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the mane street mirror

a forum for student opinion

the mane street mirror

a forum for student opinion

the mane street mirror

Photo of the books cover.

New Exciting Thriller Novel: Long Way Down by Jason Reynolds

Daniel Abate, Staff Writer | May 7, 2020

       Long Way Down is a contemporary fiction novel written by Jason Reynolds. The novel follows the fifteen-year-old character Will as he tells the story of  how his brother Shawn was killed and how that impacted his life. Someone shot Shawn while he was on the way back from the store. Afterward,...

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One of the many protesters at a rally in Austin, Texas claiming people’s rights are being restricted by having to wear a mask. Photo courtesy of Sergio Flores/Getty Images.

What Grinds my Gears?

Ben Grunow, Staff Writer | May 6, 2020

       You know what grinds my gears? People’s inability to social distance and follow the guidelines of this quarantine.         This COVD-19 outbreak has been classified as a pandemic and has infected over 3 million people globally. That being said, the US is one of the countries worst...

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 Senior Bridget Collins after the draw in the Notre Dame vs Foran lacrosse game. 
	Taken on March 30, 2019, by Christopher DeMott.

The 2020 Future of Connecticut Spring Sports

Makenzie Wisniewski | May 1, 2020

Tatyanna Bun Makenzie Wisniewski Seraiah Laporte Staff Writers       Covid-19 has impacted daily routines like high school sports. As of right now Connecticut spring sports have not been canceled but have been postponed until further notice. Many athletes do not know when they’ll be...

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Junior, Todd Harris, enjoying quality time with his family at home, during quarantine last Friday.

Bettering Yourself During Hard Times

How quarantine helps focus on yourself more
Caitlin Ardito and Melina Robotis | May 1, 2020

      Quarantine is a perfect time to start focusing on yourself more and learn new things about yourself as a person. With all the free time we have, there are many opportunities to explore for and about oneself.There are many self-care routines to take upon and discover.        Senior at...

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Productivity in a Time of Uncertainty

Productivity in a Time of Uncertainty

Malcolm Chavez and Abby Woodward | May 1, 2020

Abby Woodward Malcolm Chavez Staff Writers         Keeping productive when it is so easy to slack off and form lazy habits is very important, especially in a time with so many unknowns. During a global pandemic where everyone is required to practice new normals such as social distancing...

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Homepage of the Milford High Schools Vibe Room

Emotional Wellness Options for Students: Distance Learning

Isabel Messore, staff writer | April 30, 2020

Isabel Messore Staff Writer & Editor         During such a calamity, it’s unreasonable to expect all students to have the same reactions. While some may find it relaxing to take some time out of the classroom, others may be under an immense amount of stress involving the present...

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“This is an astrological chart of one person, showing their zodiac signs for all of the relevant planets and positions in the starry skies. The rising sign, often deemed as the most influential sign on a person, is shown here in the Placidus table as “1 ASC.” Photo courtesy of Kelly Kim and Anna Jani. Photo taken October 19, 2019.”

Cuffing From A Distance? Use Astrology!

April 17, 2020

Anna Jani Assistant-Editor-in-Chief       There is no doubt that the current COVID-19 pandemic has had quite an impact on the social lives of people across the globe. Self-quarantine at home for many of us and social distancing has left us at the mercy of our modern technology to stay connected...

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Inspirational quote for tough times. Photo courtesy @buddhadoodles on Instagram

How to Stay Positive During Times of Uncertainty

Emily Jankura and Mary Grace Weissauer | April 17, 2020

        As many lives have been forced to change and isolation has become the new normal for everyone, it develops a challenge to stay positive. The scary news updates and unclear answers about what may happen in the future can cause panic within people’s minds. But by staying positive and having...

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Photo courtesy, The College Board is providing students with YouTube live streams, by certified AP teachers, to prepare for the new tests and go over content.

Perspectives on the Sudden and Drastic Change of AP Tests : Coronavirus 2019 Pandemic

Kensye Cocchia, Staff Writer | April 3, 2020

Kensye Cocchia Staff Writer       There is currently a lot of uncertainty in the United States and globally due to the coronavirus, also known as COVID19. Due to the prohibiting of students attending school as part of the government’s attempt to slow the spread of the infectious disease, AP...

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A FOREVER FAMILY There have been many positive memories over the last 4 years. The pandemic of the coronavirus has impacted everyone in some shape or form. Pictured are the senior girls at the senior sunrise before the first day of school. Photo Courtesy: Corina Massey.

LIVING THROUGH THE UNKNOWN: Being a senior during COVID-19

March 26, 2020

                      Corina Massey Editor       The coronavirus or COVID-19 has hit the United States by storm. According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC), as of March 25, 2020, 54,453 people had been diagnosed...

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 Only a portion of some of the people who have been considered “canceled” (Photo courtesy of

Is it Time to End “Cancel-Culture”?

Nick Porrello, Staff Writer | February 7, 2020

       For the past few years, there has been nothing that has caused a bigger stir among celebrity culture than that of “cancel-culture.” The idea of cancel-culture is to bring to light the wrong-doings of celebrity figures, some who may or may not be in a position of power,and shame them for...

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Plant-based section at the local supermarket showing many options that can replace traditional meat.

Being Vegan In The Modern World

A Diet, or A Lifestyle?
Nicole Jones, Staff Writer | February 7, 2020

        “You’re vegan?” Followed by a very confused look is the reality vegans face in today's society. The term vegan is similar to a foreign language for some people but it is on the come up in today's media.           Many people assume that vegans are only restricted to salads,...

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