Tips For Getting A First Job

Jonna Lord

The Plate: Best friends Jonna Lord and Reese Jasminski working together, August 10, 2022.

          Many high school students pursue part time jobs after turning 16 in an effort to understand the fundamentals of learning how to manage their time, while comprehending financial adversities. While finding a first job, students can start their search in their own communities. Seeking out small businesses and getting in touch is a great way to stay alert to new job openings.         

          Ms. Pamela Procyk, College and Career Aid, gives insight on the key to finding a first job. 

          She states, “COMMUNICATION!! Talk to people- adult relatives, friends, adults in school- let them know you are looking for a job- it’s amazing on who is connected to who, and you may find out about many opportunities by having a conversation with someone!”

          Having a first job can help pay for small independent expenses. Lots of students who have their license pay for their own gas, and some even pay for their own car insurance.  

          It’s important for students to start saving their money as young as they can. Investing in a debit card is beneficial for individuals starting their first job. This will allow direct deposit to work much faster instead of cashing a check each week. 

          Saving accounts are crucial for college expenses, food, and gas. Due to inflation prices of products have increased dramatically making it very difficult for an individual to not have a job in highschool. 

          Lots of students have formed friendships and close bonds with their co-workers. 

          Senior Jonna Lord says, “I work with Reese Jasminski who’s been my friend for years, by working at the Plate for almost two years I’ve made new friendships with two girls from Stratford that I’ve grown a close bond with. I think it’s important to create bonds with the people you work with because they ultimately make the working experience better, and allow me to enjoy going to work.” 

          Most high school students participate in after-school clubs and sports. Lord partakes in cheerleading,which runs through the fall and winter season. She also participates in ECA, a cooperative half day arts program that works 12:30-4. 

          Balancing work and sports can be hard, but Lord states, “I work mostly on weekends for an eight hour shift. When cheer isn’t in session, I work more hours during the summer.” Her advice for students who are experiencing their first job is to “work hard and try your best always, it’s ok to mess up, people are always going to be there to help you.”

          After receiving a first job, many students learn many life skills from the environment and also grasp the importance of time management. 

          Senior Tighe Duggan says, “Personally, I manage my time efficiently with Google Calendar, and I just convince myself to get all my work done as soon as possible…just being able to visualize my weekly schedule gives me an idea as to how productive or challenging my week might be, and where I can work or where I can rest.”

          Senior students get to experience the opportunity to engage in senior internships during their last months in their high school career. Mrs. Melissa Cacioppo, senior class advisor and senior internships advisor, states how an internship can lead to a first job. 

          Cacioppo explains, “The internship is basically a four week long job interview. The employer observes your work ethic, time management, and communication skills throughout the internship. If the employer is impressed they may offer a job to the intern. Last year there were at least 10 seniors that received paid positions after the internship ended.”

          Being in high school offers students a variety of opportunities to start their first job. Adding on to the list of benefits, having a first job can open the doors to new knowledge and possible future ideas in what profession they would be most passionate about.