New Year’s Resolutions

Many students this year have made their New Year’s resolutions to go back to the gym and get into shape.
Photo Courtesy: Brittany Soriano December 7, 2020

Many students this year have made their New Year’s resolutions to go back to the gym and get into shape. Photo Courtesy: Brittany Soriano December 7, 2020

Tatyanna Bun, Staff Writer

     A new year is beginning. 2020 was a year with a lot of surprises, the main one being Covid-19. Many people can not wait for a new year to start and see all the changes. 

     According to Forbes, a study was conducted in 2018 and it showed that less than 25% of people actually stay committed to their New Year’s resolutions after 30 days and only 8% of people accomplice them.

     Senior Nick Lawrence says, “Usually every year I set a goal for myself that I will follow through with for like a month or so but after that I slowly stop. However,  this year I plan on trying my best to follow through with mine. This year my goal is to really spend more time with my family. I want to start doing small things with my mom and little brothers and sisters even if it is just playing a game or watching a movie with them.” 

     Spending time with family is very important to many people especially for some of the seniors since many are going away next year for college.

     Freshman Logunn Lee says, “My New Year’s goal is to be more generous and put other people before me. I feel like everyone only thinks about themselves and will never put other people before them. By doing this I hope that the person notices and will do the same for someone else too.”

     Being kind to other people is a good goal for someone to make and being kind to others can go a long way.

     Senior Brittany Soriano says, “My goal for 2021 is to focus on myself and get better physically and mentally. I have already started by going to the gym every day and following a routine that I made for myself.” 

     With everything going on and a lot of new changes being made, following a routine is a good start to have some stability. 

     Sophomore Gianna Piscitelli says, “This year I really want to focus on appreciating what I have and really embracing all the memories I am making with my friends.” 

     Many people take for granted what they have and the time they get to spend with family and friends. This year has really shown how much everyone takes for granted. Like simply being able to sit with friends at lunch has been taken, but with all these changes it has made more people appreciate what they have. 

     Senior Jacob Shushan says, “My goal is to try to get back into going to the gym instead of just working out at home because I want to get back into shape.”

     Setting goals and putting effort into what you would like to accomplish is really good and valuable as long as it is followed through. Having a goal makes you more aware and after the goal is complete it can bring great joy and pride. As Walt Disney used to say, “With enough effort, he may achieve it. Or he may find something that is even more rewarding. But in the end, no matter what the outcome, he will know he has been alive.”