Jessica Wolfe
Staff Writer
Each year Señora Sheppard throws a quinceanera for her freshman class. Each student from the class is assigned a role of someone who would be attending a real quinceanera like mom, dad, priest and sister. This year in Señora Sheppard’s 8th period class, Jamie Moreno was assigned to be the quince girl.

On the day of the quinceanera the class was told to dress nice. The classroom was decorated with festive decorations and food provided by both Senora and student’s parents filled the room. The party started with the class dancing some dances that they practised in class the days before. After the group dance was complete it was time for the quince girl, Jamie, and her “dad”, Nick Turner to dance. This represented the dance shared between the daughter and father at every quinceanera.

After the dancing was done, each member of the “family” gave a speech that was prepared in class. Finally the class sang a traditional birthday song and cut the cake.
The food prepared for the class was brought from both señora and the students. Freshman student, John Verno said, “I loved Jamie’s moms cupcakes. They were really good.” The students enjoyed eating the food while playing traditional games and listening to spanish music. “The food was really good and I enjoyed getting to dance,” said Sophomore student Sailor Lagner.
This quinceanera was the last of 35 quinceaneras that Señora Sheppard has prepared for her students throughout her years at Foran. The quinceanera is a fun and educational way to teach and inform students on Hispanic culture. Mrs. Sheppards dedication and hard work to make the quinceanera a fun and enjoyable experience for her students is something that both the students and teachers should recognize.