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the mane street mirror

a forum for student opinion

the mane street mirror

a forum for student opinion

the mane street mirror

Winter Captains: New Haven Captain Council, December 6, 2024. Photo courtesy: Jeffrey Raucci

Winter Captains

How They Keep the Team Warm
Zahra Chopra and Ryan Lawrence | January 6, 2025

 As the winter season starts, so do new sports—basketball, gymnastics, wrestling, and many others. With new seasons, new captains are selected to lead their teams to success. Boys' basketball coach Ian Kirkpatrick states, “We look for model student-athletes both in the classroom and on the basketball...

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Selection at Auschwitz:. The Jewish people arriving at Auschwitz are lined up on the selection ramp by Nazi officials. May, 1944. Photo courtesy: Bundesarchiv

Remembering These Stories

Angie Vargas, Staff Writer | January 3, 2025

The month of January brings with it a year of new beginnings. The phrase ‘New year, new me’ has become synonymous with the month and its beginning. However, it’s also a month of self reflection, where people can look back on their own past, along with that of others. January 27 is one of these...

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New Year’s Statistics: Statistics from 2016 and 2007 of different studies on New Year’s Resolutions. Nov. 2024, Photo Courtesy:

New Year’s Resolution

A Better Start For A Better You
William MacKnight and Jagger Rees | January 2, 2025

Every year, when the calendar rolls over to January 1, millions of individuals around the world embrace their chance for a fresh start. One of the most popular ways people address this opportunity is with New Year's resolutions.  A New Year's resolution is a promise or a goal that millions of people...

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December 9, The Yale Toy Closet at Yale New Haven Hospital. Photo Courtesy: Dawn Wicker

One Toy, Endless Smiles

Calliope Barry and Alexis Lafferty | December 20, 2024

 This holiday season, Foran is supporting the Avery’s Little Army non-profit organization through toy donations. The toys collected are given to the Yale Toy Closet Program, so patients can feel some joy during a difficult time.  Avery’s Little Army was created to honor Avery Lafferty, who had...

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Heroes Helping the Homeless: The members of Beth-El Youth United. Photo Courtesy: Jennifer Paradis

Beth-El Center’s New Youth Group Empowers Students to Help the Homeless

Violet Therriault and Ava McLaughlin | December 20, 2024

This past summer, Ikeoluwa Opayemi was brought on as an intern at Milford’s Beth-El Center, with the goal of getting the youth of Milford involved with Beth-El’s goal of tackling of homelessness. Noticing a lack of spaces for students to be involved in community organizing and meet new people, Opayemi...

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Candy Cane Cookies: Candy cane cookies after being prepped and ready to eat with sparkling sugar, November 16, 2022. Photo courtesy: Ella Claire & Co

Bake Your Way Into The Holiday

Eliana Stockwood, Staff Writer | December 17, 2024

The holiday season is always filled with warm memories and classic sweet treats. Baked goods are always present at a holiday get-together, so spice things up with a new treat this year.  The first treat is Chocolate cupcakes with Peppermint Frosting. These sweet tiny cakes are chocolatey and minty...

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Wreaths across America: Wreaths displayed in front of thousands of graves lined up in unison in portrayal of its honor and pride. December 7th, 2023. Photo Courtesy: Wreath-Across-America Official Website

Remember the Fallen

National Wreaths Across America Day
Jack Henkel and Jack Kepshire | December 17, 2024

Each December, a powerful tradition unfolds across the United States known as National Wreaths Across America Day—a day dedicated to remembering fallen veterans, honoring those who continue to serve, and teaching future generations the true cost of freedom.  This tradition, recognized annually...

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The Say Something Presentation in Action: Foran’s Natural Helper Ava Sanz and Fall Sports Captain Olivia Dyki present the Say Something slideshow to East Shore Middle School students. November 25, 2024. Photo courtesy: Mrs. Melissa Kaminski

Recognize, Act, & Speak

The Say Something Middle School Presentation
Andrew Bishop and Kellen Kirker | December 16, 2024

Sandy Hook Promise’s Say Something program teaches elementary, middle, and high school students to recognize warning signs that someone may be at risk of harming themselves or others and report their concerns to a trusted adult. The program emphasizes three key steps: recognize the signs, act immediately,...

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Leading the Pack: (Left to right) Captains Zach Queiroz, Brandon Marschner, Jagger Rees, Joey Gagliardi, and Wyatt Shallis pose for a photo, November 15, 2024. Photo courtesy: Jagger Rees.

Bleached-Blond Bonanza

Hair Trend Sweeps Foran’s Football Team
Connor Rizzo and Jasmine Phung | December 13, 2024

A sudden surge of atomic blond has seemingly spread through the hallways of Foran High School as many members of the football team have made the decision to bleach their hair. The first round of platinum blond struck the school on November 11 when the team’s seniors arrived at school with their new...

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Cookies Galore: A tin of chocolate chip cookies bought from the store is shown, November 17, 2024. Photo Courtesy: Creative Commons

America’s Favorite Dessert

Celebration of National Cookie Day
Gavin Conte and Matt Adkins | December 12, 2024

Cookies. One of the United States’ favorite desserts is being celebrated this year on December 4 through National Cookie Day. This holiday may seem pointless, however, according to Statista, people across the United States purchase over two billion cookies per year, and around 95% of households eat...

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Glow of the Season: The 2023 Milford Tree Lighting shining over the green, November 25 2023. Photo Courtesy: Kylie Posey

Tis the Season to Shine in Milford!

Aubrey Holthaus and Zahra Chopra | December 11, 2024

As autumn slowly fades into winter, color and lights gradually emerge from the cold. Milford homes and businesses are decorated with holiday colors and lights, adding a festive glow to the festive season. Lights and people crowd the streets, excited for the celebrations to start. Neighborhoods and local...

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Homes for the Brave: The logo of the Homes for the Brave organization, December 7 2024. Photo Courtesy: Homes for the Brave

Homes For the Brave

A Glimpse Into Rho Kappa’s Fundraiser
Katie Vitaletti and Rosina Smith | December 10, 2024

Food, clothing, toiletries, and linens have all been collected in the month of November to support homeless veterans who have served the country bravely. Rho Kappa, Foran’s Social Studies Honors Society, has set up drop-off boxes in every English and Social Studies classroom to gather donations for...

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