Teamwork Makes the Dream Work

Athletes in Action: Students participate in team-building activities. Photo courtesy: Catherine GaNun, October 12, 2021.
October 21, 2021
Teamwork is undoubtedly an essential skill for any job. A perfect way to learn this trait is in the new course T.E.A.M.S, which stands for Together, Explore, Ask questions & share ideas, Members of your team, Smarter together than apart.
The leaders of this course are teachers Mrs. Catherine GaNun and Mr. Jeffrey Bevino. Both teachers have years of athletic experience under their belt. GaNun was a former varsity athlete in cross country, softball and was a basketball captain. Bevino played football, baseball, and coached a variety of sports for 44 years.
The course selection guide, the program of studies states, “This course encompasses classroom and physical activity experiences with the emphasis on self-direction and resourcefulness as students explore topics related to behavior change and goal setting.” This class helps future development of students, no matter what occupation they hope to have.
On top of this, ask any former or current athlete, they will tell you that being part of a team has many benefits.
Baseball’s head coach and former All-State athlete, Garrett Walker says, “Teamwork helps student athletes build culture and chemistry between each other. On a team you can help find who you are and be around like-minded individuals, as well as develop communicative skills.”
Just months into school, students are already raving about their experiences so far.
Sophomore Eli Gomes states, “My experience in the class has been good so far. I have worked with new people that I probably wouldn’t have worked with if it wasn’t for this class. Working in groups has given me a chance to show my teamwork skills and help my teammates if needed.”
However, teamwork does not only allow a platform for friendship, but also greatly improves a team’s chances of winning. Gomes agrees, “I have learned that you don’t have to be a great athlete to win, but if you work together with your teammates you can accomplish anything.”
The benefits of the program are highlighted by the 171 students enrolled in the program throughout the course of this year. Students can take it as a quarter year class. All sophomores are required to take Health 2 and this class.
GaNun says, “As one of the teachers, I truly enjoy being able to teach the importance of teamwork and I encourage all my students to cooperate and communicate with their peers so that everyone has fun while playing various team building activities.”
T.E.A.M.S was first incorporated into the curriculum in the beginning of the 2021 school year, but if the benefits continue, the course will be a fan favorite for years to come.