Maggie Cummings
Staff Writer

Sophomore Juanito Briones has difficulty choosing between all his options for next year.
The start of the third quarter is an exciting time for Foran’s students. It brings them the opportunity to start new classes, usually half-year electives, but it also provides the chance for students to select their courses for the upcoming year.
Students from freshmen to juniors select which classes they want to take for their next school year from the course selection packet provided by the Milford Board of Education. In terms of core academic classes, students work with their current teachers to determine what class would be right for them for the following year.
Teachers often recommend what level class a student should take in the future, but they are also accommodating at the same time. Many times, teachers will alter or modify their recommendations based on the desire of the student. English teacher, Ms. Shannon Ramsey, takes different factors into account when recommending students, but remains flexible. She says, “I take into consideration the student’s motivation, skills, and grades. [I will sign off on a course I don’t agree with] if the student is passionate about it.”
Students have more leeway and personal choice when it comes to choosing electives for next year. What many students enjoy about electives are that there are so many options available to them. There are a wide range of art, business, history, science, music, technology, family and consumer science, and English classes. Students also enjoy the fact that they can take multiple electives from the same field. For example, Senior Hannah Kresen takes both band and peer assist music.
Senior Jeunne Mariano will miss course selection next year, and has some advice for upcoming students. She says, “I liked the versatility of the classes that we can take, but I don’t like how we’re restricted due to requirements that we have to meet. I will miss being given first priority, as college classes fill up fast and are first-come-first serve. My advice- I get in high school, you want to have fun, but if you want to get into a good college, you have to be mindful of your course load- it can’t be all electives.” Senior Graham Chen pitches in with some advice of his own. He says, “Fill your schedule with classes you like. Choose courses that challenge you so in college you don’t have to take them and pay money.”
About choosing classes, junior Vaishnavi Bulusu says, “I feel like it’s stressful but exciting because it’s our last year of high school.” Her friend Lauren Niemen pitches in. “I think that it’s stressful but it’s also exciting and I’m indecisive about it. We want to challenge ourselves but we also want to make it fun.” Senior Abby Richards won’t be signing up for classes next year at Foran but found it interesting to take journalism her senior year. “It’s a good class that teaches you how to work with people, meet deadlines, learn interviewing and research skills.” Although Abby is taking this class as an elective this year since it’s her first year, any junior who takes Journalism class will be eligible to take Journalism 2 as their English class their senior year.
It is important for students to remember that there are still requirements to graduate. So, when picking out future years’ classes, students should make sure they have a plan to acquire all the credits they need. There are so many options to choose from that even though one may not want to take a class in a certain area to get the required credit, they can find a class within that field that will still interest them. And to freshmen and sophomores- don’t worry if you are unable to decide on which classes you want to take for the upcoming year. Guidance counselors and teachers are willing to help students who are unsure. If you plan well, you have your remaining years of high school to take courses that interest you.