Taking an Inside Look at the National Honor Society
Celebrating Greatness: Senior Ethan Edmondson’s certificate welcoming him into National Honor Society. Photo courtesy: Ethan Edmondson, June 1, 2021.
June 4, 2021
The National Honor society is a prestigious organization that helps to recognize students that have exemplary grade point averages and excel academically. These students are selected through an application process
To be invited into the National Honor Society, students must first have at least a 4.25 GPA, then need to submit resumes, letters of recommendation, etc. where they will be evaluated by a committee of five teachers on their volunteer work, extracurricular work, and leadership. When the decision is made, a majority vote is needed in order for the student to be inducted.
Mr. Rick Raucci and Mr. Jeffrey Raucci, advisors for NHS, coordinate the activities of the National Honor Society. J. Raucci mentions, “This includes the selection process, the induction ceremony, the peer tutoring program, and all community service work that the society engages in.”
Foran’s National Honor Society inducted 32 members this school year. These members are Penny Aubin, Jason Barile, Paige Carlson, Joshua Cummings, Liz Dong, Marissa Dumais, Emma Ann Fiorillo, David Gaetano, Arezoo Ghazagh, Aidan Glass, Kaylee Granfield, Eric Haig, Katherine Harrison, Barry Held, Joseph Honcz, Kevin Huang, Nate Huebner, Emily Jankura, Emma Jerue, Bridget Kiernan, Misai Lam, Ryan Marren, Delaney Mayville, Megan McTigue, Isabella Mema, Mark Paine, Ria Srivastava, Grace Tavitian, Rylee Tondora, Brygid Sawitsky, Ava Steigbigel, and Mary Wydan.
Many of these students engage in extracurricular activities and help the community in other ways. J. Raucci says, “The NHS runs a holiday cheer event where they raise money for people in need by going to classrooms and singing holiday tunes and having people pay money. They also tutor students in need at Foran as well as East Shore and Harborside.”
The advisors have had to make accommodation arrangements in regards to Covid-19. The NHS advisors mention ways they have been able to shift from a traditional hands-on approach to a more virtual one through zoom calls and google meets. This way, students are able to receive the person-to-person help they need while remaining safe.
Students who are inducted into the NHS are outgoing and display a powerful sense of character. NHS inductee Jason Barille says, “Being inducted into the National Honors Society has been a great honor for me and I am proud to be a member of the society. It allows me to stand out to my teachers and peers as a role model.”