Self-Love Spotlight

How Do you Show Yourself Self-Care on Valentine’s Day?

Lauren Ardolino

Planning on self-love: A self-care post it planner can be seen hanging in the store.

     Valentine’s Day is one of the most popular holidays that isn’t recognized as public. It is publicized as a holiday to celebrate one’s significant other, however, it can also be a day to celebrate yourself. 

     Many couples have their calendars marked for this special day on February 14, but Valentine’s Day does not have to be just about your love for others. One of the best ways to celebrate Valentine’s Day is to practice self-love.

     Even if you are single, in a relationship, married, or in a “situationship”, everyone deserves to show themselves care during this season of love. From planning a trip, to eating a full box of chocolates, there are many ways to treat yourself on Valentine’s Day. 

     Some examples of self-love can be treating yourself to a gift, meditating, hanging out with friends, taking a social media break, or doing something that makes you smile. 

     Life Ways, which is a community mental health group, has a step-by-step guide that has a Valentine’s Day outline for individuals who are looking to work on themselves. To start off the day, Life Way recommends beginning the day in a way that will benefit your mind and body. Next, they recommend a mid-morning treat that is followed by a de-stress lunch and journaling. Finally, Life Way believes that challenging yourself to a new recipe can be an extremely beneficial way to end your day. 

     Senior Tuana Gonul enjoys taking Valentine’s Day as an opportunity to spoil her family and at times, herself. Gonul states, “Valentine’s Day is usually a time I like to treat both myself and others in my life such as my friends, sister and mom. I plan on getting my mom flowers, doing Galentine’s night with my friends and spending a day to myself to buy the things I have usually been waiting to buy. It’s a way of giving back to the loved ones in my life even though it’s not in the form of a significant other.”

     It is increasingly important to be aware of your own mental health and to make sure you are in a healthy environment in order to grow. Jeffrey Raucci’s health class discusses not only physical health but also mental health. 

     Raucci says, “It is important to celebrate yourself and your accomplishments for your own well-being. Self-care and making sure you’re in an environment that uses positive language (whether that is by yourself or the people you surround yourself with) are some of the biggest contributors to one’s mental well-being, which directly affects one’s social and physical well-being.”

     Whether you are celebrating this Valentine’s Day alone or with friends and family, it is always important to remember to look after yourself.