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a forum for student opinion

the mane street mirror

a forum for student opinion

the mane street mirror

Scans show vaping can block your lungs with solidified oil. Photo courtesy of

Growing Vaping Epidemic Leads to Illness

October 14, 2019

Maddie DeBiase & Sarah Casey Staff Writers The vaping epidemic has reportedly led to at least 1,300 teens being hospitalized across 49 US states and the US Virgin Islands, according to an article by the Washington Post. Teens are not only being hospitalized but they’re dying. Twenty-One teens...

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Senior Hannah Turner and her family spending time by the Christmas tree this holiday season.

“Family is Forever”

January 4, 2019

The importance of spending time with family around the holidays Abby Licata Staff Writer      As the holiday season comes around, most families come together and spend quality time with each other. Many students from Foran High School and their families catch up...

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The new iphone- photo courtesy

What’s New in Tech: New iPhones Become a Popular Gift

December 11, 2018

Ava Haig Co- Editor in Chief       As the holiday approaches, people begin to look for the hottest gifts. Apple has prepared for this mass of consumers, creating new technologies that appeal to the general public. The recent release of the iPhone XS, XS Max, and XR has put the iPhone at...

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Reporter on the street- Seniors Face College Stress

December 1, 2017

  In a time of stress and forms and applications, stress is at an all time high. However, many teens underestimate the effects of their stress.  It is crucial to stay positive and focus on what you are excited for. Ethan Skuches , a senior, says the most stressful thing right now is, “ Waiting...

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Foran Alumnus- From a LionTransition to a Yale Bulldog- Cedrick Lingane

March 1, 2017

It is said that the key to success is hard work and determination and Cedrick Lingane is nothing short of a hard worker and determined individual.  Lingane graduated Foran High School in 2016 and as his high school career came to an end he looked toward a future that was located not too far away,...

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Mr Williams: Teacher Spotlight

December 1, 2016

  Mr. Williams teaching his AP Psychology class period five.  Maddie Buckley Staff Writer There’s no question that Foran is home to some of the most caring and invested teachers. One teacher in particular that is making an impact on his students is Mr. Williams. Williams, an Ohio native,...

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Digging Into DiGiacomo: What To Know

December 1, 2016

Alyssa Fameli Staff Writer From being a volunteer EMT to a Rape Crisis Counselor to even having a degree in lighting, there’s a lot about Mrs. DiGiacomo that we do not know. As a nine year member in the social studies department at Foran, DiGiacomo teaches Modern World History, Survey 20 Century...

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Kyle’s Korner – Preparing For College

October 19, 2016

Kyle Cohen Editorial Editor It’s that special time of year again, seniors: It is the beginning of the end, and many of us are applying to colleges and are preparing to leave Foran for good. But many question, “how can we do well and prepare ourselves properly to get into the colleges we want to...

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What’s Appening – Pokémon Go

October 19, 2016

Shannon Flynn Editor Pokémon Go, an interactive Pokémon based iPhone and Android game was without a doubt the app of the summer. The game was released this summer on July seventh and uses a device’s GPS system to create a virtual Pokémon world for players that they can access from their iPhones....

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5 things to Know about Ms. Basher

October 6, 2016

Krya Angileri staff writer Ms. Basher has always been a prominent and integral role in the guidance department. With hard work and dedication, Ms. Basher has helped students with schedules, classes, and the college application process. Ms. Basher says that, “helping students achieve their dreams”...

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Cedrick Finishes Strong as a Lion, Looks to Fulfill as a Yale Bulldog

Cedrick Finishes Strong as a Lion, Looks to Fulfill as a Yale Bulldog

May 27, 2016

Reilee Barron                 Staff Writer                 Senior Cedrick Lingane, an active member of the Foran High Community, is in the spotlight this month.                 Cedrick is a very successful teenager in more ways than one. He takes his schooling...

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What’s In Your iPhone? Popular Apps Around Foran

March 24, 2016

Madison Whitaker Staff Writer The most popular iPhone apps at Foran are Instagram, Snapchat and Facebook. Some people have different apps that few people have even heard of before. Senior Olivia Hayes says, “I have so many apps, but my favorites that I always use on a daily basis are Skype,

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