Senior Class Officers: Leaving a Legacy in Office

Sean Ayoub and Bella Mema

     Each year, classes at Foran elect officers to lead and plan events including fundraisers and prom. Last spring, the Class of 2021 chose President Eric Haig, Vice President Soledad Meade, Secretary Kaitlyn Adkins, and Treasurer Emma Davies, to fulfill these responsibilities. Since then, these seniors have made strides for their class, and will soon move to new adventures in college. 

     Ms. Jessica Hoffer supervises the entire Student Government organization and fondly remembers her time with this group. Hoffer says, “I want them to know to keep striving for their dreams and to make an impact in their college community.”

     The past few years have been undoubtedly difficult for seniors, with them having to delay their prom an entire year. Despite this, the officers have been resilient and worked hard to make the best of a difficult situation. Haig describes collaborating with his peers to fundraise and prepare for the event as his favorite moment from the past year.

     Each of the officers have played an important role in planning this year’s Senior Prom, which took place at Quassy Amusement Park on May 20. Admission was free of charge for all seniors. 

     Fundraising is a critical part of student government. Meade describes her favorite memory, which was “[Taking] a trip to the grocery store last year after we collected money for our Thanksgiving food drive during my junior year. We got a list of which foods to find in the store and then we packed them up back at the school and it was so much fun.” 

     Money is an important part of a treasurer’s job, something that Davies, who is also Class Salutatorian, knows well. Her advice, “Plan, plan, plan! Think about the big events your class will have that year and what you need to make it perfect… Your class will love you if you can turn early fall fundraisers into a reduced cost of attendance for a dance.”

     Planning this year’s prom was a complex task with many variables, including a range of safety considerations. Adkins elaborates, “it was difficult trying to make it as fun as possible because of all the restrictions from the school and the city.” However, she adds, “I’m glad we’re able to have something and we’re trying to make it as exciting as we can.”

     With the help of senior class advisors, Mrs. Shauna Newall and Ms. Emily Lockhart, this year’s prom will be one to remember. Lockhart says, “the senior class is full of amazing, kind, compassionate young people. I know when they go out into the world they are going to make amazing things.”