Streaming Into the New Year; Netflix Arrivals and Departures

Netflix Home Page: Photo Courtesy: Tori Matula, January 21, 2021
January 28, 2021
Netflix is one of the most popular streaming apps around the world. Over time, new shows are added and removed from the app in order to keep it updated. As new shows and movies are released, you can count on Netflix to provide you with the entertainment you’ve been looking for all along. The additions and removals of Netflix series can spark emotion for many of the viewers.
Sophomore Julia Deicicchi states, “My favorite shows are The Vampire Diaries, Gossip Girl, and Grey’s Anatomy. I’m very disappointed that Gossip Girl left Netflix in the beginning of the year because it was one of the best shows.”
Deicicchi adds, “I’m excited for All-American season three to come on Netflix, and especially Stranger Things. I’m also interested in the new show called Daughter from Another Mother that is coming to Netflix.” Deicicchi enjoys using the platform of Netflix, however she is very disappointed that one of her favorite series is leaving the app.
Freshman Maia Matula says, “Some of my favorites on Netflix are Outer Banks, All- American, Originals, and Legacies. It’s upsetting to hear that Jurassic Park and Jurassic World will be leaving this year, but on the other hand, I’m excited for new seasons of Outer Banks and All- American to come out soon.” Matula watches Netflix daily and is thrilled for new shows and seasons to be joining Netflix. She is also saddened by the fact that some movies will be leaving the streaming app as well.
¨Some of my favorite shows are Greys Anatomy, Supergirl, and The Good Place,” says Junior Abby Sanwald. She further states that she is shocked to hear that The Office was leaving since it became such a popular show. Sanwald continues to watch Netflix in her free time despite some of the shows and films that are leaving the app.
Although there are mixed feelings about what is new and old to Netflix, they sure know how to keep things up to date. The company takes away and adds new shows, seasons, and movies every year in order to keep people entertained and interested. Just like anything, there needs to be some change sometimes.