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a forum for student opinion

the mane street mirror

a forum for student opinion

the mane street mirror

What Started It All: The first of twelve books in the Invincible comic book series.  Photo courtesy: Connor Nieman, May 6, 2021.

Why Teens Need to Watch Amazon Prime’s “Invincible”

Connor Nieman | May 22, 2021

     Before it was announced in 2018 that it would become a TV series, Invincible was a comic book series consisting of 12 books written by Robert Kirkman. The comics were written between the years of 2003 and 2018, and the new 2021 Amazon Prime animated series brings back the familiar faces of superheroes...

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Mortal Kombat (2021):  Theatrical poster release for the new reboot of the Mortal Kombat movie franchise. (Photo courtesy: Official Warner Bros Pictures website).

Mortal Kombat (2021): Movie Review

A Bloody and Gory Flawless Victory
Daniel Abate and Renzo Silva | May 21, 2021

     Mortal Kombat is one of the most anticipated movies of 2021 that was released in theaters and HBO Max. It is a martial arts film based on the popular video game franchise and a reboot of the movie series. It was distributed by Warner Bros Pictures and directed by Simon McQuid. The film's runtime...

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Static Era Records: The entrance to the record store owned by Jay Reason. Photo Credit: Rumeysa Bayram, May, 18, 2021.

A Growing Trend: Music on Vinyl

Julia Poffenberger and Rumeysa Bayram | May 19, 2021

     There are many ways to listen to music, including CDs, digital downloads, and online playlists. Recent developments of technology have made listening to music much simpler. Apps such as Spotify, Apple Music, and Youtube are easy platforms where one can access music of all types to stream and...

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Promotional Art for Godzilla vs Kong of the two iconic monsters clashing it out. 
Photo Courtesy: official Warner Bros pictures website

New Movie Release: Godzilla vs Kong

Renzo Silva and Julianne Yasona | March 31, 2021

     Godzilla vs Kong is a Sci-fi/action film about two legendary monsters; Godzilla, a lizard-like creature who has the ability to have atomic fire breath vs the giant-sized gorilla, Kong. They clash in this never before seen epic battle as humanity looks to wipe out these creatures from existence.  ...

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Sleeping Beauty : 1 year old Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Obi taking a rest in the sun with his toy. Photo Courtesy Sam Cogan. March 10th 2021

New Puppies Bring New Life

Ben Cogan and Sam Cogan | March 30, 2021

     With a lot more time at home and not many things to do, the world has turned to new companions in the form of puppies to fill the void.      Puppies have always been a household favorite for new pets; however, only recently have households across the world seen a spike in the amount of...

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Light Celebration in Malaysia: The Kek Lok Si Display of Lights in Malaysia during the 2020 Chinese New Year. Photo courtesy: Patrick Tanch, January 20, 2020.

Celebrating the Lunar New Year

Kathleen Chang and Seraiah LaPorte | February 12, 2021

     New Year celebrations have yet to conclude around the world, where those who follow the lunisolar calendar will welcome a new year during the beginning of February. According to the present calendar cycle this year, the Lunar New Year falls on February 12 and will be celebrated by millions worldwide...

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Streaming Services Are Beginning To Make Theaters Obsolete: HBO Max, first major streaming service to stream new movies directly on their platform alongside theaters.

Streaming Services are Beginning to Make Theaters Obsolete

James Allen, Staff Writer | February 4, 2021

     Warner Brothers has stated that starting in 2021 all their movies will release to theatres and HBOMax to be streamed for free by HBOMax subscription holders. This includes their own projects and projects they invest in such as DC’s superhero franchise.       Wonder Woman 1984 was the...

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Senior Brittany Soriano holding a flower she’d found while enjoying her spring walk in April 2020.

The Start of Groundhog Day

Phoebe, in CT, declares 6 more weeks of Winter
Caitlin Ardito, Staff Writer | February 2, 2021

     Dating back to February 2, 1887 the first ever Groundhog Day was celebrated in Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania. Every year on the second of February, people all around America wait to see if Punxsuraweny Phil sees his shadow or not.      Groundhog Day seems to be one of the top odd traditions...

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Furry Friend: Mrs. Newall’s golden retriever named Bastian posing for a picture. Photo Courtesy: Mrs. Newall, January 27, 2020

Fun-Filled February

Starting the New Year Off with Plenty to Celebrate
Kaitlyn Dalby, Staff Writer | February 2, 2021

     February is the shortest month of the year with few known holidays to celebrate. But, there are in fact fun, small holidays you can celebrate with friends that many people may not consider. These holidays or even events help make each day a little more exciting.       This first holiday...

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Winter Wonderland: A frozen pond near downtown Milford, which may be skateable if cold weather continues.
Photo Courtesy: Katharine Harrison, January 2020

Freezing Fun: Skating Outdoors

Katharine Harrison, Staff Writer | February 1, 2021

     Got the cold-weather blues? ‘Snow problem. With winter upon us, temperatures are rapidly dropping. However, a decrease in temperature does not mean a decrease in fun. The frosty air brings with it the chance to skate on Milford, Connecticut’s duck ponds. The duck pond on North Street and...

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Joey Honcz on the right and his cousin Ben on the left, in their last shave for St.Baldrick’s in 2019. Photo Courtesy of Christina Honcz. December 18, 2020.

Childhood Cancer Awareness

Makenzie Wisniewski, Staff Writer | January 29, 2021

     Cancer is among the top killers worldwide. Millions of people battle and fight for their lives. The agony cancer has on both the person suffering, and their families is heartbreaking.        Ryan Profetto, registered nurse(RN) says, "A lot of people don't know that cancer is the leading...

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Uber Eats at a Subway Restaurant. Photo courtesy: Creative Commons, June 19, 2020.

The Rise of the Online Food Delivery

Yusuf Abdelsalam, Staff Writers | January 29, 2021

     Let’s say that you’re hungry for lunch but do not really have time to make something for yourself. Pull an app on your phone and you have many options for food that you can deliver online.The industry has grown exponentially since the start of the pandemic and has become many people’s primary...

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