the mane street mirror

Carlie Mae Simard, Staff Writer

Hi, I'm Carlie Mae Simard and I'm a junior at Joseph A. Foran High School. I am a Staff Writer for The Mane Street Mirror. In my free time I enjoy reading, spending time with my friends and family, swimming in the ocean, and going to see my horse. 

All content by Carlie Mae Simard
Madeline M. boards her horse “First Flight” or Delta at Testo Family Farms. This farm offers riding lessons but it is also a boarding facility.

A Tour of Our Local Farms

Carlie Mae Simard, Staff Writer | May 13, 2024

Throughout the year, farms can be a great place for friends and family to get plants, gifts, or fresh produce. A nice spring or summer day can even be a perfect time to go horseback riding outside! Local farms surrounding Milford all have their specialties. This is why I have captured images at four...

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Life, You Only Have One of Them

Life, You Only Have One of Them

Military Options For Graduating Students
Carlie Mae Simard, Staff Writer | March 15, 2024

As the high school curtains close, a new stage beckons graduates: choosing a career. Upon tossing their graduation caps, many students would choose to march towards a different kind of education, trading textbooks for tactical training. Joining the military post-graduation is about commitment to growth...

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A random act of kindness can make someone’s day in just a simple way. Milford celebrates random acts of kindness all throughout February for National Random Acts Of Kindness month.

[Photo] Cold February, Warm Heart

Carlie Mae Simard, Staff Writer | February 8, 2024

A random act of kindness can make someone’s day in just a simple way. Milford celebrates random acts of kindness all throughout February for National Random Acts Of Kindness month.

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Calming Space: One out of the many relaxing setups in the Special Education Room. December 5, 2023.

Supporting Special Education

A Look into Foran’s Special Education Department
Lila Rothbard and Carlie Mae Simard | December 15, 2023

          For centuries in the United States, children with disabilities were ignored and thought to be unteachable by schools, despite how smart and worthy they were of the same education as other students.            National Special Education Day is celebrated on December 2 each year,...

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Dragon: Christmas Dragon by versageek is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0.

Glistening in the Frosty Season

The New Haven Fantasy of Lights
Carlie Mae Simard, Staff Writer | December 4, 2023

          5 p.m. the snow is falling. The aroma of hot chocolate swirled in the crisp air. Families all around are bundled head to toe in cozy clothing. Stars sparkle in the night sky as cars line up ready to see the glimmering lights illuminate the darkness. New Haven Fantasy of Lights occurs at...

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Dressed up for Halloween: The girls soccer team dressed up in Halloween costumes, October 31, 2022.

Fast Forward To Now

Foran’s Fall Sports Traditions
Lila Rothbard and Carlie Mae Simard | October 18, 2023

          As students walk through the halls of Foran High School, they may look around and see other students wearing dress shirts and ties, dresses and skirts or a signature red, white and blue uniform. For many of Foran’s sports teams, dressing up at school the day of a game is just one of...

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