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the mane street mirror

a forum for student opinion

the mane street mirror

a forum for student opinion

the mane street mirror

Ski Trip: Junior Aiden Stay poses for a picture at Burke Mountain in Vermont during a ski club trip, February 10, 2024.

Balancing Passions: A Profile of Aiden Stay

Katie Vitaletti and Ella Nassef | March 5, 2024

          Junior Aiden Stay is a dedicated individual with a passion for science and a heart for volunteering. When he’s not studying and helping others in need he’s spending time with friends and family and participating in his favorite hobbies.            His hobbies include skiing,...

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Athlete of the Week: Information board outside of Vitelli’s office, February 9, 2024.

Behind the Scenes: Athlete of the Week

Lila Rothbard and Rosina Smith | March 4, 2024

          For the past 10 years at Foran, Athlete of the Week has been a weekly practice for giving recognition to athletes who have lived up to their best potential.            Mr. Anthony Vitelli has worked as Foran’s Athletic Director for 18 years and has continued to play a major...

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Group Photo: Bradford stands with the students she taught during her time in Japan, 2014.

Bridging Cultures

How Mrs. Bradford’s Travels Impact Her Teaching
Jasmine Phung and Maggie Bredbeck | March 4, 2024

          Living in another country is a rare and unique experience for anyone. Mrs. Cynthia Bradford’s love for traveling has impacted many students with her knowledge of Japanese culture, and as a supervisor for both Japan Club and Model United Nations (Model UN), she is constantly distributing...

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Dedication: Members of the Drama Club practice their lines during rehearsal for the upcoming musical.

A True Team Effort

Behind the Scenes of “Once Upon a Mattress”
Gavin Conte, Staff Writer | March 1, 2024

          As many know, the Foran High School Drama Club hosts a yearly musical. Hundreds of students, family members, and teachers buy tickets, however, many attendees are unaware of all of the hard work and dedication that happens behind the scenes to contribute to their success.        ...

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TLC Talks

TLC Talks

Milford's Choice: Best Restaurants in Milford
Katie Vitaletti and Ella Nassef | February 15, 2024

Click the link below to hear Katie and Ella's 4th episode of their podcast, TLC Talks. This episode features the best restaurants in Milford. TLC Talks Episode 4 | Milford's Choice: Best Restaurants in Milford

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Badges of Honor: Several examples of the badges Boy Scouts can earn through their endeavors.

Celebrating Scouts

National Boy Scouts Day and the Scouting Community Within Foran
Maggie Bredbeck, Staff Writer | February 15, 2024

          For 113 years, the Boy Scouts of America have been nurturing skills and friendships among the more than 110 million Americans who have been included since their founding, according to           Boy Scouts of America was born on February 8, 1910, and National Boy Scouts...

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War on Poverty: President Lyndon B. Johnson meets with an American struggling with poverty, 1964.

War on Poverty Day

How Milford Organizations and Foran Clubs Are Helping Out
Isabella Palisi and Gavin Conte | February 12, 2024

          Each year on January 8, there is an international recognition for War on Poverty Day, which is used to reflect on how everyday individuals can eliminate poverty and improve living conditions for all.           Poverty can fall upon anyone, including students, veterans, seniors...

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Then vs. Now: Seniors Kelly Aspras, Matthew Nolan, Taylor LaFountain, Mackenzie Posey, and Emma Honcz shown freshman/sophomore year next to their senior year selves.

Turning Back Time

Class of ‘24 Reflects on Their Time at Foran
Lorelai Christy, Online Editor | February 12, 2024

          As Foran rang in the new year, the senior class reflected upon their upcoming plans after graduation. Some have experienced feelings of sentiment for their time in high school and have reminisced over numerous memories they’ve shared with their friends the last three years. If they’re...

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Basketball Hustle: Players rush down the court following the ball, February 1, 2023.

Behind the scenes of Unified Sports

Alexa White and Makayla Crespo | February 9, 2024

95% of public high schools in Connecticut offer a Unified Sports program; there are 47,909 combined participants in almost 20 states in the nation. On February 14, a Unified Sports winter basketball tournament will be held for all members of the club at Foran High School.  Unified Sports started...

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Simon Challenge: Students in AP Psychology, take the Simon Challenge as a part of a data collection and analysis activity for their cognitive psychology/memory unit, December 19, 2023.

Elevating Excellence: The Impact of AP Classes on Academic Achievement

Madison Ballard, Staff Writer | February 9, 2024

The variety of AP classes at Foran High School can be an eye-opening experience for students. The classes go from the English side of AP Language and Composition to the more scientific side with AP Chemistry and AP Biology.  Junior Allison Stefan is currently taking two AP classes and took AP classes...

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A random act of kindness can make someone’s day in just a simple way. Milford celebrates random acts of kindness all throughout February for National Random Acts Of Kindness month.

Cold February, Warm Heart

Milford’s Random Acts of Kindness
Carlie Mae Simard, Staff Writer | February 8, 2024

          In a world that often feels like it's spinning out of control, one Milford resident’s simple act of kindness is a shining beacon of hope.            Random Acts of Kindness Foundation began in California in 1982 when a woman named Anne Herbert wrote “Practice random acts of...

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Boys and Girls Club: Logo for the Milford Boys and Girls Club, January 23, 2024.

Making a Difference

Exploring Volunteer Opportunities in Milford
Hailee Rabbitt, Staff Writer | February 8, 2024

          In need of more volunteer hours? Milford has many opportunities to get involved in the community. While volunteering helps others, it also helps build self-confidence, improves mental health, and provides a sense of purpose to give back to others.           The Beth-El Center helps...

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