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the mane street mirror

a forum for student opinion

the mane street mirror

a forum for student opinion

the mane street mirror

Foran Lions Give Back to the Youth

Foran Lions Give Back to the Youth

March 19, 2019

Juanito Briones Staff Writer With the emergence of accessible technology to almost everyone, reading is as important of an issue as any. With so many technological distractions lie social media, messaging, and virtual games, it’s no surprise that traditional reading is slowly fading away....

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If 5G signals can effectively find a way to penetrate naturally occurring objects like rain and trees along with man made buildings and materials, it can unlock the fastest speeds of wireless connectivity we know of to date.

Forefront of Technology: 5G

March 12, 2019

David Lin Staff Writer As technology is approaching the fifth generation of wireless connectivity, it is time to take a look back at past technologies that have led to such impressive technological strides. In the first generation of wireless connectivity, a set of analog communication standards...

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Winter Wrap Up

March 12, 2019

Abbie Mitchell Staff Writer This past winter, Milford experienced a very small amount of snow with freezing temperatures continuing to this day. With winter’s first day beginning on December 21 and ending on March 20, that leaves a lot of time for temperatures to fluctuate and drop. As all...

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Cars in the Foran High School parking lot during the snow.

New drivers take on a challenge; The snow

March 1, 2019

Becca Palermo Staff writer Many new drivers are taking on the challenges of driving in the snow during this season. Junior at Foran, Emily Wheaton who has just recently gotten her license and has already had a scare, “I slid on a puddle of black ice and luckily I caught myself”. She went...

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all the departments in the elective fair including, family and consumer science, journalism, music, business, yearbook, and the technology department. 
Photo courtesy of Mane Street Mirror Staff

Electives Show Multiple Fields

February 28, 2019

Kayla Jurzyk Staff Writer Every year Foran organizes a fair for the school to display posters and videos to demonstrate a wide variety of classes to take for the upcoming school year. These electives are extracurricular classes you can take based on your own interests rather than requirements....

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The latest inductees of the Foran National Honors Society sitting during the ceremony. Each student had to complete the rigorous entrance process.

National Honor Society: The Helping Hands and Minds of Foran High School

February 28, 2019

Corina Massey Staff Writer The National Honor Society is a nationwide chapter that focuses on leadership, scholarship, service, and character. As of January 3, 2019, the newest inductees joined the Foran chapter of the National Honor Society, expanding the group to 43 members. The application...

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Picture of a Juul vaping device (courtesy of

FDA cracking down on Juul company

January 10, 2019

Shawn Gaul Staff writer Bad news for Juul users, the FDA has been investigating their target market of young teens. With flavors such as mango, cucumber, fruit melody, and crème brûlée it has you wondering, is the Juul the alternative for adult smokers or a gateway for teen nicotine addiction? Ever...

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Photo taken by A.Grigorjeva. Driving in the snow can be challenging, especially for new drivers. Stay safe!

Getting Ready for the Snow

January 10, 2019

Deanna Dempsey Staff Writer Snow season and getting prepared to deal with tons of snow can be challenging and overwhelming. There are a lot of things to start doing while winter approaches. Let’s start with your car. In your car you should have a windshield scraper as this will help get snow...

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Cryptocurrency- will it make or break our government

Cryptocurrency- will it make or break our government

January 10, 2019

Isabel Messore Staff Writer Cryptocurrencies have become a global phenomenon known by most people. The virtual currency has sparked controversy for a national debate. Should there be limitations? How would it be regulated? Could cryptocurrencies take over the use of physical money? These are questions...

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Cultural Genocide How China is hiding the cleansing of Uyghur Muslims

January 4, 2019

Sofia Nazeer Uighur Muslims protesting in the street (source: The Independent) Staff Writer In the past year and a half, Chinese authorities  have arrested at least 800,000 and possibly more than two million Uighurs. The Uyghur Muslims are a minority ethnic group living in Central...

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Students at Foran HS enjoy the new hot chocolate machine. Photo courtesy of Ciara DeMott. December 2018.

Hot! Hot! Hot! Foran HS Introduces Hot Chocolate

January 3, 2019

Ciara DeMott Staff Writer Joseph A. Foran High School welcomes the introduction of Hot Chocolate Milk to their breakfast menu. Currently offered as a free addition to a combo breakfast meal, the Food Services Staff states that it has been a big hit. The new hot chocolate...

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The teachers and paraprofessionals at Foran who helped bring the party together pose in the middle of the fun for a group photo. Photo courtesy of Anna Jani.

Celebrating Ugly Sweaters: A Party for All

December 21, 2018

Anna Jani Editor To celebrate the end of 2018 and various holidays approaching at the end of December, the special education department at Foran planned and threw an ugly sweater holiday party where anyone who wanted to participate was welcome to join. The party took place during Common...

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