Recap of the Event:
Down in the city of New Orleans on January 2nd, there was an accident involving a man driving a pickup truck. The morning of the event there were people crowding Bourbon Street down in the parts of Louisiana. Unaware of what would unfortunately happen later that night.
There are many activities that surround that road, which is why it was labeled a targeted spot. Many people go down to the restaurants and bars to dine or drink with others, this area is always filled with life and pretty strung lights at night. This is also why it is a favorite tourist spot, the lights and the theme of the places are complementary to the environment surrounding it.
During the time of 3:15 in the morning a Ford pickup truck came crashing down onto the sidewalks and into people, ignoring their presence to move out of the way. This was a terrorist attack. The first of this year and the first in a long time.
The driver had earlier planted at least two improvised explosive devices (IEDs) in the area. They were noted to not end up going off, but were still present down the street. There were a total of 15 killed, with 30 and more injured.

Taking A Stand:
After this event had occurred, many outside of the area took notice. People planning to come down to spend their vacation or free time, now putting thought into cancelling those plans for the fear of their safety. Tourists wonder about how they can manage going and how they can keep themselves safe.
Locals began answering questions for up-coming tourists on a group on Facebook. Helping them understand that it is worse if they cancel or don’t show because of this tragic event.
Many asked if they should consider still visiting, with an anonymous comment saying, “…We had a trip planned for the weekend (Jan 3-5). I was curious if we should still come?” and with many responding back mentioning, “Go! Hate will not win!” and another saying “Please do!!!! Our city runs on the tourist industry. We need to keep moving forward, we want you to come and enjoy yourselves.” These comments make a positive impact on the community’s visits and travels.
New Orleans seems to have a very strong community. Continuing to spread happiness and strong loving messages for families who are suffering from such a loss.