Shannon Flynn
Staff Writer
This week on October 5 Key Club ran another successful annual Blood Drive. Teachers, faculty members and students donated their blood to American Red Cross. Over twenty Key Club members also helped during the event by bringing snacks for the people donating after they gave their blood. This year, similar to last year, there were over 30 people donating. There was also three people who have given their blood repeatedly to the event including our Dean of Students,

Mr. Zywocinski, math teacher, math teacher, Mr. Kaplavka, and librarian Mrs. Pellegrino. Head of Key Club, Mrs. Ganun encourages all students over the age of 17 and all teachers to also donate their blood at the next blood drive which will be this spring. Key Club officer, Alyssa Giacobbe also strongly supports and recommends donating at the next drive. According to Giacobbe “blood transfusions are so common someone you know most likely has had one and would appreciate you giving your blood for those who need it.”Giacobbe learned through volunteering for the Blood Drive that when you donate you are giving the Red Cross an opportunity to save three lives. Three lives can be saved through a donation that only lasts eight minutes. Mrs. Ganun and Alyssa feel that this is the perfect way to feel good about yourself while helping someone else. Alyssa says, “If anyone is ever looking for a way to help people in need or make a difference, donating blood or even just volunteering to help run a blood drive are some of the best ways to do so. This is why it is such an amazing opportunity to be able to hold a blood drive right in our own school so students and staff can easily help a great cause.”