo is a beautiful or messy documentation of 18 songs that he has put together. Kanye West claims this is a “gospel album” meanwhile many would argue against that statement due to it’s lack of having any chill whatsoever in a few songs. One minute Kanye is “praising the Lord” and the next he’s cussing here and there and rapping about the most inappropriate things you could think of. Many of us are familiar with Kanye’s attitude, we know how strongly he feels about himself and his music. We know that Kanye knows best, and if he says his album is gospel, it’s gospel.

pabloOn the other hand, the pros about this album include the fact that there’s many amazing artists featured. Chance the Rapper and Kirk Franklin in “Ultralight Beam” Kid Cudi in “Father Stretch My Hands Pt. 1” Desiigner in “Pt. 2” and “Freestyle 4” Rihanna in “Famous” Young Thug in “Highlights” Chris Brown in “Waves” The Weeknd in “FML” Ty Dolla $ign in “Real Friends” Frank Ocean and Caroline Shaw in “Wolves” Kendrick Lamar in “No More Parties In LA” and Post Malone as well as Ty Dolla $ign (again) in “Fade.” It’s easy to see that Kanye definitely did not do this alone. Just like his last album Yeezus, Kanye had 40+ people brainstorming and writing along with him to create this “masterpiece.”

This album has gotten much attention from some of the students here at Foran. Senior Max Gorlick says “Once you hear the beginning of “Ultra Light Beam” you better buckle up because you know you’re in for a ride.” Senior Dennis Mema says “It emphasizes the egocentrism that makes Kanye so unique.”

Some people on the other hand believe that it’s sort of an inconvenience to listen to this album considering it can only be found on 1 app. The app is called “Tidal.” It’s a rather new app, created by Jay-Z. Tidal could be easily compared to Spotify. Senior Joey Dellamonica says, “Why not on iTunes Kanye?”

Overall, I’d give this album 3 out of 5 stars. This album doesn’t compare to Kanye West’s early albums like My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy and Late Registration. Taking a quote from one of his songs on The Life Of Pablo “I miss the old Kanye.”

Reilee Barron

Staff Writer

6 Fun Facts About This Year’s Drama Production!

FullSizeRenderThis year our Drama Club is reenacting The Wizard Of Oz. Here are 5 fun facts about the play!

  1. 3 gallons of green paint were used for the Emerald City set pieces.
  2. A wheel barrow was needed on the set for this play. Our very own Officer Taylor loaned his busted up garden tool to the Drama Club.
  3. It took 18 hours to paint Professor Marvel’s wagon.
  4. 88 costumes were needed for a 25 person cast.
  5. The “Jitterbug” Scene was cut from this musical production.
  6. Dorthy’s last name is Gale.1a8c287e-32f5-49b2-a89a-3029ce3f0a07


Victor Rosado

Staff Writer

The Musically Talented People At Foran

The Connecticut Music Educators’ Association hosted the Southern Region Honors Music festival on January 8 and 9 2016 at Middletown High School. Students worked all year round and were selected after auditioning in November.  The audition process required students to prepare an assigned solo, scales, and sight read. Over 1,000 students auditioned this year.  There is a concert band, chorus, jazz ensemble and orchestra. Students had the opportunity to collaborate and perform with top musicians from throughout the Southern Region and work with college level conductors. Mr. James E. Jackson, III, the Associate Director of Bands at The Hartt School of Music conducted the concert band and Dr. Kevin Isaacs, the Choral Director from the Western Connecticut State University will be conducting the choir. Lindsey Carlson is a representative of our school, chosen as an alto singer. She said “I was so excited to perform with the best in the region and learn from the new college level conductor”. Many of the representatives for our school are well known for amazing skills in their positions in band or choir and hoped to advance those skills at the music festival. Lyric McVoy who is a senior trumpet said that she was “most excited about being able to experience music in a new atmosphere. Music is one of the most important parts of my life, and regional auditions are another way for me to grow as a musician.”

Foran was represented by fifteen students in this year’s festival.

Representing the Band:

Katherine Buckheit, Senior, Bassoon

Chris Petrucelli, Junior, Bass Clarinet

Jon Elmer, Junior, Baritone Saxophone (was also accepted on Tenor Saxophone)

Meredith Fucci, freshman, French Horn

Zinnia Hall, Junior, Trumpet

Lyric McVoy, Senior, Trumpet

Jon Carpenter, Junior, Bass Trombone

Music Festival Photo (Band)







Representing the Choir:

Lindsey Carlson, Senior, Alto

Nick Dana, Senior, Bass

Phoebe Collins, Senior, Alto

Nicolette Simone, Junior, Tenor

Kaylee Jamieson, Junior, Soprano

Sam Martinez, Senior, Soprano

Ashlin Casey, Junior, Alto

Krstina Lazdauskas, Junior, Alto

Music Festival Photo (Choir)






Julia Silvestri

Staff Writer
Winter Pep Rally

blueeeThe sophomores have done it again. After winning the fall pep rally, they came back and brought more enthusiasm, hype, and blue paint, taking down all the other classes and winning the winter pep rally. Sophomore president Ryan Luth is a proud holder of the spirit stick once again. The class of 2018 now has a record of 2-3.

Though the pep rally was delayed due to injury, all winter sports still got a chance to be announced by this year’s newest MC and FIT club member, TJ Stuart. Stuart did an awesome job keeping the teachers and students engaged. He stated, “Despite the unusual circumstance I thought everyone did a great job or being flexible and brought great energy for another successful pep rally.”
Students participated in relay races, a knock out game, a handstand contest and more, all created by this year’s winter sports teams. Besides those activities, the FIT club also put a few together for us to participate in. They implemented tug of war and a mummifying game. During our time in the gym, t-shirts were also thrown into the crowd.

Students, faculty and staff always look forward to spirit week and to pep rallies and we never are disappointed thanks to administration and the FIT club. We’ll see you all at the spring pep rally!

Eva Knudsen

Staff Writer

Winter Fashion

Fashion is constantly changing. Last year’s fashions are outdated. As they say, “Out with the old, in with the new.” This winter’s latest clothing could be described as very neutral.

bootsStarting off with this season’s latest shirts and jackets there are ribbed shirts, cozy sweaters, and oversized army green jackets. These clothes can keep you warm and trendy all season long.

Oversized army jackets are on high demand this year. Some places that carry this jacket include, H&M, Forever 21, and Hollister. Personally, ribbed shirts are my favorite type of shirts to wear. They’re so simple and you can dress them up with the right accessories.

Any girl at Foran can be seen wearing riding boots/booties, moccasins, or Converse on their feet. Lexi Furst, sophomore, says, “I have two pairs of converse, one being traditional white and the other being high top off-white.” She wears them with cute t-shirt dresses and socks that peak out. These shoes can be found at the nearest she store such as, DSW, Payless, or Journeys. They even can be paired with ripped jeans or comfy leggings.

Guys are typically seen wearing their Nike sneakers. Along with sneakers, a popular footwear item would be Sperry’s. Khakis or shorts can match with any of the two shoes.

ripped jeansThe colors are leaning more towards neutral this year as the leaves start changing. Black, white, and greys are commonly worn as nature is displaying some of its best yellows, reds and oranges. If you’re into cool-tones then you’ll love neutrals with a cool undertone, such as crisp silver, white, gray, and navy. Warm-toned colors would be neutrals with a warm undertone, such as gold, cream and chocolate brown.

Typically, girls wouldn’t wear purses to school, but some popular ones would be Long Champs or Michael Kors. Both bags are quite pricey so you can find a knock-off at a Flea Market. The dupes look like the real thing; no one will be able to tell!

Some other accessories that are commonly found during the colder seasons are scarves. Catie Stiffler, sophomore, says, “Scarves add something knit and warm to your outfit, which is beneficial in the winter.” She also adds, “They’re one of my favorite staples.” Another accessory that can be worn with long sleeves is a puffy or jean vest. Juliet Levesque, senior, is obsessed with hers. She also says, “I wear my jean vest with leggings because I cannot do denim on denim.”

Mark Duffy


Favorite Holiday Movies

It’s finally that time of year again, the holiday season- a time of sparkling lights, the first snowfalls, gift-giving, the tastiest desserts, and, most of all, family togetherness. What better way to embrace family togetherness than by sitting down to watch a festive holiday movie? During December, so many channels broadcast holiday movies on a nightly basis, and it’s nearly impossible to miss the classics as we get closer to the actual holidays themselves. From cartoon specials that people of any age can enjoy, to more serious holiday-themed dramas, there are a limitless amount of movies to watch this December to enjoy with family members and give you that warm fuzzy feeling inside.

A personal favorite of mine is A Charlie Brown Christmas. Everyone loves the Peanuts characters, and this age-old classic really tugs at the heart strings as Charlie Brown struggles to fit in with the over-commercialized and materialistic nature of the holidays that his friends fall victim to. Who can’t help but feel thankful as Charlie and his friends sing and enjoy each other’s presence around the tiny “tree”.

One movie that proves to be very popular for families, year after year, is Elf. Buddy the Elf, after discovering he is adopted, travels to New York City to meet his father, who ends up being the biggest of scrooges. A film filled with both laughs and tears, Elf teaches us all the true value of family during the holiday season. The movie’s comedy is primarily drawn from Buddy’s inability to assimilate to fast-paced New York City culture.

“I love Elf because it’s so quirky and cute. Will Farrell is hilarious as Buddy, and my family and I share so many quality laughs,” says freshman Kelly Strom.

For those of you who enjoy a more serious movie, Love Actually is the perfect film that blends holiday spirit with romantic drama. The movie follows 10 couples during December and demonstrates the different ways love manifests itself and is shared during the holiday season, whether it be between friends, couples, or family members. The movie certainly has its more somber moments, as we all realize the reality that some face as they experience loneliness during the holidays.

Plenty of people, young and old, enjoy binge watching a holiday movie series, including The Santa Clause trilogy and Home Alone and Home Alone 2. Unlike many other film series, these sequels are packed with just as much fun and spirit as the original films.

“I love sitting down with my family to watch all of The Santa Clause films, because Tim Allen is such a funny actor, and it is really heart-warming to watch the characters grow and develop over the many holidays they share with one another,” said senior Sabrina Morgan.

Finally, another cartoon classic that cannot go unmentioned would have to be How the Grinch Stole Christmas– and I mean the original, not that weird live-action remake from the 2000’s. I for one cannot go through the entire month of December without watching this movie, as it just perfectly captures the love and care we share for one another during the holiday season. No matter how hard the Grinch tried, he could never break the bond the Whos felt for one another- gifts or no gifts.

The Grinch is the perfect family film to watch during the month of December because I think it reminds everybody of the joy they felt as a child during the magical holidays. Plus, the Whos are so cute!” said junior Lily Stiffler.

Regardless of your taste, I am positive that you will find the perfect movie to watch with your family this holiday season. So sit back, relax, grab the hot chocolate and gingerbread men, and enjoy a quality film as the snow blankets the streets outside.

Julia Wargo

Staff Writer

Movie Review: The Peanuts Movie

The well-known animated characters have returned in the new film, The Peanuts Movie. This film returned to theaters in Milford on November 6 2015. The childhood favorite characters include Charlie Brown and his sister Sally Brown, dog Snoopy, Snoopy’s sidekick Woodstock, best friend Linus, bossy friend Lucy, and many more.

peanutsThe Peanuts Movie starts out with the children receiving a phone call saying school is canceled due to the snowy weather – what every student wants to hear in the winter season. The kids of the neighborhood gather at the local pond and begin to play a game of pond hockey.

As the crew is playing hockey, Charlie Brown is attempting to fly a kite. He learns one thing from this failure: Never give up. Also believing in never giving up, Charlie soon attempts to try to impress the new girl who moved into town. Being head-over-heels in love within his first looks at her, Charlie tries his best throughout the movie to make himself more noticeable and wants to be the perfect guy to her.

There are foreshadowing messages from the beginning to the end. Some include, “It’s not often that you get to start over on a clean slate,” and “Charlie Brown is not a quitter.” At the very end of the movie, the new girl whom they refer to as ‘The Little Red-Haired Girl’ gives Charlie an insight as to the character traits he holds true to even though he may not know it. The traits include honesty, courage, passion and most importantly, never giving up.

Quality of any film is also an important factor in making it successful. This film had outstanding animations and color usage, coming together to make an unforgettable image in your mind.

Characters in the Charlie Brown series are distinct in the way they are drawn, especially when you look at the faces. The eyes of the characters are two dots and are in line with the nose: the mouth is far underneath.

Besides that, each character has a unique personality. Charlie Brown has the attitude of continuing to try no matter how many times he fails, Lucy has her boss-like style, Linus has his blanket and is always kind and inspires others, Schroeder has the piano you can always catch him playing.

Although certain films are geared toward certain age groups, the Peanuts Movie is an all-time favorite for all ages.

I saw this movie because I was very excited when I heard it came out and it is an all-time classic. It’s also something I watched as a child, and the movie brings me back to that time.

Wyatt Johnson

Staff Writer

December Comiccmoic


Julia Silvestri

Staff Writer

Holiday Cookie Grams

cookieDECA is back and fundraising again. Mrs. Brown’s newly reinstated club in 2009 has come together to form what they said was one of the best fundraisers yet. Over the past few weeks, they have been selling “holiday cookie grams.” The cookie gram consisted of two cookies wrapped nicely in a cellophane bag, tied up with holiday-inspired ribbon, and a tag expressing who the cookie gram is to and from, and a little message.

Mrs. Brown’s Retail Marketing students expressed the popularity of the merchandising of cookies during school store hours. “Cookies are a big seller at the school store so we thought, why not sell them as presents?” said Sam Mitchell. These holiday cookie grams were being sold throughout the lunch waves for $2 each. The club ended up raising over $100. Senior and DECA club member Sarah Corris said, “We focused more on getting the word out and we actually marketed for this time. We put a lot more effort in than ever before.” Foran administrators and teachers are excited to see holiday cheer and school spirit being spread around school. Even students, such as junior, Angelo Simonelli said, “The cookies are amazing and I’m so glad that they decided to do this, it’s a great idea.”

Wyatt Johnson

Staff Writer

December Comic


Shannon Flynn

Staff Writer

Wrapping Up The Winter Concert

Winter Concert Picture1 SFAs the Holiday Season is quickly approaching Foran celebrated at the Annual Winter Concert. The concert included Foran’s Jazz Ensemble, Concert Band, the String Orchestra, Concert Choir, and the Advanced Vocal Ensemble. Band, Choir, and Strings played classic Christmas songs as well as some more original including some very creative and theatrical performances by the Advanced Vocal Ensemble.  The concert then started off with the Jazz ensemble made up skilled musicians who performed as a group and many were given solo parts. Standout solo moments included Senior, Lyric McVoy on the trumpet, Chris Petrucelli on the piano, Sophomore Heather Shea on the drums, and many more.

Winter Concert Picture2 SFAfter the jazz ensemble, the choir took the stage and sang to the auditorium’s full house without skipping a beat. Ms. Voss led her boys and girls choir in the advanced vocal group and in the full concert choir. Students, Samantha Martinez and the students later presented Mrs. Voss with flowers and kind words explaining their gratitude for their teacher and the support she offers them every day.  Lastly was the Strings group, made up of sophomore to seniors, and a very strong group of freshman. Within the strings musicians was the self-named, “Original Group,” made up of students who have played together previously and bonded before the new wave of students joined them. Three from the group sophomore Becca Paine, senior Amanda Shaw, and sophomore Agatha Holland, mentioned how the freshman this year added a lot to the program as there are now many more strings players and also how they are all happy to be playing together again this concert season.

Overall the concert was a success for the students and the guests that came to watch, including the bake sale outside the auditorium which was constantly getting business throughout the small breaks and intermissions throughout the night. The students also showed their camaraderie with their peers in the music department as several songs by choir were accompanied by band and strings instruments such as the cello and the flute.


Julia Wargo

Staff Writer

Winter in New York City

Photo Courtesy of Julia Wargo
Photo Courtesy of Julia Wargo

Everyone’s favorite time of year is already here, believe it or not. The winter season brings lots of joy to children and adults as families gather to celebrate the holidays. Time is well spent between friends and families to make the most out of their winter season. Amusing activities include going out of state to visit other places’ decorations set up for the holiday season. One of the most popular attractions is the Rockefeller Center Christmas Tree, which is located in New York City on 49th Street between Fifth and Sixth Avenues. Tourists and New Yorkers love to visit this luminous, 78 foot tall, Norway Spruce tree. Senior Juliet Levesque says, “I certainly plan on going to visit the city this winter. I love the holidays and winter and everything to do with them. The tree in NYC is the biggest representation to display the holidays.” If you come across the fact that you are lost in New York, just follow the lights as they guide you to the center where numerous activities are found. In the Rockefeller Center, people can ice skate right next to the tree, watch the Radio City Christmas Spectacular, and even see the Light Ceremony, all where you are bound to be astonished by the tree, weighing in at ten tons. Viewing of the tree is held in the whole month of December until January 7, 2016. Anyone is eligible to analyze this marvelous tree from the hours of 5:30 AM until 11:30 PM, minus Christmas Day when it will be shining bright all day and night.

Madison Whitaker

Staff Writer

Holiday Concert

Everybody likes to listen to music and sing along to Christmas music to get into the holiday spirit, right? Well, the Foran Choir, the Foran Band, String Ensemble and Jazz Band will be playing all different types of Christmas music on December 15 at the Foran Auditorium. The Foran choir teacher, Ms. Voss said, “The choir has been working since September and doing some difficult styles of music from the 1600’s to today.” We also asked her what type of benefits she has to say about the work that the choir has been doing and Voss said, “It is a benefit to the students to bring our sounds together and also the community by sharing messages about world peace and the joy to everyone.” There will also be a bake sale and a raffle at the concert. The band that is directed by Mrs. Shearer said, “The band is having an amazing year. The leadership of our upperclassmen combined with the motivation of our freshman which is forty percent of our band is resulting in a fantastic ensemble. I am looking forward to a tremendous concert.” We also asked her what type of music the band will be playing and she said, “The band is playing a mix of music to celebrate the spirit of the season including Joy Revisited by Frank Tichelli, Celebration of Life by Ralph Hultgren, and Festive Fanfare for the Holidays by James Curnow. The Jazz Ensemble pieces include Chameleon by Herbie Hancock and Take the A Train by Billy Stayhorn and Duke Ellington.” Mrs. Shearer also mentioned, “The concert will close with a special combined performance of Silent Night by the Foran Band, String Orchestra and Chorus.” Come out and support the music program!

Madison Whitaker

Staff Writer

Rainbow Garden on “Chopped”

Rainbow Gardens online article MW“You’ve been chopped.” That phrase instills fear in many chefs. One of Milford’s favorite restaurants will be on the famous TV show,Chopped, Tuesday, December 15 at 10pm. Yup, Rainbow Gardens will be on that show. Chopped is a very popular TV show about people from different restaurants competing against each other to see who can make the best dishes. The show is judged by famous chefs, such as Aaron Sanchez, Chris Santos and Marc Murphy and is hosted by food critic, Ted Allen.

Chopped first aired in 2009 and has more than 300 episodes in their collection. It is a very popular show which has more than 1 million viewers. The Food Network also has other shows that are spin offs of Chopped called Chopped Juniors and Grillmasters. The owners, from Rainbow Gardens, decided to apply to be on Chopped and has brought Heather and John Profetto, and their kids, Kate and Ryan, to compete for the $10,000 prize!

I asked Heather how she got into cooking. “I decided to not go to college right away, so I decided to go to culinary school at High Park, in New York,” said Heather.  

John explained that they would always drive by and notice a for sale sign (at their current location) and decided to check it out and eventually bought it. Now we can seat up to 100 people; before this became a restaurant, it was an Inn and it had three bedrooms so we thought that we should re-do it.” Heather had always wanted to own her own restaurant because  “you don’t always want to work for other people so you go to culinary school and go from there.”  Heather and John Profetto have owned Rainbow Gardens for over 21 years now.

Rainbow Gardens MWThey are both excited to be on Chopped. Heather said, “We called them a long time ago, but never got on, but then, they called us and said ‘would you like to be on the Family Edition?’ and we said ‘yes’ and we were excited about it.”

This is the first time a Milford restaurant has ever been on Chopped. If they win, this will be an incredible opportunity for Rainbow Gardens and will increase their business popularity. No matter what the outcome, Rainbow Gardens will win in the end. This show will bring their restaurant to the next level showing viewers what Milford is made of.

Don’t forget to watch it and support your community. Chopped  airs on Tuesday December 15, at 10 p.m on the Food Network channel. Good luck Rainbow Gardens!


Eva Knudsen

Staff Writer

Disney’s Display of Fireworks

The best gift to give this holiday season would be a trip to Disney World. The vacation won’t be anything less than magical. There are going to be a few obstacles to overcome when going to a popular theme park during the busiest time of the year.

The upside to going to Walt Disney World during winter break is that you don’t have to pay extra to see wintry entertainment that is part of an event called Mickey’s Very Merry Christmas Party. These tickets can cost $60 per person!


The downside is the crowds. Don’t let the need to camp out dissuade you from seeing these shows, as they’re amazing. Great views of the Magic Kingdom’s fireworks actually can be found outside the park on the beach of the Polynesian Resort or at the Ticket and Transportation Center. These locations are great for avoiding the crowds, especially for the immensely popular December 30th and New Year’s Eve fireworks. The Disney Tourist Blog comments on the fireworks show, saying, “The fireworks are so intense that some guests might consider wearing sunglasses and earplugs while watching. They’re seriously good–so good that they just might help you overlook those crazy crowds.” Quinn Lofthouse, a sophomore, said she’d rather go to Cinderella’s Castle, instead of going to Magic Kingdom to view the New Year’s fireworks.

Coming soon in 2016, The Maelstrom attraction and Spirit of Norway movie have closed to make way for a new attraction based on the animated film, “Frozen.” “Frozen Ever After”, will be a family adventure and will take guests to the film’s land of Arendelle.  Guests will be transported to the “Winter in Summer Celebration.” The attraction will include a visit to Elsa’s Ice Palace and the ice-blue world of the North Mountain, along with other locations before returning to the Bay of Arendelle. The animated short “Frozen Fever,” will be part of the new attraction, along with the spectacular sights inspired by the film.

The Norway Pavilion will also include the Royal Sommerhus that will host a royal greeting with Anna and Elsa. The best you can do is try- and if that doesn’t work out you’ll still be guaranteed to have a great time. When asked about the attractions opening, Caitlyn Roman, a sophomore, answered by saying, “That’s great! I love the movie Frozen and wish I could go to Disney right now.”


Khadija Ashfaq


Looking Towards the Future of 3D Printing

GLASSESDevon Verma, a sophomore, recently has made a prototype for 3D printing glasses. When asked about how he came up with such an idea, Devon said, “Well the idea of 3D printing glasses was brought to my attention in the first week of my CAD class with Mr. Czarnecki. He explained to the class of all the magnificent things we could create in Solidworks, the computer program that we use in class to draft and design objects. I think it would be cool and cheaper to make my own glasses than buy new frames, but I never started working on it; until about three weeks ago, when I stepped on my glasses, and destroyed the screw that held my glasses in place.”  With Mr. Czarnecki’s permission, Devon put off his class project in the attempt to fix his glasses. The process of making the glasses wasn’t as difficult as it may seem. In fact it only took three class days for Devon to complete the project. Since the completion of his prototype, Devon is planning on making more models and revisions to his initial prototype. He hopes to make something cooler than his 3D printing glasses to hopefully show off to the school.

Shea Phelan and Eva Knudsen

Staff Writers

The Music Industry’s Biggest Rivalry

After years of waiting, Justin Bieber has finally come out with new music and it is better than ever before. Recently, Bieber has been shocking people worldwide with his new attitude and sound in the studio. He just came out with a new album called “Purpose” with 19 new songs being released by the artist on November 13, 2015.

Justin_Bieber_-_Purpose_(Official_Album_Cover)Bieber’s last album release was in late 2013 and was labeled “Journals”. Every Monday in October, he would release a new song, as him and his beliebers would call “Music Monday’s”, for all his fans to hear. Journals sold 1.5 million copies and another famous album from him, “Believe”, sold 5.2 million.

Around Foran, we have many fans of Justin Bieber and of course Bieber’s rival, One Direction. Erin Suech, a sophomore at Foran and a fan since 2009, is excited to see how well his new album is going to do. Suech says, “He seems like he is coming out with a new style. He has matured and is definitely done with his dark phase.” Suech is excited to hear his new album and can’t wait to see what he has in store for the fans.

Along with a new album must come with a tour as well. Bieber released his tour dates in recent past. Justin will be hitting the common places such as Brooklyn, Madison Square Garden, and Hartford XL Center. The tour starts in early March and will end in mid-July in New York City.

Julia Renz, sophomore, is excited for the new album. Renz says, “I feel as this is his way of saying sorry to his fans. He should definitely come out with a new Christmas album too.”

entertainment - one direction albumAlong with Justin Bieber’s album release, One Direction is coming out with their new album, “Made In the A.M.”, on the same day! It’s safe to say that this album is their best so far in the five years they’ve been creating music.

If you don’t know much about One Direction, they’re a four-piece boy band that is comprised of Louis Tomlinson, Niall Horan, Liam Payne, and Harry Styles. March 25, 2015 Zayn Malik departed the band to pursue his solo career. The band was originally a five-piece created in 2011 after all five boys auditioned as solo artists for the British X-Factor and didn’t go through. Simon Cowell had the idea to put these five boys into a band, and the fans have been thanking him ever since.

Their first album is called “Up All Night.” It became the UK’s fastest-selling debut album of 2011 and sold over 4.5 million copies worldwide. It definitely contrasts with “Made In the A.M.” Their voices have changed quite drastically from their first, to potentially their last album. Emma Longley says, “The boys’ voices have matured so much and they’ve adapted a new, chill sound.”

On this new track there are 17 new songs, and Olivia Oulette, a sophomore, has a few favorite songs, which are A.M. and Olivia (obviously). When asked who she thinks has changed the most she answered, “In my opinion, Niall has made the most improvement out of all of the boys, and I’m so proud that he starts most of the songs now.”

Like I said before, this could be One Direction’s last album. The boys’ are going on a year-long break starting in March of 2016, promising to return together in 2017. Even though Niall Horan has been tweeting to eliminate any fear of a break up, fans are still going to be on edge until their much awaited return.

Kayleigh Paskiewicz


Summer Concerts Review

jEarlier this month, Arizona metal-core band Blessthefall came to Toad’s Place in New Haven with the To Those Left Behind Tour. The tour was in support of their new album To Those Left Behind that came out in September. Support for the tour included newcomers Cane Hill, English rockers Oceans Ate Alaska, Emarosa and Stick to Your Guns.

If you’ve never been to a concert with a lot of opening acts, just know that chances are the first band will probably be the worst. In this case, it was true. I admire the members of Cane Hill for working hard to be able to go on tours around the country, but to be completely honest, I would’ve gladly waited until they were done before even entering the venue. You could barely hear the singer over the deafening screeches from the guitars. I wouldn’t recommend seeing them.

Oceans Ate Alaska is fairly new. With only one album and a feature on Fearless Records’ Punk Goes Pop 6, they have a decent sized fan base. I went to the concert knowing one song and left as a huge fan. The energy and passion from the band transferred perfectly to the crowd.

I am a huge fan of Emarosa. In fact, they were the selling point of this tour. I even had the chance to meet Bradley Walden, the lead singer. On stage, the band was absolutely amazing. Walden had jumped into the crowd several times, climbed and dangled from the rafters and even picked up the guitarist and spun him around. The energy from Emarosa was unlike anything I had ever seen. I would highly recommend seeing them live. Whether a fan or not, the energy and passion from the set would captivate anyone.

Stick to Your Guns has been on the scene for a while. Doing stints on Warped Tour with Blessthefall and with the lead singer featured on a song from Blessthefall’s fourth album, it made sense for them to hit the road together. Although the singer, Jesse Barnett, spent a lot of time between songs discussing his interpretation of the lyrics, there was always a constant buzz of excitement. The fans were rowdy and enthusiastic for every song.

After four bands, the headliner Blessthefall hit the stage. The lights, smoke and sound from the stage encompassed everyone. With Beau Bokan, lead singer, jumping in the crowd (he held my hand for about twenty seconds, it was so great), there was no shortage of energy. The crowd sung back lyrics, jumped around and embraced everything that was happening.

I would highly recommend seeing all of these bands, except Cane Hill. The best part about a small venue like Toad’s is the intimate interactions with the bands you don’t get at other venues and concerts. I would give this concert a 10/10 and to be completely honest, I want to go back and wait another three hours just to get into the show. I would do it every day of my life if I could.

Kayleigh Paskiewicz


DIY Holiday Ideas

If you’re anything like me, 12:01 am on November 1st marks the start of the holiday season. Sure, Thanksgiving is good for eating twice your bodyweight in six hours, but can we just skip to the snow, hot cocoa and holiday movies that make December so loveable?

One of my favorite things about the holiday season is sharing presents with friends, especially handmade ones! Not only do DIY projects spread the Christmas cheer, you can add your own personal touches while saving a few bucks!

diy-craftsDIY also allows for customizable presents that will have more meaning to your friends than a t-shirt you buy at a store. Pinterest and Etsy are great websites to use to get ideas. I’m a huge fan of sweatshirts and t-shirts made for musicians that display the band logo, last name of the musician and generally the year they were born. On Etsy, they can range anywhere from $17-$30 and that isn’t including shipping that will make you tear your hair out.

A simple (and less expensive) option is to make one yourself! Craft stores and retailers like Target offer plain t-shirts and sweatshirts for $10-$15. Pick up a few packs of transfer paper from Joann’s and print out your design using Word and your printer at home. I highly suggest picking up multiple packs of transfer sheets because it takes a while to figure out how to get them to perfectly fit, print and transfer.

Mason Jars and DIY candles, cake mixes and snow globes are some of the cutest presents to give to friends, family and teachers. Most of these are fool proof so don’t try to make excuses that you can’t make any of these. Pinterest will supply you with thousands of websites that offer step-by-step instructions. The best part about making these is you can adjust the contents to certain people. Cake in a jar is great and tasty, but if there is a cousin with dietary restrictions, (and yes, there always is) you can alter the ingredients so that they can enjoy the tasty treat.

Make sure you get a jump start on making presents so you can get some practice and extra cash. Don’t get discouraged if your work doesn’t match the picture online. The process of making it shows the dedication to your work which will make the person receiving it much more grateful!

Shea Phelan, Eva Knudsen

Staff Writers

Find Dory is Coming to Us Soon!

After 2 years of waiting, Finding Dory is finally being released on June 17, 2016. The box office prediction for this movie on opening weekend is $117.5, international is $632.6, and worldwide is $1,044.0 million. The basic synopsis for Finding Dory is that it will be focused on the amnesiac character Dory, and will explore the idea of her being reunited with her family. The film will take place six months after the events of Finding Nemo and will be set off the coast of California. Ellen DeGeneres — who voices the character of Dory — first shared the clip Tuesday on her talk show’s website.

Victoria Savoca, a senior at Foran and also a lover of Disney movies, is excited about the upcoming film. Savoca says, “I am so excited about Finding Dory! Finding Nemo is one of my favorite childhood and current movies. Dory definitely has to be my favorite character.”
Finding Nemo was released on May 30, 2003. This is when the seniors at Foran were about 5. They will all be around 17 and 18 years old when Finding Dory will be out in theaters. As many may know, Finding Nemo was about Nemo’s dad, Marlin, searching for him and meeting an unsuspected friend, Dory. After searching for what feels like an eternity, Marlin and Dory eventually find Nemo, they all have been friends ever since.

Sophia Troanska, a sophomore at Foran, believes that Finding Dory will be a positive addition to the Disney collection of movies. Troanska says, “It will bring back childhood memories for those who may not be children anymore. It will renew the “Nemo fervor” for today’s younger generation.” Finding Nemo is expected to be the movie of the year in 2016.

Juliana Tuozzola

Staff Writer

New Hit Series Are Back!

This fall 2015, is prime time for television as hit series are currently airing. Some of our beloved shows have returned with new seasons (yay!) Whether you’re an avid Grey’s Anatomy fan, or deeply invested in the entertainment and suspense Scandal and How to Get Away with Murder offer, ABC’s TGIT (thank god it’s Thursday,) will get you hooked! Make sure to have your homework done, grab your remote and get cozy it’s time to watch some hit shows!

Grey’s Anatomy is back but Doctor McDreamy is not. Fans who have been following along since the early ages of this series, are able to agree that Derek Sheppard’s presence will be missed as we are all grieving an admired character. Some fans turned their devastation into anger pondering on the question: Shonda Rhimes, how much more heartache can we suffer through from one show? There are a lot of concerns and questions regarding season 12. How is Meredith going to survive without Derek? Can producer Shonda Rhimes keep the show thriving and entertaining without actor Patrick Dempsey? Grey’s Anatomy has been on for 10 years, and has not failed yet due to the strong plot and character development. For some, it is easy to argue that far too many emotions have been compromised for this series. Too many tears have been shed over characters we love. Grey’s Anatomy airs every Thursday at 8 pm on ABC!

If you love criminal justice and politics then Scandal is the show for you! Olivia Pope is a Washington, D.C-based crisis manager who runs her own firm. As she gets involved with the President of the United States and gets hands on with the crazy work her job entails, things get messy-there may even be a few scandals along the way. To see what Olivia Pope has gotten herself into next, watch Scandal every Thursday at 9 pm.

Viola Davis won an Emmy for best actress for her role in How to Get Away with Murder. Season 2 is currently airing on ABC at 10 pm, a part of TGIT. Viola Davis plays the cold-hearted lawyer named Annalise Keating. Annalise’s five law students who work on her cases get caught up in intense situations, causing trouble to arise. Viewers find themselves struggling to wait an entire week for the next episode, as this show is wildly intense. Julia Astram says, “With every episode I watch, my adrenaline is constantly pumping. The suspense this show offers drives me insane!” Her five law students that work on her cases get themselves caught up in crazy situations- you’ll have to watch to find out.

October 7, American Horror Story debuted season 5: Hotel. Lady Gaga made an appearance in her first acting job ever. Of course, Gaga entered in a wild, extravagant manner as assumed. Shea Phelan says, “I think Lady Gaga is the perfect person to star in American Horror Story. She kills her role. I cannot wait for more episodes.” Phelan also adds, “It is extremely hard to wait every week for a new episode- it’s the craziest and most intriguing show I have ever watched.” Arguably, the show is gruesome and disturbing but is a phenomenal series that’ll keep you on your toes. American Horror Story is on FX Wednesday’s at 10 pm. If you love the essence and entertainment of horror, this is the show for you.

Wyatt Johnson

Staff Writer

October Cartoon
Columns October Comic


Shea Phelan and Victor Rosado

Staff Writers

Spirit Week is Back Again!

Spirit Week is the most exciting week at Foran High School besides the week of graduation. Next week, October19th through the 23rd, Foran students will be showing a lot of spirit throughout the halls. Monday is mismatch day, Tuesday is team day, Wednesday is pajama day, Thursday is professional day, and Friday is Pink Out! Friday we are looking forward to everyone decked out in pink. Erin Suech, a sophomore at Foran, is excited for this week’s change up. Suech says, “Since I am a three sport athlete, I get really excited about team day,” She adds, “because you get to sport your favorite sports team to the whole school.”

In the past, spirit week consisted of tacky tourist day, workout day, and of course, color wars. Next week is a nice change and not something Foran sees for typical spirit week. Many underclassmen are stepping up their game this year when it comes to competition Also there is the pizza raffle tickets being sold during lunch waves for the homecoming game on October 23rd. Who doesn’t want to sit at the sidelines, receive pizza and sit on a comfy couch at the football game? Come out and support our school next week! Eva Knudsen, also a sophomore at Foran, says, “I believe the sophomores are a very ruthless class.” Knudsen also says how she can’t wait to see what they will bring to the table.

Pink Day! is in honor of showing your support for Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Mrs. Svogun, a history teacher, set up a fundraiser to raise money for the National Breast Cancer Foundation. The shirts are a hot pink color that say, “Fight for a Cure” on the front. Julia Astram, a junior at Foran, says, “I love spirit week! I am going to be rocking my new pink out shirt from Mrs.Svogun on Friday and I am happy that the money is being raised for a great cause.” Please show your love and support and wear your pink this month for Breast Cancer!


News Quiz: October

Please return answers to Mrs. Farrell in room 255 for a chance to win a $25 Visa gift card

1. When was gay marriage legalized?
2. What game are the senior football players looking most forward to?
3. What got taken out of the SAT test?
4. What are the new fashion trends for fall 2015?
5. Who won the 2015 fall pep rally?
6. How many minutes did Donald Trump speak in the first debate?
7. How long has Mrs. Dooley been teaching at Foran?
8. Who is the new assistant coach of girls’ swimming?
9. How much money did the girls’ swim team rasie at Relay for Life?
10.How many new English teachers are there?

Kayleigh Paskiewicz


Bring Me The Horizon – That’s The Spirit

★★★★1/2 Go download “Avalanche”

Album Reviews (Bring Me The Horizon)Following the release of the 2013 hit album Sempiternal, Bring Me The Horizon is back with an edgier album that’s pushing more boundaries in the metal core scene.  Lead singer Oli Sykes tested his voice, singing more than he had on Sempiternal.  Gang vocals provided by cheerleaders on “Happy Song” try to cover the sarcastic tone of the song. EDM elements present in Sempiternal carry over into the tracks “Doomed,” “Run,” and “Oh No” as BMTH tries to bridge the gap into the mainstream. They may be slowly emerging into the mainstream but this is a band you have to keep your eye on.



★★★1/2 Go download “Ghost”

Album Reviews (Halsey)Halsey broke onto the scene with ferocity no other artist, let alone a woman, had done. Her vivid videos and raw voice skyrocketed her into the spotlight. With only one lead single off the album, Halsey debuted at Number 2 on the Billboard 200 list. A few tracks had previously been released on her EP Room 93, but for the most parts none of these songs had been released. Tracks like “Castle” and “Hurricane” push for liberation of women with melodic riffs of Halsey’s voice. The album is loaded with memorable beats and lyrics that are dying to become tattoos. A strong debut of a debut album proves that Halsey is a force to be reckoned with.


Maddie & Tae – S
tart Here

★★★★ Go download “Your Side of Town”
Maddie & Tae broke out on to the country scene with the hit single “Girl in a Country Song,” challenging the roles of women in the country music industry. The same feisty lyrics come back in full force for their debut album, Start Here. “Shut Up and Fish” pays tribute to the many failed dates where guys were a little too pushy about what they wanted. The track “Sierra” pokes fun at girls and doubters who’ve attempted sabotage relationships and friendships. Alongside the sassy, fun songs, the single “Fly” motivates listeners to keep reaching for goals that they have while “Downside of Growing Up” reassures people that it’s okay to break through your comfort zones and find their way in life.


The Weeknd – Beauty Behind the Madness

★★★1/2 Go download “The Hills”

Album Reviews (the weeknd)The highly anticipated sophomore album by The Weeknd exceeded expectations, earning the number 1 spot on the Billboard 200. Featuring singles such as “Can’t Feel My Face” and “Earned It, ” the album mixes slower R&B songs and pop anthems. “Real Life” opens the album with a simple yet captivating beat. The tracks build up with EDM elements as well as classic funk-inspired riffs. The smooth combination of lyrics and Tesfaye’s voice draw listeners in for the duration of the album. The Weeknd will be performing at the iHeartRadio Music Festival in Las Vegas, proving that the popularity from “Earned It” has launched him into a straight ride up with no end in sight.


Wyatt Johnson

Staff Writer

Skele-Tons of Fun

It’s that time of year again! The leaves change color, the birds fly south, and parents across the country begin dragging their children to “fun” fall-related activities! So while you’re cruising about in the family minivan, begrudgingly listening to the story of your father’s perfect bowling game for the fortieth time, why not throw in one of these suggestions to make these excursions less excruciating!

skeletons of funIf you’re a craver of flavor, then make sure you get around to picking fresh fruits and vegetables right off of the tree/vine/bush/ground/pre-packaged plastic! Head on over to Bishop’s Orchard in Guilford, Jones Family Farms in Shelton, or Silverman’s Farm in Easton to get involved in this autumnal activity. Each of these locations has fresh produce ripe for the picking, among other fall events such as hay rides. Chris Petrucelli (Junior) said, “Those are some fine apples.” And you can take Chris’s word for it!

But this is where we separate the men from the boys. As Halloween rolls around and the spooky scary skeleton is brought out in all of us, sometimes we just want to get spooked. For the spookiest time in New England, head on over to the spooky Trail of Terror in Wallingford! A spooky walk through a series of themed spooky rooms is sure to spook you! And if you’re looking for something a bit more mainstream, you can head on over to our Theme Parks for some spooky Halloween-themed spooktivities! At Six Flags Fright Fest Presented by SNICKERS®, once the clock strikes midnight spooky shows and trails open up. You can even ride your favorite roller coasters at their spookiest – in the dark! Alex Kurata (Senior) said, “There’s just a bunch of people in costumes and they go on rides and the trails.”

Autumn is the perfect time to take in the scenery and complain about how much Pumpkin Spice stuff there is. Don’t let this season pass you by – start enjoying it!


Jules Tuozzola

Staff Writer

Fall Fashion

Fashion is constantly transpiring worldwide, and trends from the past are repeating themselves. Styles from the 70s and 90s are advertised by celebrities as well as students here at Foran.  As fall weather is quickly approaching, it is time to say goodbye to sandals, and hello to comfy sweaters.Birkenstocks JT

The “Pure Hippie Sandal,” from the 70s, has made an immense comeback. Nicknamed, “The Jesus Sandal,” Birkenstocks are flourishing as popular and fashionable shoes. Birkenstocks are easy to slip on and they match almost anything and everything.

Eva Knudsen says, “I love my Birkenstocks because they go with any outfit and are so comfortable. I can’t imagine my life without them.” Trendy, comfortable, and easily accessible, Birkenstocks are the go-to shoe of the 2015 summer and fall season.

Sperrys and Polo JTPolo shirts and Sperry’s are classic and timeless. At Foran, it is easy to spot a few people rocking the Polo/Sperry look. Typically accompanying khakis, or jeans, Polo shirts are an easy go to outfit. The Polo/Sperry combination is great for any occasion and season. In the summer guys tend to sport the short sleeve Polo, and in winter, the buttoned up/ long sleeve Polo. Sperry’s are also acceptable for any type of weather, whether it be snow or sunshine. Due to the popularity of the brand name, as well as the year-round convenience of Polo shirts and Sperry’s, this trend is one that just does not seem to ever fade.
We’ve all been a victim of hitting snooze on our alarms too many times and rushing around in a fury to get out the door to be at school for that 7:20 A.M. bell. When getting out of bed takes you 45 minutes, and getting dressed takes about 5, the “I woke up late look,” is the look to go to. Tee-shirts, yoga pants, sweatpants and sweatshirts are comfortable and worn by many students year round. The “I woke up late,” is another trend that does not ever go out of style. This look’s comfort and un-time-consuming appeal is crucial for situations where one wakes up late, rainy days, and days when you are suffering from exhaustion.

Converse is an American shoe company that has been in existence since 1908.  Another classic shoe popular back in the 50s, 60s, and 70s, it is now back in style. Girls all over Foran are rocking the low-top converse as well as the high-top converse. This is another timeless shoe that can be matched with anything, and which also comes in a variety of colors.

Another groovy trend that has repeated itself is the flowy, patterned pants. They were a huge trend in the 60s and 70s. Whether they were worn to the disco or a peaceful protest, these styles of pants bring us back in time to the ages of “Flower-Power.” Parker Callahan says, “I love patterned pants because they are so comfortable and go with plain shirts. They add fun and color to my wardrobe, plus they are super stretchy.”

Just as it is taught that history repeats itself, fashion is repetitive as well. Trends at Foran this fall are some that were trendy years ago.

Shannon Flynn

Staff Writer

Tuesday was the kick off of spirit week with students dressing as Tacky Tourists
Seniors gear up to defend their title at the Fall pep rally.

So far, leading up to the pep rally, participation during spirit week has been skyrocketing.  This year’s themes were tacky tourist Tuesday, workout Wednesday, USA day for Thursday, and Friday was wearing a specific color for each class (blue for freshman, white for sophomores, red for juniors, and black for the seniors.) At least half the school including teachers and faculty participated which so far has been a huge increase from last year.  Spirit week has broken out the competition between classes, especially leading up to the pep rally and the competition for the spirit stick which has remained with the senior class since last year.  Students Julia Herrington and Alicia Ledger felt it went really well. Herrington said, “Spirit week was lit, and I hope the pep rally goes the same.” A lot of students and teachers are also curious to see how the pep rally goes with the new senior class. Mrs. Pellegrino had agreed with that saying, “The spirit week over all was better than it ever was,  and I’m hoping the pep rally will be just as good since this year’s senior class seems very excitable.” Students and teachers are already ready for next spirit week including Erin Suech and Mrs. Sheppard. Mrs. Sheppard is ready for next semester and she hopes for even more ideas for themes, as did many students and Suech had said, “The best is those people who really go all out and had core to the themes.” Overall everyone is excited and ready for the pep rally.    

Spirit Week a Foran Favorite for Students and Faculty

#TBT last year's junior class gets ready for the Pep Rally and wins the spirit stick.
#TBT last year’s junior class gets ready for the Pep Rally and wins the spirit stick.

Julia Wargo

Staff Writer

           One of the most enjoyable events for students and faculty in high school is the school’s pep rally. Pep Rallies are fun events filled with amusing games, contests or skits performed by students and teachers and instructed by each sports team. The Pep Rally helps excite the sport teams, and get them ready as they kickoff their season. “I enjoy the Pep Rally because it creates a friendly competition between all four classes, meanwhile it also shows how the students can come together as one big family,” senior Mike Howell said, regarding his thoughts on the Pep Rally. Senior Max Gorlick adds, “The Pep Rallies really show the underclassmen how much fun the whole school is as a community, and makes them feel at home. Being competitive is fun, too, because it adds excitement to the school week.” Mark Duffy, one of the members of Foran’s FIT club, said, “Pep Rallies are thrilling. I enjoy being a part of the committee that helps make them a huge success.”
                During the Pep Rally, all grades competes against each other to show how much school spirit they have, and, of course, for the sacred Spirit Stick, which was won by the class of 2016 all three Pep Rallies last year. “It’s awesome to see everyone’s school spirit come out during the Pep Rally. I find the activities that the sports teams hold the most enjoyable; they always make them entertaining to watch. Sorry underclassmen, but the spirit stick is going back to it’s home with the seniors,” Sam Mitchell, said. The whole school seems to display their eagerness for the Pep Rally, which will be held on September 18 this year.

Wonder Thrills Readers

Jacqueline Fernous

Staff Writer

Wondering about the book Wonder? Written by R.J. Palacio and the #1 New York Times best seller has set a frenzy across the country. It is inspiring, and truly heart wrenching. The story centers around August Pullman, a 5th grade boy with extreme facial deformities that have prevented him from continuing schooling. The first line of the book starts off with “I won’t describe what I look like. Whatever you’re thinking, wonder bookit’s probably worse.” August has had 27 surgeries to correct facial anomalies he was born with, but he still has a face that has earned him such cruel nicknames as Freak, Gross-out and Lizard face. This alone gives you some insight on just how extreme August’s deformities are. August is about to start 5th grade at a real school and is looking for nothing more than to be treated like an ordinary boy, although his mom always calls him “extraordinary”. The only friend that August has anymore is his older sister Via. She protects him and loves him no matter what.

The novel is divided into eight parts, first starting from the point of view of Augustus himself, and then switching to his parents, sister, and other classmates. “Having so many points of view made Wonder better because you don’t only get to see Auggie’s point of view, but can also see how he impacts other people’s lives by reading from their perspective too, it makes the book so unique!” says senior Alex Tobin who recently read Wonder.

This novel is a must read for all people and especially children ages 8-14. That is a pivotal point in time where bullying is at its prime, and reading about August’s trials and tributes of adolescent life helps so many people understand the hardships that disabled kids go through.  Wonder is available at The Milford Public Library and just about any place books are sold.

Mad Max: Fury Road Review

Savannah Mailloux

Staff Writer

Director George Miller reprises the Mad Max franchise with 2015’s Mad Max: Fury Road. The film competed with Pitch Perfect on its release date of May 15. The audience meets Max Rockatansky again. Instead of Mel Gibson, however, we have Tom Hardy from The Dark Knight Rises and Lawless.mad max fury road

The post-apocalyptic story picks up in the desert wasteland again with the-man-of-few-words, Max, and Charlize Theron’s Furiosa. Max is stuck between two groups, Furiosa’s band, who want to go to the green land, and Immortan Joe’s squad of men. The vicious gang leader Immortan Joe, played by Hugh Keays-Burnes, is after Furiosa to obtain something taken from him. Nicholas Hoult also stars in the film as Nux, a bald, wide-eyed maniac with a soft side. Fury Road seems to be star-studded, with appearances of Zoe Kravitz, Rose Huntington-Whiteley, and Adelaide Clemens as well.

Rated 91% on Rotten Tomatoes, the new edition to the Max Max films is making a big impact at the box office. The film accumulated $44.4 million on opening weekend in the United States. It’s essentially a juggernaut of action from the beginning, equivalent to being on a rollercoaster of adrenaline and suspense for two hours. Miller didn’t waste any time getting to the root of what the Max films encompass.

Reporter on the Street

Aley Phelan

Staff Writer

Aley Asks: What are your plans for the summer?

christian lofthouse

Christian Lofthouse, senior is “backpacking around West Virginia and New York for 10 days with some friends.”

noah and luke

Juniors Noah Hubler and Luke Edmonson are “going to Bucknell University in Pennsylvania for wrestling camp for 1 week with an NCAA champion.”


Sophomore, Maeve Kiley is “going on a mission trip with a camp for a week in West Virginia.”

emma longly

Emma Longley, freshman is “going to a pole vaulting camp in Rhode Island for 4 days over the summer.”

Summer Is Nearly Here

Amber Frank

Staff Writer

As the warm weather rolls in and the end of school approaches (20 more days woo!), everyone’s starting to wonder what they should do over the hot summer days.  I’m here to give you some fun ideas!

Well, if you want to be responsible and have some extra cash to do some of these activities, picking up a summer job never hurts. A lot of students here at Foran work at the summer recreation camps and get to spend hours out in the sun playing games with kids. It’s funnier than it sounds. Trust me! A current employee, Drew Lenz, says, “The kids are the best! I love getting up every morning and spending my summer days with them.”  Others get jobs at ice cream shops like Scoopy Doos and The Sundae House. There are a lot of opportunities so get out there and make some money to spend on summer fun!

Now on to the obligation-free summer ideas. We’re so lucky to live in a place surrounded by fun beach spots. You should all plan a trip to Misquamicut, East Beach, or Block Island. They’re easy day trips that pack a lot of fun. Avid beach goer, Jacqueline Fernous says “I love beach days with my friends, Block Island this past summer was so much fun!”  I definitely recommend planning a trip. It’ll be worth it! We also live in a town filled with awesome beaches so try not to spend every day inside watching Netflix and go get a great tan.

The Girl on the Train

Savannah Mailloux

Staff Writer

Author Paula Hawkins has been getting considerable attention for her psychological thriller, titled The Girl on the Train. It has surpassed other bestsellers on the lists of The New York Times, USA Today, and the Los Angeles Times.

Finally, there is a writer to compete with Gillian Flynn.

Hawkins employs unreliable narration along with treachery between three women named Rachel, Jess and Anna.

Rachel, an unemployed alcoholic in London, creates stories about the people she sees on the train to satisfy her dismal life. Readers do not know if her memories are accurate or if she is simply losing her mind. She often thinks about her ex-husband and his new girlfriend named Anna.

Rachel encounters Megan, a woman who is cheating on her husband with another man. One day, Megan disappears and Rachel feels the need to find her. She attempts to enlist the help of Anna and her ex-husband to do so. The thriller amps up as Rachel sobers up to find the unfaithful Megan.

The narration maintains a manipulative stance. Switching between the three women pulls readers in a different direction each time. Characters are described eloquently with an air of apprehension. They may feel something for the inebriated Rachel, the mysterious and charming Megan, or the successor known as Anna. It is up to the reader to determine who they trust and feel sympathy for.

Although Train is Hawkins’ first novel, the read is equally suspenseful and enjoyable. With a twist-and-turn plot, much like Flynn’s novels, Hawkins creates a fast-paced story. She gives just enough away in each chapter to keep readers flipping to the next page. She also employs some cinematic qualities in her writing that almost reads like an Alfred Hitchcock film. Some expect the book to develop into a film just as Flynn created a screenplay for last year’s critically acclaimed Gone Girl.

If there are readers out there who enjoy thrillers featuring unreliable narrators, this is the book for you. Or, for those who still need an extra push to read The Girl on the Train, this is considered 2015’s replacement for Gillian Flynn.


Aley Phelan

Staff Writer

Fox’s newest hit drama, “Empire,” has something for everyone. The show follows the Lyon family and their musical empire. Tarrence Howard leads as Lucious Lyon, the CEO of Empire Entertainment, a recording label, and father to three sons. Taraji P. Henson brings drama to Empire as Cookie Lyon, ex-wife of Lucious, is leaving jail in the pilot and is now reentering her son’s life, who she wasn’t able to watch grow.

Empire touches on many subjects: being gay in the music industry, mental illness and discrimination because of race are just a few. The Lyon’s middle child, Jamal Lyon, begins the show struggling with the decision to come out to the media. Though Jamal has come out to his close friends and family he wants to tell his story to the world, even though his father does not support him. Lucious believes this would ruin his chances of making it as a singer, because he is black and gay.

Jamal’s struggle with his father is a constant topic in the show, changing from a growing understanding from Lucious to just the opposite. Even though his father may not support him, Jamal is able to confide in his mother, Cookie, who even though she might not have been present in his life for 17 years always supported her son.

Lucious’s oldest son, Andre, has struggles of his own. Aside from being the only son who isn’t talented like his father, he suffers from bipolar disorder. Andre is still heavily involved in Empire, as the CFO of the company.

The youngest son of the Lyon family is Hakeem. Hakeem is the most talented in Luscious’ mind, and is taken under his wing to be the new face of the Empire Company. Hakeem being the youngest has the hardest time adjusting to Cookie being back in his life. Cookie was sent to jail when he was very young and he doesn’t remember her being in his life.

This show is full of drama with the Lyon family and the Empire Company itself. The first season came to an end in a drama filled two-hour episode on March 18.

“Empire is a very entertaining new drama that encompasses all aspects of 21st century society. From gay characters to drug addicted musicians, Empire resonates with any individual,” Drew Lenz said.

Viewers can catch up with the season on Hulu Plus and get ready for season two. For those who like music, drama and entertainment this is the show to watch. Empire has broken records for the amount of views this season and is expecting a just as successful second season.

Priyanka Srivastava

Staff Writer

New Year, New Movies, New Awards

The New Year kicks off the endless award shows designed to appreciate the ground-breaking movies, addictive TV shows, and catchy music from the past year. It’s also the time when we can admire our favorite celebrities and see the high-end fashions which they sport on the red carpet.

The Golden Globes, which aired on Jan. 11, were hosted by Tina Fey and Amy Poehler. The hilarious duo has hosted the show for the past two years, and we just can’t get enough of them.

The movie Boyhood won Best Picture – Drama, and The Grand Budapest Hotel won Best Picture – Comedy or Musical. Julianne Moore took the Best Actress – Drama Award for her performance in Still Alice, and Eddie Redmayne won Best Actor – Drama for his portrayal of Stephen Hawking.

Amy Adams from Big Eyes and Micheal Keaton from Birdman won Best Actress and Actor in a Comedy or Musical. The highly- acclaimed and very handsome actor George Clooney was given the Cecil B. DeMille Award, an award given out every year at the Golden Globes, for his contributions to the industry as well as his humanitarian efforts.

The Screen Actors Guild Awards, which strictly focused on recognizing acting achievements in TV and movies, aired on Jan. 25.

Nominees for Outstanding Performance by a Cast in a Movie were Birdman, Boyhood, The Grand Budapest Hotel, The Imitation Game, and The Theory of Everything. Birdman took home the win, and after watching the movie, it was obvious why. The movie was shot in just a few takes, with the camera continuously rolling so that the movie looked uninterrupted in between scenes.

Debbie Reynolds was honored with the Lifetime Achievement Award. Her daughter, Carrie Fisher, presented her with the honorable recognition. In her speech, she reflected on her career and the works which won her Oscars, Emmys, and Tonys. She is probably better known to us as Aggie Cromwell in Disney’s Halloweentown films.

The Grammys w aired on Feb. 8, and Sam Smith was a big winner. He won Best New Artist and Record of The Year and Song of The Year for Stay With Me. In one of his acceptance speeches, Smith thanked his ex-boyfriend for breaking his heart and inspiring the incredible album he made. The jab was certainly clever and funny.

Another Grammy highlight came when Beck won Album of The Year, and Kanye West jokingly attempted to storm the stage the same way he had at the 2009 MTV Awards when Taylor Swift got her award.

The Academy announced the nominations for the prestigious Oscars, and it’s looking like a tough competition.

The Best Picture category includes American Sniper, The Imitation Game, Selma, Birdman, Boyhood, The Theory of Everything, The Grand Budapest Hotel and Whiplash. American Sniper, The Theory of Everything, Boyhood, and Birdman are big nominees throughout the categories. With Neil Patrick Harris hosting, more notably Barney Stinson from How I Met Your Mother, the event is sure to be entertaining. Be sure to tune in on Feb. 22.

This award show season has been extremely entertaining and we can predict that it will only get better. Make sure to binge watch all the movies and download all the music, so you can root for your favorites for the remainder of the award shows.

Savannah Mailloux

Staff Writer

Book Review for It’s What I Do: A Photographer’s Life of Love and War

War photographer Lynsey Addario has published her own memoir about her times covering the 2011 civil war. Addario references her brushes with death from being sexually assaulted in conflict areas to her struggle to remain a strong individual. She began freelance work for the New York Times and National Geographic, gradually working her way up to her first trip to Afghanistan in 2000. Her writing, as beautiful and detailed as her photographs, sets the scene for her many troubling and admirable experiences.

Her connection to Connecticut is interesting. Growing up with an Italian-American family, she started taking pictures at the age of 13 with a simple Nikon 35 mm camera that her father gave her. Her first photography job was at a newspaper in Argentina in her 20s. The events unfold, chronologically, to explain how her career choice affected relationships with loved ones. With long hours and small amounts of time off, she discloses how difficult it was to maintain proper relationships with the people she cared about. Aside from that, it was also difficult to maintain a strong front while witnessing chaos around the world. Risking your life everyday to portray the brutalities in the Middle East can begin to take a toll on anyone.

After September 11, she was asked to return to Afghanistan. She invokes, in her photographs, the innocent casualties. Addario also discusses her kidnapping by pro-Qaddafi forces in the Libyan civil war. She makes readers feel something, empathy for the most part, while she tells her story.

In response to whether she continues her job for adrenaline, she says, “I think — I think, as a person who has done — covered conflict for the last 15 years, I didn’t voluntarily just start covering war to be a war photographer. There were the issues that I felt were important. I would go to cover the issues. And then at some point, I would get pulled into the actual combat because it was part of the story. But for me, it’s more about being there, bearing witness to history, bearing witness to what’s happening, what our country, the position our country is taking overseas. I want policy-makers to see the fruits of their decisions, basically, and to try and influence foreign policy.” It seems much more personal to Addario, a commitment to her country and herself. She wants to show what happens when leaders make important decisions and the effect it produces.

In a photojournalism world dominated by men, she makes a name for herself. Determined to prove her colleagues wrong, she expresses the fear and anxiety that is associated with the growing tension between the United States and the Middle East. There is always a struggle for women to be taken seriously, in any industry. Addario told NPR,“In those moments, I’m very aware of my gender, and I’m sure my colleagues were not. I’m sure the last thing they were thinking of is, ‘Oh, we’ve got a girl in the car,’ but I always was, because it’s such a man’s world that I work in. And so I didn’t — I was ready to leave, and I didn’t want to say anything.” Addario exemplifies courage and bravery in the face of adversity.

Paige Kissinger

Staff Writer

Warped Tour

Recently, Vans Warped Tour posted the dates and cities that they will be sponsored in and the bands that will be playing.

From Pomona, Mountain View, and Ventura in California to Orlando, West Palm Beach, Jacksonville, and St. Petersburg in Florida, they will be traveling all summer. It will be early July when Warped will come to New England – they’ll be stopping in Hartford, Ct., Pittsburgh and Scranton in Pennsylvania, and Wantagh, N.Y. There are many stops in between and many opportunities to watch some great artists play.

From rock, hardcore, and pop punk to electronic, alternative, and pop, many bands will be participating this year. Bands that will be playing this year include: Alive Like Me, Black Boots, blessthefall, Escape the Fate, Family Force 5, Front Porch Step, Handguns, Hundredth, Neck Deep, Palisades, The Wonder Years, and Trophy Eyes. There are other bands and artists who will be performing and several more events to be announced.

To look further, there is an app that is available for both Apple and Android products and there is a website online:

The lineup for the Warped Tour varies with each stop, so ticket buyers should check regularly for any news. Looking through local tour date pages will give you information on the bands performing at your stop, transportation, and much more. Ticketmaster outlets are at select Walmart locations, malls, Kroger, Giant Eagle, and other retail locations for buying tickets in person.

The doors for Warped Tour generally open at around 11 am and close at 8 pm, but can vary at each venue. There is an option for a parent to accompany a minor who has purchased a ticket to the show.

For those who are planning to attend, it is recommended to bring a lightweight backpack, sunscreen, a small snack, a water bottle, a small camera, sharpies, a fully charged phone, comfortable shoes, and a hat.

There are things that cannot be brought in: chains, such as wallet chains, professional cameras, alcohol, recording devices, firearms, weapons, knives, and any illegal substance.

There is much to look forward to with a Warped Tour this year.

Savannah Mailloux

Staff Writer

And the Academy Award Goes to…

They are finally in! Nominations for the Academy Awards, popularly known as the Oscars, were announced on Jan. 15, and include films such as The Grand Budapest Hotel, Birdman, and Boyhood in a number of different categories.

Some clear snubs were blatantly obvious, and many fans of films such as Unbroken and Selma, which were not nominated for awards, have been outraged. However, there is a lot of competition to receive the Best Picture or Director title because only a certain number of actors and movies can be placed in each category. So, without further ado, let’s get into each of the main categories and the predicted winners on February 22.

A tight race is expected for the Best Picture title. The nominated films for Best Picture are American Sniper, Birdman, Boyhood, The Grand Budapest Hotel, The Imitation Game, Selma, The Theory of Everything, and Whiplash. Although it would be nice for a comedy such as Grand Budapest to receive the Best Picture award, critics have predicted otherwise. Boyhood, shot over a 10-year period, is predicted to win based on its moving, coming-of-age story. However, Sniper and Selma invoke real stories from the past. The audience will simply have to wait for how the Best Picture award turns out.

Boyhood also appears to be the frontrunner for Best Director. This is simply because the mastermind behind the film, Richard Linklater, took a risk to produce it based on young Mason’s (Ellar Coltrane’s) life. The other nominees include Birdman from Alejandro G. Iñárritu, Foxcatcher from Bennett Miller, The Grand Budapest Hotel from Wes Anderson, and The Imitation Game from Morten Tyldum. Many still predict Birdman will receive the Best Director because of how the film was shot. The goal was to mimic one continuous take, and actors such as Naomi Watts and Keaton felt the pressure to perform their best in each take.

Critics agree that Best Actor in a Leading Role is most likely going to Michael Keaton for Birdman. Considering he won a Golden Globe for Best Actor in a Motion Picture this year, it is likely the Academy will award him another title because of his filmography since the late 1970s in movies like Beetlejuice and Batman. Other nominees are Steve Carell for Foxcatcher, Bradley Cooper for American Sniper, Benedict Cumberbatch for The Imitation Game, and Eddie Redmayne for The Theory of Everything. Carrell has been earning some hype for his sudden switch from Michael Scott in the television show The Office to the wealthy, threatening John du Pont in Foxcatcher.

Redmayne is also a contender because of his portrayal as the astrophysicist Stephen Hawking. The transformation he underwent to be true to Hawking’s motor neuron disease is noteworthy. He has already won Best Actor in a Drama at the Golden Globes this year.

Best Actress in a Leading Role will be a close race as well. Julianne Moore is the favorite to win based on her performance in Still Alice. The film focuses on a female linguistics professor living with early onset Alzheimer’s disease. Moore has been nominated five times in the Academy Awards and has yet to officially win one. This might just be her year to win.

Other nominees include Marion Cotillard in Two Days, One Night, Felicity Jones in The Theory of Everything, Rosamund Pike in Gone Girl, and Reese Witherspoon in Wild. Cotillard was the surprise in this category: she played a young mother struggling to keep her job after a leave of absence due to a nervous breakdown.

Best Animated Feature Film is going to be a difficult decision. The prospects are Big Hero 6, The Boxtrolls, How to Train Your Dragon 2, Song of the Sea, and The Tale of the Princess Kaguya. Fan favorites are Hero and Dragon but many are unsure which film will win. However, many say Sea, an Irish film which centers around the legend of the Selkies, will win. Fans are upset that the highly grossing The Lego Movie did not receive a nomination.

Hanna Birenbaum

Staff Writer

How To Stay Bold When the Weather is Cold

With the temperatures increasingly getting colder, it’s hard to wake up and have the motivation to look cute yet still warm. Many students have their own ways of staying warm and fashionable.

Senior, Jenny Weissauer, says, “Nice pea-coats with an infinity scarf are always a go-to outfit.”

Julia Laslett and Kayla Gyger, also seniors, said they “love to wear flannels and LL Bean moccasins; they keep you cozy and cute.”

A personal favorite of mine are fleece-lined leggings on the outside: you’re just wearing regular leggings, yet on the inside they’re so comfortable and made thick to make sure the wind stays out.

Monica Malangone, sophomore, states, “It’s always important to complete your outfit with cute winter accessories that can keep you warm – knitted headbands and scarves are the perfect example.”

For shoes, Hunter boots and riding boots seem to be a big trend this year: they protect you easily through the rain and snow while maintaining style.

The boys out there also have many stylish yet comfortable outfit options to put to use this winter. Sean Rowland, senior, claims, “Bean boots are one of my favorite shoes to wear during the winter because they’re very durable, they’re also very trendy.”

There is a wide selection of Bean boots in terms of color and sizes, and they’re also available to girls, therefore creating a range of flexibility when it comes to picking a pair that is right for you.

Steve Lynch, sophomore, exclaims, “I love to wear fuzzy socks, there are so many different pairs and all keep your feet cozy no matter how cold it is outside.”

I, myself, love to wear fuzzy socks as well. They’re a great addition to complete any outfit when trying to accomplish warmth and style.

Dylan Bartel, senior, says, “A Patagonia is the perfect pullover to throw on when running out the door, very popular and extremely snug.”

Patagonia sells vests, jackets, pullovers, and much more in terms of winter clothes for men and women. You can even buy fashionable insulated clothing from Patagonia to ensure complete warmth.

There you have it; the tricks for staying fab even when the weather is drab.

Marykate Fallon
Staff Writer

Forest Hills Drive

The North Carolina native, Jermaine Lamarr Cole, better known by his stage name, J. Cole, ends 2014 with a bang by releasing his new album, Forest Hills Drive. This makes a total of three albums for Cole and his success keeps growing.

Instead of Cole’s usual radio-friendly and commercial hits, Forest Hills Drive tells a whole different story. Cole decided to make this album a story of his childhood, his triumphs and how he got to where he is today. The album shows a whole different side of Cole and this bold move has fans only wanting more.

Cole has a mix of different songs on his album, ranging from ‘03 Adolescence, which takes a more serious route, and Wet Dreamz, which is more of a playful, upbeat song.

Overall, each song on the album takes a different approach in telling a story about Cole’s life.

When asked, “What do you like most about the album?” junior, RJ Balado, said, “Cole is able to discuss a lot of different topics about growing up and how fame has affected his career. Many people have gone through what he raps about on Forest Hills Drive and not a lot of artists have done that before.”

Balado rates the album an 8.6 on a 1-10 scale and believes it is Cole’s best album so far. Balado said, “I’ve always been a fan of J. Cole and every album he produces continues to get better and better. His flow continues to improve and I would definitely recommend it.”

Many artists have been influenced by others in the game and Cole was able to grow as a rapper because of two very influential people. Popular rappers, Jay Z and Eminem, had a strong influence on Cole, allowing him to mature as an artist and make a name for himself. Having these two figures in his life, Cole was able to experience both of their styles and have a mix of commercial and hard rap in order to create Forest Hills Drive and his other popular hits.

  1. Cole’s second album, Born Sinner, was released in 2013 and was another highly successful album.

Junior Leo Jorge is also a J. Cole fan and even though he listens to Forest Hills Drive on the reg’, he believes, “Forest  Hills Drive is a great album and I would rate it 8.5. Cole tells a totally different story but, personally, I think Born Sinner is his best album so far.” Even though Jorge doesn’t believe this is Cole’s best, his favorite song is No Role Modelz and loves how Cole’s songs “portray real life situations.”

Cole’s hard work  landed his album on the No.1 spot on the Billboard 200, selling well over 360,000 copies in its first week, making his album the highest selling Hip Hop album in 2014.

Junior Drew Corsi is also an avid J. Cole listener. Corsi’s favorite song is A Tale of 2 Citiez, and similar to Balado, believes this is Cole’s best album. Corsi stated, “What I like most about the album is that it tells a story of his childhood and clearly shows his improvement as a rapper.” Overall, Corsi gave the album a rating of nine and believes that this is definitely Cole’s best album.

Cole’s recent success with Forest Hills Drive is only helping to improve his career and growth as an artist. Cole gained even more respect in the game by sharing his life before he was a B-list celebrity and, as Balado stated, “This album is one for the books.”

Savannah Mailloux

Staff Writer

American Sniper hit theaters on January 16 and accumulated $105.3 million over the Martin Luther King Jr. weekend. The film is based on an autobiography called American Sniper: The Autobiography of the Most Lethal Sniper in U.S. Military History that was published in 2012. Directed by the infamous Clint Eastwood, from films such as Gran Torino and Unforgiveness, Sniper tells the story of the most lethal sniper in United States military history.

He is Chris Kyle, a soon-to-be Texas cowboy who is still pursuing his true purpose in life. He decides to join the SEALs team, in his early thirties, after watching news stories about the terrorism going on around the world. His goal was to become a sniper, something that stems from his childhood where he went hunting with his father. After marrying Taya, a stubborn woman from Oregon who is played by Sienna Miller, Kyle starts his first tour in Iraq. He struggles with balancing his demanding times in Iraq, killing high profile targets mainly, and coming home to his wife and two children. With 160 confirmed kills and four tours of Iraq under his belt, it becomes increasingly difficult to maintain the strong, all-American image he has so carefully cultivated.

Cooper pushed himself to play Kyle. He gained about 40 pounds by working out excessively and never went out of character to develop the distinct Texas accent. His determination never seems to waver as he was been nominated for Academy Awards in previous years for his roles in American Hustle and Silver Linings Playbook.

Viewing the film on opening night was an interesting experience. Cramped between other anxious individuals to get a peek at Eastwood’s magic, the tense atmosphere prevailed as Kyle’s story unfolded. The closing scenes resonated the most with others. For those of you who have not seen the film or read the book yet, I will not give it away. However, the theater was in complete silence after the film. It was partly because there was not any music to follow the credits but the emotional aspects of the movie impacted people on a more personal level. Altogether, it was a powerful and beautiful moment that Eastwood should be proud of.

So, for those of you who have yet to see American Sniper at the movie theater, it is highly recommended. Although there has been backlash from figures such as Seth Rogen and Michael Moore on social media, like Twitter, it is best to form your own opinion of the film. You can also read the 400-page book by the man who went through all of it himself. Sniper has been nominated for Best Picture, Best Adapted Screenplay, Film Editing, Sound Editing, and Sound Mixing. Hopefully many will root for it at the Academy Awards on Sunday, February 22.

Drew Lenz


Best and Worst Dressed Men – Golden Globes

Let’s look at the best dress and worst dressed men of the Golden Globes from this past Sunday.

Best Dressed

David Oyelowo

David Oyelowo, a new actor in Hollywood who portrayed Martin Luther King, JR in the Best Motion Picture nominee Selma, dazzled in his sparkly-navy blue tuxedo (with matching shoes). A stray from the usual black-and-white tuxedo, Oyelowo’s tuxedo captured the eyes of many spectators and critics who watched the Golden Globes, all with positive feedback.


Kit Harrington

Playing Jon Snow in the critically acclaimed HBO series “Game of Thrones,” Kit Harrington wore a navy tuxedo that was boring to some, but clean, sleek, and stylish to others. Harrington paired his tuxedo with a white button-down, matching navy tie, and shiny black shoes. It was a classic look that earned him a spot in many fashion outlets’ best dressed list.


Matt Bomer

Matt Bomer, Golden Globe winner for Best Supporting Actor in a Series, Miniseries, or Television Film for “The Normal Heart,” stopped the show in his sleek, navy blue tuxedo. Bomer always seems to stun on the red carpet with his slim-fitting fashion sense. It is a classic, timeless look with the white shirt, black bow-tie combination. It was a well-deserved (and dressed) win for Bomer.


Worst Dressed

Alan Cumming

While it was different for a celebrity to wear a nude-colored tuxedo, what do we expect from the Broadway star? It was a good attempt at trying to impress the masses; however the color of the tuxedo almost blends perfectly with Cumming’s skin tone. The shoes (though casual) lack sophistication but match the overall theme of Cumming’s attire. It was not a good day for Cumming at the 2015 Golden Globes.


Kevin Hart

While it was a sharp-looking suit, Kevin Hart’s tuxedo was, by the same token, a tad tacky-looking. It is a typical tuxedo with the sharp, black color and slim-fitting slacks; however the white outlines makes Hart look cheesy and almost like one of those frosted cookies with a frosted-border.


Clive Owen

The mixed-matched material of Owen’s velvet blazer and baggy slacks contribute to an ill-dressed Owen at the 2015 Golden Globes. The velvet top comes across as a different color than the black pants and the different material clashes, making Owen one of the worst-dressed celebrities at the 2015 Golden Globes.


Aley Phelan

Staff Writer

Best and Worst Dressed Women – Golden Globes

Worst Dressed

Lana Del Ray

Lana Del Ray, while typically rocking the red carpet really missed it this time around. The pleated and satin fabric is outdated and the color washed the singer out. Del Ray has proved she looks better in colors including, red, and white and like most, some sparkle. This look was overall unflattering and ugly….sorry Lana fans.


Keira Knightly

 Yes, Keira Knightly was sporting a baby bump at this year’s Golden Globes but that is no excuse for her terrible dress. Over the years we have seen many pregnant women walk the red carpet and elegantly show off their baby bump. Knightly though, did not. The young actress, only 29, looked years above her age in this vintage inspired Chanel gown.


Claire Danes

Claire Danes took a risk wearing this embroidered Valentino gown, and it did not pay off. The gown itself was too much, the embroidered fabric made for a heavy gown and distracting appearance. Danes was lost in this ill-fitting dress, the plunging V-neck was baggy and unflattering on the actress. Overall the gown was a bad choice for the Golden Globes.


Best Dressed

Emma Stone

Emma Stone was glowing on the Golden Globes red carpet. Unlike Danes Stones risk paid off well. Not many people can pull of the jumpsuit trend on the red carpet but the young star did so flawlessly. The bow on the side added a surprising flare and the sequins top brought youth her ensemble. All in all Stone looked flawless at the Globes.


Julianne Moore

Julianne Moore was ravishing on the carpet. There was a lot of sparkle at this year’s Golden Globes, but no one seemed to do it like Moore. The Still Alice actress looked glamorous and age appropriate all in one. The feathered ombre bottom added just a touch of elegance to her look. Overall it was breathtaking.


Jenna Dewan Tatum

Jenna Dewan Tatum was shining in this yellow Carolina Herrera gown. Tatum took on the yellow trend at this year’s Golden Globes, unlike others who added emerald green to their yellow look, Tatum stayed classic with silver jewelry. The dress itself was mesmerizing with the ruffled fabric and beautiful color. Tatum overall looked fresh with her natural look on the red carpet.


Savannah Mailloux

Staff Writer

For the year 2015, many new television shows will premiere for eager audiences. Rainn Wilson, Darren Aronofsky, Will Forte, and Charlie Cox should be mentioned.

Backstrom: Rainn Wilson from The Office comes back in a new FOX comedy and drama show called Backstrom. From the creator of the TV series Bones, Hart Hanson, it tells the story of a brilliant yet quick-tempered detective who is brought back to run the Portland Police Bureau’s Special Crimes Unit.

Wilson plays Everett Backstrom, an insulting detective who is still bitter about his exile to the traffic division five years ago for derogatory comments. Backstrom must balance solving cases and fixing his self-ruination.

Genevieve Angelson from House of Cards plays optimistic detective Nicole Gravely. Dennis Haysbert, infamous for his appearance in the Allstate Insurance commercials, plays Sergeant John Almond, who does not tolerate Backstrom’s behavior.

With this bunch together at S.C.U., there are bound to be issues in Portland. The series is based on renowned Swedish criminologist and novelist Leif G.W. Persson’s series of books of the same name. Backstrom comes to FOX in late January, so prepare yourself for his mood swings.

MaddAddam: HBO is introducing a science fiction show from Margaret Atwood’s MaddAddam darren-aronofsky-adapting-maddaddam-book-trilogy-into-hbo-seriestrilogy. Darren Aronofsky, the director of Requiem for a Dream and The Wrestler, is the executive producer and possibly the director. It is still unknown at this time.

For people who have not read the books, the story takes place in the mid-21st century following a viral pandemic that was started by one character named Crake. It follows the lives of survivors, some human and others genetically engineered. The goal is to wipe out everyone but the genetically engineered group he likes to call “Crakers.”

Last Man on Earth: Will Forte, a Saturday Night Live alum and part of the film Nebraska, comes to FOX to star in an apocalyptic comedy. Forte created, produced, and stars in Last Man on Earth. Forte plays Phil Miller, a lone survivor of a last man on earthdisastrous event that managed to obliterate the rest of humanity.

From there, the saga revolves around Phil’s determination in the year 2022 to lead a life of normalcy.  Phil Lord and Chris Miller, the duo behind The Lego Movie and 21 Jump Street, directed the first episode.

The show premieres on March 1 so get ready to laugh at Forte’s roaming character.

Daredevil: Marvel fans are psyched for the new Netflix adaption of Daredevil. The series revolves around a blind crime fighter on the streets of New York City.

Charlie Cox, from Stardust and Boardwalk Empire, plays the main character named Matthew Murdock. Netflix plans to stray from the standard episode a week and, instead, release the 13 episodes all at once. Unfortunately, Marvel fans will have to wait until May 2015 to binge-watch the show.

Savannah Mailloux

Staff Writer

Station Eleven Book Review

Station Eleven, from Emily St. John Mandel, has dominated the bestseller list from its release in early September. In her fourth novel, Mandel tells the story of the Georgia Flu. Within weeks, most of the population has passed because of the rapid spread of the virus.

The book begins with Arthur Leander, a stage actor in the play King Lear. Kirsten, an actress in the play, witnesses the tragic demise of Arthur in the Toronto theater. Mandel switches between the past and the future in the book, from 8-year-old Kirsten to the world 20 years after the pandemic. The world is no longer filled with essentials of today such as electricity, the Internet, gas, or running water. Kirsten is now part of the Traveling Symphony, a band of musicians and actors who travel from town to town in Michigan. Readers learn about Arthur’s past and Kirsten’s life-long fascination with it.

As much as the novel is a post-apocalyptic story, it maintains a sense of mystery. Unanswered questions about character motives drive the plot and encourage readers to keep turning the pages. Mandel is able to switch back and forth between pre and post-Georgian Flu effortlessly.

The basic premise of the book is synonymous to the growing fear of violence and disaster in today’s society. Many worry about contracting Ebola or terrorism emerging in the United States. Some even obsess over a zombie apocalypse from popular shows like The Walking Dead. Mandel’s goal was to describe a wasteland for humanity complete with characters who all have their own quirks.

The novel makes readers think about the little things in life. When most of the human race is killed, the essentials of everyday life disappear. Mandel once talks about pigeons and their luminescent necks.

Station Eleven will continue to sell in bookstores. It might even make a good Christmas present! If post-apocalyptic novels peak your interest, definitely check out Station Eleven from the library or purchase it from a local bookstore.

Manía de Taylor Swift

Tyler Colwell y Dana Luzzi

Manía de Taylor Swift

Taylor Swift es una cantante muy famosa y exitosa. Ella ha producido cuatro álbumes de nùmero uno en el Billboard 100 . El  álbum nuevo de Swift 1989 tiene  muchos logros. El álbum 1989 es su primer álbum de música pop.  Normalmente ella es una cantante de folklore. Ahora, el álbum ha venido  la mayoría de las copias del año

En la primera semana, 1989 ha vendido 1.287 millón copias. Desde entonces Swift ha vende más álbumes entonces cualquier otro cantante. Swift es la primera cantante que ha vendido tres álbumes con más de un millón de copias por cada uno. Las canciones más populares de 1989 son “Shake it Off” y “Blank Space”.

El video músical  “Shake it Off” es muy popular. En Youtube, el video tiene más de trescientos millones vistas desde se publica en el 18 de agosto. En el video, hay muchos tipos de baile diferente con Taylor y ella actúa como una bailarina, animadora y más. El éxito y la popularidad del video ha inspirado muchas parodias, incluyendo uno de Foran. En la parodia de Foran, muchos profesores “shake it off” a  su canción. Es increíble!

Con tanto éxito, no le sorpresa a nadie que muchas personas están enamoradas con Taylor.  A sólo veinticuatro años de edad, Taylor ha causado una obsesión por todo el mundo con su nuevo álbum y sus videos musicales.

Aley Phelan

Staff Writer

What are you looking forward to most about Thanksgiving?

Reporter on the Street- Colin O'Sullivan

Freshman Colin O’Sullivan is excited for the food, more specifically cranberry sauce.

Reporter on the Street- Pierce Klein

Pierce Klein, sophomore, says he is looking forward to “seeing family I haven’t seen in a while, and the food.”

Reporter on the Street- Erin Dillman

Junior, Erin Dillman, is also excited to see her family.

Reporter on the Street- Hayley Maxwell

Senior, Hayley Maxwell, can’t wait for, “the food, especially stuffing, cranberry sauce, and pineapple.”

Savannah Mailloux

Staff Writer

Going to the Movies? Here’s Some Ideas!

Considering movies are still being released for the end of the year, it would be helpful to mention a few for other fellow moviegoers. As the fall season winds down and holidays are steadily approaching, grab some popcorn and settle into the comfiest seat in the theater.

InterstellarInterstellar: Directed by Christopher Nolan, the mastermind behind the Dark Knight trilogy, Interstellar is a space biopic starring Matthew McConaughey, Jessica Chastain, Anne Hathaway, and Michael Caine. McConaughey plays Cooper, an engineer with two children. The world is coming to an end and Cooper must be the hero with his all-American charm. Amelia (Hathaway) and Professor Brand (Caine) are using ships to search for a new place for humanity to live. Hans Zimmer created the scores for the film which is something to look forward to from his background in the Dark Knight trilogy. Interstellar has gained traction since its release on November 7 based on the stellar (I had to, I’m sorry) cast, science fiction foundation, and the musical score.

The Theory of Everything: In The Theory of Everything, Eddie Redmayne stars in a biography based Theory of Everythingon Stephen Hawking’s life in physics and his battle with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis which led to his placement in a wheelchair. The wife of Stephen, named Jane Wilde, is played by Felicity Jones. Starting with their first meeting at Cambridge University in the 1960s, it transcends into the trials and tribulations regarding their relationship and the debilitating diagnosis of Lou Gehrig’s Disease. It came out on November 7 along with Interstellar so science and romance enthusiasts should buy a ticket soon.

Foxcatcher: Foxcatcher, based on the the Olympic wrestlers Tom and Dave Schultz (Channing Tatum and Mark Ruffalo) along with their sponsor John du Pont (Steve Carrell), is directed by Bennett Miller. Known for his film Moneyball, Miller produced an engaging film about the murder of Dave Schultz. Though much of the plot is under wraps until the film is officially released on November 14, it explores the complex relationships between the trio and their constant struggle for power. Many were initially concerned about the casting choices but Carrell and Tatum bring their best acting foot forward to deliver a riveting performance.

Wild: In Reese Witherspoon’s production job for Wild, directed by Jean-Marc Vallée (Dallas Buyers Club), it tells the story of Cheryl Strayed from her book Wild: From Lost to Found on the Pacific Crest Trail. Coming out December 5 in theaters, the film recounts the 1,100 mile unaccompanied trek that Strayed completed as a way to deal with personal problems following her divorce and the death of her mother. Notable cast members are Laura Dern (Jurassic Park, The Master), Gaby Hoffmann (Veronica Mars, Field of Dreams) as Aimee, and Michiel Huisman (Game of Thrones) as Jonathon. In Witherspoon’s best performance since Walk the Line, the audience will be taken on a journey with her to discover the trail’s healing powers.

Exodus: Gods and Kings: Ridley Scott brings a new biblical film into theaters called Exodus: Gods and Kings about Hebrews fleeing from Egypt that is led by the ruthless leader, Moses. Moses, played by Christian Bale, challenges the Pharaoh Ramses who is played by Joel Edgerton (The Great Gatsby, King Arthur). The cast also includes Sigourney Weaver and Aaron Paul. It will be released on December 12 and is considered the first biblical epic since Noah came out. Relying heavily on digital effects to convey the interpretation of the exodus, get ready to spend approximately 3 hours and 20 minutes in the movie theater. Hoard all the popcorn and candy you can, moviegoers.

American Sniper: Clint Eastwood returns with another intriguing film titled American Sniper. Coming out on Christmas Day, it is based on Chris Kyle’s autobiography American Sniper. The movie stars Bradley Cooper (The A-Team,  Silver Linings Playbook) as a U.S. Navy SEAL named Chris Kyle. Known as an excellent sniper, he is sent to Iraq to protect fellow members of the military. The film reflects on his experience in the military, with saving many lives, and juggling fatherhood from halfway across the world. His wife, Taya Renae Kyle, is played by Sienna Miller who is known for her roles in G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra and Casanova. Chris must also tackle the fact that as time goes on, a bigger target is put over his head. With an R-rated mark, American Sniper will bring the story of Chris Kyle to the box office.

Into the Woods: Based on the play of the same title, Disney presents the film version with Rob Marshall (Chicago, Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides) at the helm. Stephen Sondheim, a musical genius, composed the scores. For people who have not seen the stage version, Into the Woods follows various Grimm fairy tales that correspond with certain characters fantasies and wishes. The Baker and his wife are cursed by the witch and need to find certain objects in the woods to break the spell. Morals are included throughout the film regarding accountability and the many problems stemming from a vivid imagination. Meryl Streep plays the witch, Anna Kendrick as Cinderella, Chris Pine as Cinderella’s prince, Johnny Depp as the wolf, James Corden as the Baker, and Emily Blunt as the Baker’s wife. Coming out on Christmas Day like other notable films, Into the Woods is a highly anticipated stage-to-film adaption.

Unbroken: Angelina Jolie makes her big-screen directional debut in Unbroken. The film is about Louis Zamperini, an Olympic runner taken prisoner by the Japanese during World War II. Based on Laura Hillenbrand’s book Unbroken: A World War II Story of Survival, Resilience, and Redemption, it comes out on Christmas Day. Zamperini lived a bleak life based on his military service, from surviving a plane crash to living in a Japanese camp for two and a half years. Jack O’Connell, relatively unknown to most aside from his roles in 300: Rise of an Empire and Eden Lake, stars as Louis. Miyavi Mutsuhiro plays “The Bird” Watanabe, a ruthless Japanese Army sergeant who singles out Zamperini. Unbroken is an action biopic, with a PG-13 rating, to open the door to Louis Zamperini’s challenging life.

So, hopefully there are a few films (or maybe just one) that peaks your interest. What movie are you most excited to see?

Marykate Fallon

Staff Writer

“Tha Carter V” Hopes to Impress

carter v

Weezy F-baby, Tunechi, Birdman Jr, and Mr. Carter are only a few of the many nicknames rapper, Lil Wayne, has claimed since he has changed the music industry in 1990. Lil Wayne started rapping when he was just eight years old and is respectively known as the greatest rapper of his time. Lil Wayne’s full name, Dwayne Michael Carter, Jr. has been his inspiration to create four, soon-to-be-five on October 28, albums titled “Carter.” RJ Jackson, senior, is one of the biggest Lil Wayne fans at Foran. When asked “What is appealing about Lil Wayne that makes you like him?” Jackson responded with “Weezy is one of the hardest working artists out there right now. His work ethic is unbelievable and it has obviously paid off. With the end of his reign as king in sight, he still continues to put out consistently good singles and with Carter V coming out at the end of the month, I am anxious to see what he has in store for us next.”

Regardless if you’re a Lil Wayne fan or not, you know of Carter 3. It was a record breaking album and Weezy’s most successful album to date. It won a Grammy for best rap album of the year in 2009. The album also debuted at number one on the US Billboard 200 Chart, selling 1,005,545 copies in its first week. This album was what proved Lil Wayne to be one of the best in the game and that Weezy was here to stay. When asked “What are your favorite tracks on Carter 3?” Jackson responded with “Lollipop and A Milli, two timeless pieces of hip-hop that continue to impact listeners today.”

Lil Wayne isn’t just respected by his fans but also by his fellow colleagues. Two of the industry’s most hottest rappers, Drake and Nicki Minaj, have been quoted several times during interviews how learning from the best has really helped them grow as artists. Drake credits his work ethic to Weezy and wishes to be as legendary as Lil Wayne someday.

Carter 3 is clearly one of the greatest albums of Lil Wayne’s career but you can never predict what’s coming next with Weezy. Carter 5 debuts on October 28, 2014 and after hearing two of the singles that were released early, fans are definitely in for a good time. Jackson believes, “After hearing a few singles from the Carter 5, I believe this album will be something special. Weezy has, for the most part, put out good albums but I think this one will be different. This one has the chance to tie or even surpass the success of the Carter 3 and go down in history as his best album. Weezy wants to let the young, hot artists know that he’s not quite done yet.”

Fans can expect nothing less than hard work from Weezy considering he is always pushing himself every day to improve his music and career. Lil Wayne has a studio on his tour bus so as he travels he can continue to do what he loves and make music for his millions of fans.

Rumors have escalated that this is Lil Wayne’s last album and he will be retiring after it is released. In an interview from 2008 Wayne says “When I’m 35, I’ll be away from the game and a full time dad.” However, in an interview in 2013, when asked about the topic again, Wayne responded with “I don’t know anymore. I’m still making good music, making money fo’ sho’ and having fun. The day I stop having fun is the day I retire.” When asked “Do you really believe this is Weezy’s last album?” Jackson responded with, “Honestly, I don’t know. It is hard to tell when Weezy will leave the game, but when he does it will be when he wants to. But in all honestly, I’m still waiting for tha’ carter…sixty nine.”

When Weezy decides to put down the mic for good, it will be a sad day for hip-hop listeners across the world. But he has surely earned the right to enjoy his life away from work and will leave the game as a legend.


american horror story picture

Paige Kissinger

Staff Writer

American Horror Story is back on the air for its fourth season; it aired its first show on October 8 on FX. Created and produced by Ryan Murphy and Brad Falchuk, this season is titled, “Freak Show.” It focuses on the struggles of being a part of one of the few freak shows in the 1950s; and the discrimination a person may experience when being considered a “freak.”

The cast includes Jessica Lange as Elsa Mars, singer and owner of the freak show that settles down near Jupiter, Florida, in 1952. Sarah Paulson plays Bette and Dot Tattler, conjoined twins who shared everything but personality. Emma Roberts plays Maggie Esmeralda, a con artist and fortune teller. Erika Ervin, an American model and fitness trainer, plays Amazon Eve. At a height of 6 feet 8 inches she has been called “the world’s tallest model.”

Mat Fraser plays Paul the Illustrated Seal and was born with Phocomelia syndrome, which causes upper limbs to be shortened and/or absent. Fraser had experience performing in a real freak show before AHS and loved being on stage. “I’m powerful and awesome, and I’m a freak and I’m an actor and I’m a freak actor playing a freak and it’s awesome,” Fraser said in an FX interview.

Evan Peters plays Jimmy Darling, who has a deformity in his hands causing them to look like they were split. This is a disease known as ectrodactyly, a rare form of a congenital disorder in which the development of the hands is disturbed. The first reported reference to this particular disease was by Ambroise Paré in 1575.

Jyoti Amge, an Indian actress and the smallest person in the world, plays Elsa’s assistant Ma Petite. At 23 inches tall and 11 pounds in weight, Amge has become a quick favorite on the show. “I love acting in this show, and am just really excited to be here,” she said. “These people are not freaks, they are normal in every way.”

With many more odd cases and mysteries, this show demonstrates withering carny life and the struggles that follow. From bearded ladies to giants to super strength, this season brings awareness to rare and unusual body abilities and talents. It may bring inspiration to those watching the show that there are possibilities of self and social acceptance. With an amazing start and such a diverse cast, there are only high hopes for American Horror Story: Freak Show.

 What are you wearing for Halloween?

(1)reporter 10.31

Tj Stuart, Junior, is being Ham Porter from Sandlot.

(2)reporter 10.31

Hannah Buckley, Junior, is being a sailor.

(3)reporter 10.31

Gayle Portoff, Freshman, is being a cat.

(4)reporter 10.31

Kyle Cohen, Sophomore, is being a pregnant lady.


Marissa Gomes, senior, is going to be Batman

Julia Astram

Staff Writer

Dystopian Society Thrills at the Box Office

 The New York Times #1 bestselling novel, The Maze Runner, comes alive. The main character Thomas, played by Dylan O’Brien, is put to the test in this compelling new series. According to IMDB, O’Brien’s parents, Lisa Rhodes and Patrick B. O’Brien, were both passionate about the acting process. His father was a camera operator, while his mother was a former actress who also ran an acting school.Maze Runner

O’Brien took on this challenging role, combining both drama and action. Erica Ourfalian, a Junior at Foran, said, “Dylan’s acting was phenomenal, especially in the different expressions and feelings he brought to the role.”

This thriller starts off with Thomas arriving in the “Glade”, which is basically a reservation in the middle of a maze.

The only way to escape the Glade is to find the way out of the maze. This is challenging because it constantly changes paths and switches directions. After Thomas arrives in the Glade a girl, Teresa, is brought into the Glade, which was unheard of.

After that no other people were sent to the Maze, which meant that the teenagers were trapped and had to get out. No one has survived the Maze at night, which is why the character Thomas will be encountering severe difficulties.

The interesting aspect of this movie is that it was a replica of the critically acclaimed novel, The Maze Runner. According to Julia Kopstein, Freshman at Foran High School, the movie was significantly better than the book. Kopstein said, “The first half of the book was boring and slow, while the movie kept me on my toes.” The suspense definitely kept the audience occupied.

IMDB states that O’Brien recently starred in the hit television Teen Wolf, the movies the Internship and the First Time.

The level of intensity of his acting was first tested in his role of Stiles in Teen Wolf. According to an interview in Wolf Watch, O’Brien said, “I originally auditioned for the main role of Scott McCall for the show, but as we got into the role I realized that the sillier side of me would be perfect for the role of Stiles Stilinski. This is when the character of Stiles was brought into my life.”

The Maze Runner was a huge hit, topping the list of being most like the Hunger Games.

Savannah Mailloux

Staff Writer

Saturday Night Live Returns for 40th Season

Saturday Night Live, from the producer Lorne Michaels, kicked off its 40th season on September 27th with Chris Pratt, the host, and musical guest Ariana Grande. Emerging on October 11th, 1975, SNL has been going strong ever since. With a rotating cast since then, comedy has certainly changed from the hour and a half running of the show on Saturday nights.

The lineup has changed this year because members have left to pursue other interests or they simply did not get enough reception on the show. Longtime announcer, Don Pardo, died at the age of 96 on August 15th. He announced the cast of SNL for 38 seasons but is now replaced by veteran cast member Darrell Hammond, well-known for playing Sean Connery in Jeopardy sketches. People who moved on from SNL include: Noël Wells, Brooks Wheelan, John Milhiser, and Nasim Pedrad. Each have been known for their own personal sketches in the show such as impersonating Kim Kardashian or playing themselves like Wheelan did on the Weekend Update segment. However, Kenan Thompson, a fan favorite, remains a veteran from sketches like “What Up With That?” or “NFL Previews.” Colin Jost, the new host for Weekend Update, lingers with help from Michael Che this season.

SNL still needs to get into the right groove for its 40th season. To kick off the season, Chris Pratt hosted. It is a wise considering his comedic background in Parks and Recreation. The Marvel trailer from the episode poked fun at Pratt’s role in Guardians of the Galaxy this year. Weekend Update was switched around as Cecily Strong is not co-hosting with Colin Jost anymore. Instead, Michael Che, a previous correspondent for The Daily Show with Jon Stewart, is co-hosting. Sarah Silverman also hosted with musical guest Maroon 5 the week after. Most people are unaware that she was on SNL in the late 90s. They criticized the ebola craze in “The Fault in Our Stars 2: The Ebola in our Everything.” The latest host, a previous SNL member named Bill Hader, returned on October 11th. Noted for his character Stefon, Hader has made a name for himself by starring in The Skeleton Twins this year alongside Kristen Wiig. The slated hosts for the next couple of weeks are Jim Carrey and Chris Rock with musical guests Iggy Azalea and Prince.

 Saturday Night Live prevails as a comedic powerhouse full of new talent. With Lorne Michaels at the helm, the show continues to produce an animated audience on primetime television. Fans will just have to wait until the next episode to discover what the cast has in store.

Aley Phelan

Staff Writer

Hollywood Homecoming

On Saturday, October 11 upwards of 400 people walked the red carpet to the Foran Café at
Homecoming. The cafeteria was transformed to something nothing like the place we eat lunch, the walls were covered in starred wallpaper, and the tables were decorated with miniature Oscar figurines, movie buckets with popcorn, and cardboard directors cut clap boards. Everyone felt like movie stars. Freshmen, Shea Phelan and Erin Suech said, “The decorations were marvelous, and we felt like we were really in Hollywood.”

The night was filled with dancing and awesome food. There were students on the dance floor up until the last minute. Senior and Homecoming Queen, Jenny Weissauer said, “The turnout was awesome I had a blast and hope everyone had fun too!” Weissauer walked down the Foran Café to the DJ Station with King, Sal Tuozzola. Another Homecoming Royalty was Steve Lynch, who said, “I was so excited to run with my girlfriend.”

Overall the Homecoming Dance was a big hit this year. The attendance of 445 was a record breaking amount of tickets sold. The Natural Helpers, who put the dance together, made for a successful night! Juniors Nicole Stefan, Erica Hanson, Julia Wargo, and Jess Lavallee said they had a “blast” all night. The dance wasn’t only a hit for the students, our principal Mr. Berkowitz said, “I was so impressed by the school spirit, enthusiasm, and how much fun everyone was having,” he also wanted to compliment the Natural Helpers for putting everything together. All in all it was a great dance!

Saw one of our health teachers, Mrs. Hart, dressed in this adorable outfit. The sweater and tall boot look is definitely in this time of year. Great job representing the teachers fashion sense. Keep it up!

Mrs. Hart

How are you “Rocking the Red Carpet” at Homecoming?

image (7)

Emma L, a freshman, is “wearing a purple dress, with a sparkly belt.”

 image (6)

Paul P, a freshman, is “wearing a button down shirt.”

image (3)

Andre V, a sophomore, will be rockin’ a “nice ironed collared shirt with a tie and nice ironed dress pants.” He is adding some “bling” to the ensemble as well.

image (4)Alyssa G, a junior, is sporting a “fancy pink dress with lace details.”

image (11)Bryce C, a senior, is arriving in “a vest and bow tie.”

 image (8)

Mr. Brennan is rockin’ the red carpet “the only way that Bren-swag would.”

Sheppard’s “Shelfies”

Bienvenida de nuevo a la escuela! Mrs. Sheppard welcomes students back to her Spanish 2 and 3 classes.

Mrs. Sheppard is a longtime member of the Milford Public School system. She has taught for 30 years at elementary schools, middle schools and high schools all over Milford. This is her 14th consecutive year teaching at Foran High School. Before Foran, she taught at Harborside Middle School and almost all of the elementary schools.

Mrs. Sheppard likes to incorporate fun and enjoyable things into her class projects. She is very enthusiastic about teaching her students, and her students have fun while learning in class. She also uses recent and popular trends among our demographic age group to create interest. Students are currently doing “Shelfies”- a play on the word selfies- in class. Students take a book of their choice and pose against a shelf. Then they have to explain their choice of the book.

Previously, students played with Dominos, or “las fichas de dominó” in class. Dominos is a strategic game that requires instinct, knowledge and experience, and the game is an important part of Latin social life across the country. Some even say it’s second popular to the games of futbol and baseball . “Dominos is a very old game that originated in China, spread to Europe, and then made its way to Latin America. It used to be a game played mostly by older men but it has become popular among teenagers in Spanish-speaking countries,” Mrs. Sheppard said.

Her goals and expectations for her students this year are for them to be able connect with the world outside of the classroom. Students are currently writing pen pal letters to other students from Spanish speaking countries.

She also hopes that her classes will have the opportunity to Skype with different people from Spanish speaking countries.

Mrs. Sheppard also hopes to achieve her personal goal, which is to learn more about technology and how to incorporate it into the classroom.

joan rivers

Jacqueline Fernous

Staff Writer

The Queen of Comedy, Joan Rivers

The Queen of Comedy, Joan Rivers, passed away on September 4, 2014, at the age of 81 after complications during throat surgery.

She was surrounded by family, including her only daughter, Melissa Rivers, and grandson, Edgar Cooper Endicott.

Originally named Joan Molinsky, she is the daughter of Jewish immigrants who came to Brooklyn, New York shortly before her birth. After attending Brooklyn Ethical Culture School and the Adelphi Academy, she then went on to attend Connecticut College and Barnard College.

Before making it big in the television world, Rivers worked multiple jobs such as fashion consultant and tour guide at Rockefeller Center.

Rivers was able to make a name for herself with her vulgar yet comedic humor in shows such as Fashion Police, Joan and Melissa: Joan Knows Best?, and The Muppets take Manhattan, and earlier for her standup comedy and guest appearances on various late-night shows.

Aside from acting and producing, Rivers also wrote books and designed her own makeup and jewelry line. This Emmy Award winner was also the first woman to own her own show and the only permanent guest host on The Tonight Show. Rivers had a type of humor that was not well appreciated at the startup of her career. While some people would agree that she went too far with her sarcastic and gossipy remarks, others said they appreciated her “tell it like it is” attitude.

When the news of her death circled the world, many were devastated, including Foran High’s own senior, Marina Kydes, who said, “I was sad to hear that Joan Rivers passed away. Fashion Police was my favorite show, and it won’t be the same without her.”

Funeral services were held Sunday, September 7, 2014. Before Rivers passed away, she described her ideal funeral wanting it to be glitz and glam, “with Meryl Streep crying in five different languages,” and with Howard Stern speaking her eulogy.

Her funeral was held in a temple on the Upper East Side in New York City with hundreds of fans wishing they had an exclusive invite to the Fashion Police star’s funeral services. The day was filled with smiles and tears while many guests shares stories of Rivers from years ago.

Even in death, Rivers sure knows how to have a good time.  This Hollywood style funeral would have definitely pleased the hard to impress talk show celebrity, Joan Rivers.

 What did you do on your day off from school on Thursday?

Leah Zinsky
Leah Z.

Leah, a senior, went to the Big E with her friends and family.

Parker Callahan
Parker C.

Parker, a sophomore, went homecoming dress shopping.

Mike Howell
Mike H.

Mike, a junior, went to the movies and saw, If the Game Stands Tall.

Maddie Buckley
Maddie B.

Maddie, a freshman, went out to Friendly’s with her dad for dinner.

Mr. Troy
Mr. Troy

Mr. Troy, a teacher, bought his wife a new car.

Savannah Mailloux

Staff Writer

Guardians of the Galaxy Rising to the Top

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Courtesy of:

Guardians of the Galaxy, directed by James Gunn who wrote for Scooby Doo: Monsters Unleashed and Dawn of the Dead, soared into theaters on August 1, 2014. A blockbuster space adventure headed by Chris Pratt (Parks and Recreation, Zero Dark Thirty), who plays Peter Quill, has accumulated $611.5 million at the box office worldwide. With an MPAA rating of PG-13, it remains kid-friendly but still engaging in the script and plot development. Other stars in the film include Zoe Saldana (she seems to enjoy having her skin painted, based on her role in Avatar) as Gamora, Bradley Cooper voicing Rocket, Dave Bautista as Drax the Destroyer, Vin Diesel voicing Groot, and Lee Pace (The Hobbit, Lincoln) as Ronan. With a sequel already slated for 2017, it is sure to be another Marvel franchise worth seeing.

The film starts off with background on the character Peter. His mother died in 1988, when he was a young boy, and he is then abducted by a group called The Ravages. The film picks up 26 years later when Peter, now known as Star-Lord, takes a mysterious orb from the planet Morag. The action develops from there as villains, such as Ronan, seek the orb for revenge in their own respects. Rocket, the raccoon, and Groot, a walking flora, are two partners who want to catch Peter because a reward is provided. Gamora is sent by Ronan to retrieve the orb, and there is an attraction between her and Peter. With the galaxy’s fate in Peter’s hands once he realizes how important the orb is, he must protect it. It is especially important that it does not fall into the hands of Ronan or his ally, Nebula.

Unquestionably, Guardians of the Galaxy is a science fiction adventure vastly different from other Marvel films.

The soundtrack is the main component of the film that made the experience enjoyable. Titled “Awesome Mix Vol. 1” and Awesome Mix Vol. 2,” it includes 1970s hits to furnish a wave of nostalgia. From Peter dancing to “O-O-H Child” by The Five Stairsteps to “Hooked on a Feeling” by Blue Swede in the film trailer, Director James Gunn encapsulated the love Peter’s mother had for him before she died. Adults and teenagers alike will be jamming to the two soundtracks, available on iTunes if you have not already downloaded it. When interviewed by Rolling Stone magazine, Gunn said, “I also think people are hungry for good, old-fashioned, well-crafted pop songs that exist outside of any sort of imposed hipness or irony.” Clearly Gunn’s song choices worked out well because the soundtrack managed to top the album charts. Buy it or Star-Lord might just come after you.

The characters also had their own unique qualities. Although he only said the same three words throughout the film, Groot captured people’s hearts for being a gentle giant. This is proven when he sacrifices himself so Rocket, Peter, Drax, and Gamora could live. It also does not help that he muttered “we are Groot” at the end of the film. (Cue the aww’s.) Drax adds humor and amusement because he uses words that seem too large for his form. It’s a general reference to the phrase “brawn with no brains” but apparently nothing goes over his head. Watch out, guys. Gamora is also someone to fear considering she was trained as an assassin. Infamously titled “the deadliest woman in the universe,” she develops a soft spot for Peter as the film progresses. Compared to other female characters in science fiction movies, she is not predictable. She knows how to defend herself and get what she wants.

Rocket, the loud-mouth raccoon, is the architect in the film with his knowledge of weaponry. Produced from various biological experiments, Rocket has a certain edge to him compared to other characters. He is bitter and angry from being experimented on and fuels this with his natural sarcasm. Although most would simply think of him as an unrealistic creature, he displays very human abilities and emotions. Altogether, this wild bunch seeks to protect the galaxy from evil doings.

Guardians encourages the not-so-expected heroes of society. This was considered a risk to produce for Marvel but it certainly paid off based on the revenue accumulated and the emerging fan base. With a pint-size, talking raccoon and a green-skinned assassin, James Gunn pulled out all the stops for this science fiction adventure. Get ready to blast the soundtrack in your house for the next couple of months, guys. Guardians of the Galaxy is an action-packed movie experience for adults and teenagers alike.

Caught up with Jacqueline Fernous and her adorable outfit today. This floral dress and cardigan is such a delightful combination for the fall season. As the cold weather hits us the tall boots come out of summer hibernation, can’t wait for this trend to start up again!
Caught up with Jacqueline and her adorable outfit today. This floral dress and cardigan is such a delightful combination for the fall season. As the cold weather hits us the tall boots come out of summer hibernation, can’t wait for this trend to start up again!
Hanna Outfit
Here we have Hanna sporting a classic fall look. With the maroon infinity scarf and leggings it’s the prefect combo on an autumn day. Love your cute ensemble Hanna!

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