Reilee Barron
Staff Writer
We asked faculty and students to respond to the following question:
What does Veterans Day mean to you/Why is it important that we celebrate it?
Mrs. Pellegrino
“My father was a veteran and one of my uncles died during World War II. It means a lot that people recognize the sacrifices that people continue to make in order for us to have our freedoms.”
Victoria Savoca
“Veteran’s Day is important as it is a designated day to show our appreciation for all that are fighting and risking their lives each day in order to protect our freedoms.”
Erin Suech
“Veterans Day is important to celebrate because it is a day to honor those who have fought, are fighting, and those who have died for our country and to protect our rights.”
Taylor Lambiase
“Veteran’s Day is a day to remember those who have fought for us and to honor those who have sacrificed themselves in order to protect our country and our freedoms.”
Mrs. Pangu
“It is extremely important that we honor those that have made the choice to defend our country so that we can have very basic rights and freedoms that a lot of us tend to take for granted each and everyday.”
Dennis Mema
“Veterans Day is important, as we owe it to the veterans to pay respect, for all that they have sacrificed to defend our freedom.”
It is clear that most students and teachers appreciate the freedoms that our veterans protect each day they spend fighting in the service. As students and faculty, it is important that we all take time to appreciate all that we have because of the sacrifices that people have made. Each day, people risk their lives in order to protect our rights and our country as a whole. There are many actions of kindness that can be taken in order to recognize the people that protect us. Whether it be writing letters to let our veterans know that we care about and recognize all of their sacrifice and hard work, or running a fundraiser to raise money for disabled veterans, any thought counts. Together, as a community, it is important that we speak out and let our veterans know how much we appreciate all that they have done.