Gavrielle Figueiredo
Staff Writer

Deb Coelho, a widow six years, has created her own business to cross ‘being her own boss’ off her bucket list. Originally, she was going to move to Massachusetts after her son was set in school, but as she went to look around she came across a do it yourself dog washing center. She became inspired to create her own business called Give the Dog a Bath. The center is a dog washing center where an owner can wash their own dog using the available shampoo, conditioner, eye and ear wipes, and doggy blow dryers. Even considering the small dogs that need a bath, there is a tray that can sit on the side of the tub so that the owners don’t have to bend over. She says the reason she did this was because, “I’m a people person — and about bringing the community of dog owners together… Dogs and kids are the best.” The business has opened Tuesday February 16th at 284 Boston Post Road in Milford, CT. Coelho has been a part of the PTA and has served as a board member of the Literacy Center of Milford for years, giving her great connections for customers and for the business to spread by word of mouth. Each time is $29.99 or a membership for $199 for ten washes. Come support with a cat food donation and get %10 off your wash on Tuesdays or Fridays with a dog ready to be washed.