Jess Sanders
Staff Writer
As the seniors get to leave, they have some tips to leave behind for the underclassmen that may be struggling a little. Makenna Prete, Kailey Loewenberg and Hailey Laforte had some very helpful things that they used to get by for the four years here at Foran.
Prete has been very involved with the school. She has played volleyball and softball. She has taken multiple AP classes and has had some very helpful tips that she used to manage her time and stay ahead. “I always made sure that I got all my work done ahead of time and making sure I stayed on top of all my classes and when things had to be due by. I use a planner on a daily basis and I have found that it just helps me stay on top of everything and not forget anything.”
Along with Prete, Loewenberg has also been very involved, as well as being in Natural Helpers and helping around the school.

“There were times that I struggled in certain classes but I knew I could always go to my teacher for extra help if I didn’t understand something. They are always here to help you and they want you to succeed. If you ever need to use numeracy or literacy, make sure you do because it always helped me whether I was writing a paper and needed someone to review it or not understanding something in math and having the opportunity to have someone else give you tips one on one to make sure you understood.”
Although Laforte isn’t part of Natural Helpers, she has had to deal with many difficult classes and sports that has taken up the majority of her time. “Since I have a busy schedule with school and then having softball afterwards or going down to the barn to ride my horse, I am always finding new ways to make sure I get my work done. I use my study halls and time on the bus to get my work done. There has been times that I’m up so late doing homework because I had a game that day or had practice that I need to get everything done. But I use any free time I have to do what work I have to do. I would even stay after a class at the end of the day if I didn’t have to be down at the field right away to get some of my work done or ask questions that I had from that class.”
All these tips are just some that they have had to help them through the years. Every senior has their own way that helped get them through, and hopefully will spread their knowledge to all the people they know here and or coming in.