Remembering Ms. Sandor

Live Oaks Elementary

Ms. Ceilne Sandor: Ms. Sandor’s staff photo. June 2021-2022.

          Elementary teacher Ms. Celine Sandor was one of a kind. Ms. Sandor was a teacher in the Milford Public School system who passed away on January 23, 2023. She was originally from Greenwich, CT but called Milford her home. 

          Ms. Sandor made her mark as she educated young students at Live Oaks and Meadowside Elementary school in Milford. She strived to bring out the best in everyone, embraced her students’ talents and helped strengthen their weaknesses. 

         Teacher Ms. DaryleAnn Czajkowski reflects on fond memories, “Ms. Sandor’s favorite artist was Van Gogh. She had her own Charlie Brown Christmas Tree including the red ball that caused the top to bend over. She supported the Red Cross and donated blood regularly to help others.” 

          Ms. Sandor’s dedication, passion and love for teaching was something extraordinary. She loved her students like they were all her actual children, encouraged and challenged them in all areas of their lives but most importantly she always believed in all her students. 

          Ms. Sandor’s former student and Foran sophomore, Skylar Hacker, expresses that, “Ms. Sandor  was a great teacher who taught and changed me along with many others. Some people would say she was strict and a little hard on some but overall that just made the class experience even better. It kept us in line and taught us to be better and that made an impact on who we are today.”

          Ms. Sandor’s classroom rules taught so many young minds about discipline, morals, patriotism but most importantly they expressed to her students no matter what…to always do the right thing as they navigated life.

          She always had a smile on her face that would light up a room, a hug that would reassure uncertainties and a wink that would express, you got this!

          Live Oaks Elementary School was the last school Ms. Sandor worked at, where she taught fifth grade. She took on the task of preparing her fifth grade students for their middle school journey. Ms. Sandor lived for history, and after being in her class you grew to love it too. 

          Weekly political cartoon summaries, honoring our veterans, the American flag, holiday class gift exchange, phases of the moon project, field trips, Charles Dickens Christmas Carol play, reading the book Wonder, class guest readers, Mr. & Mrs. Barkin and her mantra “Be Kind” are examples of her passions that sum her up perfectly.    

          Live Oaks Preschool Teacher and former colleague of Sandor, Ms. Julie French states, “Ms. Sandor was a very dedicated and passionate teacher. She cared greatly about her students. She challenged all her students to be the best they could be. Ms. Sandor worked many hours beyond the classroom to support her students.”

          Ms. Sandor’s heart was exploding with thoughtfulness, class, generosity, forgiveness, and love. Her positive attitude showed through like a new day’s sun. 

          Mrs. Liz Rice, a colleague from Live Oaks states, “Ms. Sandor was very organized. Not a thing out of place. Her room was always spotless and there was no clutter. But what stood out most to me was her calm demeanor. She always had control of her students without raising her voice. I was always in awe of how she talked to and quietly loved her kids. She was one of the best! Her passion for teaching was amazing.”

          When Ms. Sandor was not in the classroom she could be found at Robert Treat Farm. Whether feeding the chickens, giving her expertise on flowers, or greeting you with a cheerful conversation she did it with such pride. 

          Julie French shares, “She bought me a lavender plant from Treat Farm. We had a previous conversation that my daughter was interested in starting a garden. Ms. Sandor surprised me with the plant to bring home to my daughter to add to her garden.” 

          Simple gestures like these reminded you that Ms. Sandor listened, cared and always tried to bring a smile to others around her.  

          Ms. Sandor’s genuine traits touched so many that were lucky enough to cross paths with her. Her legacy will live on, and to the lucky ones to have had the opportunity to know her, she will never be forgotten.