Sound Lions Club Keeping Our Environment Clean

Sound Lions in Action: Sound Lions members help clean the environment at their last beach clean up, at Woodmont Beach. Photo Courtesy: Jamie D’Avignon, December 5, 2021

Chloe Nittoly, Staff Writer

     From beach clean ups to recycling plastic water bottles, keeping the environment safe is an aspect that members of the Sound Lions Club take on with seriousness and great attention.

     The overall purpose of the Sound Lions Club is to work towards creating a clean, safe environment. Within this club, not only do they examine the large issues revolving around water pollution or polluted areas, but more importantly, how to specifically help their local community.

     Club advisor Mrs. Laura Donovan is thrilled to be a part of the Sound Lions and comments, “One thing I really find remarkable about the club is that it is completely student-run. At the beginning of the school year, a few students approached me to ask if they could start the club up. Ever since then, they have been running the meetings and coming up with the ideas all on their own.”

     The club was last active during the school year of 2019-2020. Unfortunately, with Covid-19 restrictions last year, no one was able to move forward with the club. However, juniors Jamie D’Avignon and Zoe Fallon were determined to take over this year, in hopes of promoting beneficial change within society.

     “Our environment is extremely important, and it is specifically important to keep our home clean for wildlife here in Milford. Through this club we are able to make a difference in our own community, and work towards keeping a healthy, and clean town,” D’Avignon says.

     The Sound Lions have two main activities that they encourage within their club. One of them is hosting beach clean ups at various Milford locations.

     Co-president Zoe Fallon says, “We recently hosted a cleanup at Woodmont beach, along with the park across the street. We plan on hosting more events as the weather gets warmer, especially in the spring.”

     Member Joe Gaetano was one of the several members that attended this event. He says, “As a member of this club, I want to do my part in order to keep the environment healthy and safe. Last beach cleanup, we split into two groups: one on the beach, and one at the park, so that we could maximize the cleanup.”

     A second important project in which the Sound Lions participate is a plastic water bottle collection. Members, or any Foran student, can trade recyclable items such as water bottles for money at the local Stop and Shop. All of the profits made through this process are then donated to the Milford Audubon Center, an organization that helps preserve Milford wildlife.

     Sound Lions meetings are held every other Monday in Room 413 after school.

     Donovan adds, “Anyone who is interested in learning more about ways we can help protect and beautify our local Sound ecosystems – and earn some volunteer credit along the way – should definitely consider joining.”