Political Candidates Lost High School Seniors’ Support
Few Register to Vote on Election Day
Voter Registration: Seniors who turned 18 before November 2, 2021 were eligible for voter registration. Photo courtesy: Tammy Carino, September 28, 2021.
November 18, 2021
The Tuesday following the first Monday of November is Election Day. When citizens reach the age of 18, they begin to consider whether or not to take part in any elections.
The 26th Amendment of the United States Constitution changed the voting age limit from 21 years old to 18 years old. Furthermore, the same amendment states that no state can deny anyone 18 or older their right to vote.
According to Milford Patch, the election on November 2 decided on new mayors, city clerks, probate judges, constables, Board of Education members, Board of Aldermen members, and Planning and Zoning Board members.
High school students who turned 18 years old before Election Day were eligible for voter registration until October 26. Those students received an email stating their eligibility and some instructions for the registration process. Those over 18 are now allowed to be directly involved in the election process, but not all decide to participate.
Based on a poll posted on the Mane Street Mirror’s Instagram account, 100% of the seniors that responded did not vote.
Senior Madison Sheppard decided not to participate in this year’s state election. Sheppard felt that her one vote was not enough to change the voting results.
She says, “I just believe there wasn’t a reason to register myself to vote because one out of many votes wouldn’t change the outcome.”
Steven Liscio, a senior at Jonathan Law High School, also chose not to participate in this year’s local election. He was aware of his voter registration eligibility, but Liscio simply did not care deeply enough about the mayoral election.
Despite his decision to not vote, Liscio sees the significance of voting when he says, “Even though I didn’t, I feel like it’s still important to vote since it’s our future.”
Although many eligible seniors decided not to participate in this year’s election, there will be more opportunities in the future to vote. Mr. Frank Tupka, social studies teacher, encourages seniors to vote and use their voice in government.
Tupka explains,“High voter turnout, close elections, and people talking about issues are all key ingredients in keeping our elected officials in check.”
At the end, the voter turnout in Milford was 39.62% with a total vote of 15,302 out of 38,626 eligible voters. Coming of age is a major transition in one’s life, and it allows for a significant step toward independence. A person can demonstrate this personal development through voting.
Sheppard says, “Encouraging students old enough to vote will allow for better community involvement and maybe even convince someone like myself that each vote does matter.”