Downtown Milford Welcomes New Business
Milford Static Records Owned By Jay Reason
Photo of the downtown milford and off the outside of Milford Static Era Records. Photo Courtesy of Melissa Santos and Jay Reason.
November 20, 2020
Starting a business is hard, but starting one during a pandemic is harder. How will they get people to come to their store? Are they selling something beneficial? Will they be a good change for our community?
Jay Reason opened Milford Static Era and Records in downtown Milford in Oct. to give people a chance to listen to music a different way, the way he grew up listening to it. He promises shoppers they will have an amazing experience once they walk into his store.
Reason has been told by many people that he is very bold for opening a new business during a pandemic. During this time, people tend to avoid going places for the fear of catching Covid-19. But that did not stop Reason from sharing his great love for music with the town. His store has new and used vinyl, vinyl accessories, new and vintage music merchandise, books, zines and more.
Even though Covid-19 still around and getting worse by the second. Reason is as busy as ever, in fact he is even surprised with how busy they have been.
He has dedicated most of his life to music, both in front and behind the scenes. Reason, who was a performing musician for many years, says,“I toured for years, for years.. and I always came back here.” His love for his hometown and outrageous love of music, wanting to be able to share it with people he loves is why he opened the store in Milford. Where he hopes he can help people find a new appreciation for music.
As a musician, he played in the hardcore bands Voice of Reason and The Distance, and he used to be the label manager for Jamey Jasta’s Stillborn Records label, working with all different types of bands.
Reason has been collecting records and vinyl since he was around 15 years old. He started off listening to the punk/hardcore music. He says, “I still have the first local hardcore band 7 I bought.” Music has been with Reason pretty much his whole life.
Which is why Reason decided the best way to share his love of music is to help people find their own. That is why now we have a new business in our small town, at 43 River Street. They are open Friday and Saturday from 12 to 6pm.